toDate = (timestamp)-> return timestamp if _.isDate(timestamp) new Date(timestamp) Handlebars.registerHelper 'formatDuration', (seconds)-> if seconds < Duration.HOUR minutes = Math.floor(seconds / Duration.MINUTE) unit = if minutes == 1 then 'minute' else 'minutes' "#{minutes} #{unit}" else if seconds < Duration.DAY hours = Math.floor(seconds / Duration.HOUR) unit = if hours == 1 then 'hour' else 'hours' "#{hours} #{unit}" else days = Math.floor(seconds / Duration.DAY) unit = if days == 1 then 'day' else 'days' "#{days} #{unit}" Handlebars.registerHelper 'formatDate', (timestamp)-> format = d3.time.format('%a %b %-d') format toDate(timestamp) Handlebars.registerHelper 'formatDateWithYear', (timestamp)-> return "" unless timestamp format = d3.time.format('%b %-d %Y') format toDate(timestamp) Handlebars.registerHelper 'formatDateWithYear2', (timestamp)-> return "" unless timestamp format = d3.time.format('%b %-d, %Y') format toDate(timestamp) Handlebars.registerHelper 'formatTime', (timestamp)-> format = d3.time.format('%a %b %-d, %Y %-I:%M%p') format toDate(timestamp) .replace(/[AP]M/, (str)-> str.toLowerCase()[0]) Handlebars.registerHelper 'formatTimeAgo', (timestamp)-> $.timeago toDate(timestamp) Handlebars.registerHelper 'markdown', (markdown)-> App.mdown(markdown) Handlebars.registerHelper 'emojify', (string)-> App.emojify(string) Handlebars.registerHelper 'classForAge', (seconds)-> if seconds < (6 * Duration.HOUR) 'infant' else if seconds < (2 * Duration.DAY) 'child' else if seconds < (7 * Duration.DAY) 'adult' else if seconds < (4 * Duration.WEEK) 'senior' else if seconds < (26 * Duration.WEEK) 'old' else 'ancient' Handlebars.registerHelper 'radioButton', (object, id, name, value, selectedValue)-> id = "#{object}_#{id}_#{name}_#{value}" input = "" Handlebars.registerHelper 'formatTicketSummary', (message)-> App.formatTicketSummary(message) Handlebars.registerHelper 'linkToCommit', (commit)-> sha = commit.sha[0...8] if commit.linkTo "#{sha}" else sha Handlebars.registerHelper 'testerAvatar', (email, size, title)-> tester = window.testers.findByEmail(email) gravatarUrl = "//{MD5(email.toLowerCase().trim())}?r=g&d=retro&s=#{size * 2}" "" Handlebars.registerHelper 'userAvatar', (size)-> user = window.user gravatarUrl = "//{MD5(user.get('email').toLowerCase().trim())}?r=g&d=retro&s=#{size * 2}" "" Handlebars.registerHelper 'avatar', (email, size, title)-> return "" unless email gravatarUrl = "//{MD5(email.toLowerCase().trim())}?r=g&d=retro&s=#{size * 2}" if title "" else "" Handlebars.registerHelper 'ifEq', (v1, v2, block)-> if v1 == v2 block.fn(@) else block.inverse(@) Handlebars.registerHelper 'summarizeAntecedents', (antecedents)-> html = '' for kind, antecedents of _.groupBy(antecedents, (antecedent)-> antecedent.kind) html += "#{kind} #{antecedents.length}" html Handlebars.registerPartial 'sprintTask', (task)-> HandlebarsTemplates['sprints/task'](task) Handlebars.registerHelper 'timelineDateRange', (lastDate, date)-> return Handlebars.helpers.timelineDate(date) unless lastDate days = (lastDate - date) / Duration.DAY return Handlebars.helpers.timelineDateAfterGap(date) if days >= 3 _.inject [0...days], ((html, i)-> html + Handlebars.helpers.timelineDate((i + 1).days().before(lastDate))) , '' Handlebars.registerHelper 'timelineDate', (date)-> format = d3.time.format """
%a %b %-d %Y
""" format toDate(date) Handlebars.registerHelper 'timelineTime', (time)-> format = d3.time.format('%-I:%M%p') format toDate(time) .replace(/[AP]M/, (str)-> str.toLowerCase()[0]) Handlebars.registerHelper 'timelineDateAfterGap', (date)-> '
' + Handlebars.helpers.timelineDate(date) Handlebars.registerHelper 'timeline', (events, options)-> lastDate = null events ?= [] if events.length > 0 html = '
' for event in events date = App.truncateDate(toDate( || event.time)) html += Handlebars.helpers.timelineDateRange(lastDate, date) html += options.fn(event) lastDate = date html += '
' html Handlebars.registerHelper 'renderTaskWorker', (task)-> if task.checkedOutByMe and !task.historical and '' else if task.checkedOutBy Handlebars.helpers.avatar(, 24, task.checkedOutBy.firstName) + " #{task.checkedOutBy.firstName}" else if '' Handlebars.registerHelper 'renderTaskStatus', (task)-> if task.released ' Released' else if task.committed ' Committed' else if task.completed if task.historical then 'Completed' else ' Completed' else if task.historical then 'Open' else ' Open'