# encoding: utf-8 module RailsBestPractices module Reviews # Review a controller file to make sure to use before_filter to remove duplicated first code # line_number in different action. # # See the best practice detailed here https://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/2010/07/24/use-before_filter/ # # Implementation: # # Review process: # check all first code line_number in method definitions (actions), # if they are duplicated, then they should be moved to before_filter. class UseBeforeFilterReview < Review interesting_nodes :class interesting_files CONTROLLER_FILES url "https://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/2010/07/24/use-before_filter/" def initialize(options = {}) super() @customize_count = options['customize_count'] || 2 end # check class define node to see if there are method define nodes whose first code line_number are duplicated. # # it will check every def nodes in the class node until protected or private identification, # if there are defn nodes who have the same first code line_number, # then these duplicated first code line_numbers should be moved to before_filter. add_callback :start_class do |node| @first_sentences = {} node.body.statements.each do |statement_node| var_ref_or_vcall_included = [:var_ref, :vcall].include?(statement_node.sexp_type) private_or_protected_included = ["protected", "private"].include?(statement_node.to_s) break if var_ref_or_vcall_included && private_or_protected_included remember_first_sentence(statement_node) if :def == statement_node.sexp_type end @first_sentences.each do |first_sentence, def_nodes| if def_nodes.size > @customize_count add_error "use before_filter for #{def_nodes.map { |node| node.method_name.to_s }.join(',')}", node.file, def_nodes.map(&:line_number).join(',') end end end private # check method define node, and remember the first sentence. def remember_first_sentence(node) first_sentence = node.body.statements.first return unless first_sentence first_sentence = first_sentence.remove_line_and_column unless first_sentence == s(:nil) @first_sentences[first_sentence] ||= [] @first_sentences[first_sentence] << node end end end end end