describe 'up.form', -> u = up.util describe 'Javascript functions', -> describe 'up.observe', -> beforeEach -> up.form.config.observeDelay = 0 changeEvents = if up.browser.canInputEvent() # Actually we only need `input`, but we want to notice # if another script manually triggers `change` on the element. ['input', 'change'] else # Actually we won't ever get `input` from the user in this browser, # but we want to notice if another script manually triggers `input` # on the element. ['input', 'change', 'keypress', 'paste', 'cut', 'click', 'propertychange'] describe 'when the first argument is a form field', -> u.each changeEvents, (eventName) -> describe "when the input receives a #{eventName} event", -> it "runs the callback if the value changed", (done) -> $input = affix('input[value="old-value"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($input, callback) $input.val('new-value') u.times 2, -> $input.trigger(eventName) u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith('new-value', $input) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) done() it "does not run the callback if the value didn't change", (done) -> $input = affix('input[value="old-value"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($input, callback) $input.trigger(eventName) u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() done() it 'debounces the callback when the { delay } option is given', (done) -> $input = affix('input[value="old-value"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($input, { delay: 100 }, callback) $input.val('new-value-1') $input.trigger(eventName) u.setTimer 50, -> # 50 ms after change 1: We're still waiting for the 100ms delay to expire expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(0) u.setTimer 100, -> # 150 ms after change 1: The 100ms delay has expired expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) expect(callback.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual('new-value-1') $input.val('new-value-2') $input.trigger(eventName) u.setTimer 40, -> # 40 ms after change 2: We change again, resetting the delay expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) $input.val('new-value-3') $input.trigger(eventName) u.setTimer 85, -> # 125 ms after change 2, which was superseded by change 3 # 85 ms after change 3 expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) u.setTimer 65, -> # 190 ms after change 2, which was superseded by change 3 # 150 ms after change 3 expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(2) expect(callback.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual('new-value-3') done() it 'delays a callback if a previous async callback is taking long to execute', (done) -> $input = affix('input[value="old-value"]') callbackCount = 0 callback = -> callbackCount += 1 u.promiseTimer(100) up.observe($input, { delay: 1 }, callback) $input.val('new-value-1') $input.trigger(eventName) u.setTimer 30, -> # Callback has been called and takes 100 ms to complete expect(callbackCount).toEqual(1) $input.val('new-value-2') $input.trigger(eventName) u.setTimer 30, -> # Second callback is triggerd, but waits for first callback to complete expect(callbackCount).toEqual(1) u.setTimer 100, -> expect(callbackCount).toEqual(2) done() it 'does not run multiple callbacks if a long-running callback has been blocking multiple subsequent callbacks' it "runs a callback in the same frame if the delay is 0", -> $input = affix('input[value="old-value"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($input, { delay: 0 }, callback) $input.val('new-value') $input.trigger(eventName) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) it "runs multiple callbacks in the same frame if the delay is 0", -> $input = affix('input[value="old-value"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($input, { delay: 0 }, callback) $input.val('new-value') $input.trigger(eventName) $input.val('yet-another-value') $input.trigger(eventName) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(2) describe 'when the first argument is a checkbox', -> it 'runs the callback when the checkbox changes its checked state', (done) -> $form = affix('form') $checkbox = $form.affix('input[type="checkbox"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($checkbox, callback) expect($':checked')).toBe(false) Trigger.clickSequence($checkbox) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(true) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) Trigger.clickSequence($checkbox) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(false) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(2) done() it 'runs the callback when the checkbox is toggled by clicking its label', (done) -> $form = affix('form') $checkbox = $form.affix('input#tick[type="checkbox"]') $label = $form.affix('label[for="tick"]').text('tick label') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($checkbox, callback) expect($':checked')).toBe(false) Trigger.clickSequence($label) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(true) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) Trigger.clickSequence($label) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(false) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(2) done() describe 'when the first argument is a radio button group', -> it 'runs the callback when the group changes its selection', (done) -> $form = affix('form') $radio1 = $form.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][value="1"]') $radio2 = $form.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][value="2"]') $group = $radio1.add($radio2) callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($group, callback) expect($':checked')).toBe(false) Trigger.clickSequence($radio1) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(true) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) Trigger.clickSequence($radio2) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(false) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(2) done() it "runs the callbacks when a radio button is selected or deselected by clicking a label in the group", (done) -> $form = affix('form') $radio1 = $form.affix('input#radio1[type="radio"][name="group"][value="1"]') $radio1Label = $form.affix('label[for="radio1"]').text('label 1') $radio2 = $form.affix('input#radio2[type="radio"][name="group"][value="2"]') $radio2Label = $form.affix('label[for="radio2"]').text('label 2') $group = $radio1.add($radio2) callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($group, callback) expect($':checked')).toBe(false) Trigger.clickSequence($radio1Label) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(true) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) Trigger.clickSequence($radio2Label) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(false) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(2) done() it "takes the group's initial selected value into account", (done) -> $form = affix('form') $radio1 = $form.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][value="1"][checked="checked"]') $radio2 = $form.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][value="2"]') $group = $radio1.add($radio2) callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($group, callback) expect($':checked')).toBe(true) expect($':checked')).toBe(false) Trigger.clickSequence($radio1) u.nextFrame -> # Since the radio button was already checked, the click doesn't do anything expect($':checked')).toBe(true) expect($':checked')).toBe(false) # Since the radio button was already checked, clicking it again won't trigger the callback expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(0) Trigger.clickSequence($radio2) u.nextFrame -> expect($':checked')).toBe(false) expect($':checked')).toBe(true) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) done() describe 'when the first argument is a form', -> u.each changeEvents, (eventName) -> describe "when any of the form's inputs receives a #{eventName} event", -> it "runs the callback if the value changed", (done) -> $form = affix('form') $input = $form.affix('input[value="old-value"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($form, callback) $input.val('new-value') u.times 2, -> $input.trigger(eventName) u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith('new-value', $input) expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) done() it "does not run the callback if the value didn't change", (done) -> $form = affix('form') $input = $form.affix('input[value="old-value"]') callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') up.observe($form, callback) $input.trigger(eventName) u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() done() # it 'runs the callback only once when a radio button group changes its selection', -> # $form = affix('form') # $radio1 = $form.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][value="1"][checked="checked"]') # $radio2 = $form.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][value="2"]') # callback = jasmine.createSpy('change callback') # up.observe($form, callback) # $radio2.get(0).click() # u.nextFrame -> # expect(callback.calls.count()).toEqual(1) describe 'up.submit', -> describeCapability 'canPushState', -> beforeEach -> @$form = affix('form[action="/path/to"][method="put"][up-target=".response"]') @$form.append('') @$form.append('') affix('.response').text('old-text') @promise = up.submit(@$form) @request = @lastRequest() it 'submits the given form and replaces the target with the response', -> expect(@request.url).toMatch /\/path\/to$/ expect(@request).toHaveRequestMethod('PUT') expect(['field1']).toEqual(['value1']) expect(['field2']).toEqual(['value2']) expect(@request.requestHeaders['X-Up-Target']).toEqual('.response') @respondWith """ text-before
text-after """ it "places the response into the form and doesn't update the browser URL if the submission returns a 5xx status code", -> up.submit(@$form) @respondWith status: 500 contentType: 'text/html' responseText: """ text-before
text-after """ expect(up.browser.url()).toEqual(@hrefBeforeExample) expect($('.response')).toHaveText('old-text') expect($('form')).toHaveText('error-messages') expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-before') expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-after') it 'respects X-Up-Method and X-Up-Location response headers so the server can show that it redirected to a GET URL', -> up.submit(@$form) @respondWith status: 200 contentType: 'text/html' responseHeaders: 'X-Up-Location': '/other-path' 'X-Up-Method': 'GET' responseText: """
""" expect(up.browser.url()).toEndWith('/other-path') describe 'with { history } option', -> it 'uses the given URL as the new browser location if the request succeeded', -> up.submit(@$form, history: '/given-path') @respondWith('
') expect(up.browser.url()).toEndWith('/given-path') it 'keeps the current browser location if the request failed', -> up.submit(@$form, history: '/given-path', failTarget: '.response') @respondWith('
', status: 500) expect(up.browser.url()).toEqual(@hrefBeforeExample) it 'keeps the current browser location if the option is set to false', -> up.submit(@$form, history: false) @respondWith('
') expect(up.browser.url()).toEqual(@hrefBeforeExample) describe 'in a form with file inputs', -> beforeEach -> @$form.affix('input[name="file-field"][type="file"]') describeCapability 'canFormData', -> it 'transfers the form fields via FormData', -> up.submit(@$form) data = @lastRequest().data() expect(u.isFormData(data)).toBe(true) describeFallback 'canFormData', -> it 'falls back to a vanilla form submission', -> form = @$form.get(0) spyOn(form, 'submit') up.submit(@$form) expect(form.submit).toHaveBeenCalled() describeFallback 'canPushState', -> it 'falls back to a vanilla form submission', -> $form = affix('form[action="/path/to"][method="put"][up-target=".response"]') form = $form.get(0) spyOn(form, 'submit') up.submit($form) expect(form.submit).toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'unobtrusive behavior', -> describe 'form[up-target]', -> it 'rigs the form to use up.submit instead of a standard submit' describe 'input[up-autosubmit]', -> it 'submits the form when a change is observed in the given form field', (done) -> $form = affix('form') $field = $form.affix('input[up-autosubmit][val="old-value"]') up.hello($field) submitSpy = up.form.knife.mock('submit').and.returnValue(u.unresolvablePromise()) $field.val('new-value') $field.trigger('change') u.nextFrame -> expect(submitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() done() it 'marks the field with an .up-active class while the form is submitting', (done) -> $form = affix('form') $field = $form.affix('input[up-autosubmit][val="old-value"]') up.hello($field) submission = $.Deferred() submitSpy = up.form.knife.mock('submit').and.returnValue(submission) $field.val('new-value') $field.trigger('change') u.nextFrame -> expect(submitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect($field).toHaveClass('up-active') submission.resolve() expect($field).not.toHaveClass('up-active') done() describe 'form[up-autosubmit]', -> it 'submits the form when a change is observed in any of its fields', (done) -> $form = affix('form[up-autosubmit]') $field = $form.affix('input[val="old-value"]') up.hello($form) submitSpy = up.form.knife.mock('submit').and.returnValue(u.unresolvablePromise()) $field.val('new-value') $field.trigger('change') u.nextFrame -> expect(submitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() done() describe '[up-observe]', -> afterEach -> window.observeCallbackSpy = undefined it 'runs the Javascript code in the attribute value when a change is observed in the field', (done) -> $form = affix('form') window.observeCallbackSpy = jasmine.createSpy('observe callback') $field = $form.affix('input[val="old-value"][up-observe="window.observeCallbackSpy(value, $field.get(0))"]') up.hello($form) $field.val('new-value') $field.trigger('change') u.nextFrame -> expect(window.observeCallbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('new-value', $field.get(0)) done() describe 'with [up-delay] modifier', -> it 'debounces the callback', (done) -> $form = affix('form') window.observeCallbackSpy = jasmine.createSpy('observe callback') $field = $form.affix('input[val="old-value"][up-observe="window.observeCallbackSpy()"][up-delay="50"]') up.hello($form) $field.val('new-value') $field.trigger('change') u.nextFrame -> expect(window.observeCallbackSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() u.setTimer 80, -> expect(window.observeCallbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() done() describe 'input[up-validate]', -> describe 'when a selector is given', -> it "submits the input's form with an 'X-Up-Validate' header and replaces the selector with the response", -> $form = affix('form[action="/path/to"]') $group = $("""
""").appendTo($form) $group.find('input').trigger('change') request = @lastRequest() expect(request.requestHeaders['X-Up-Validate']).toEqual('user') expect(request.requestHeaders['X-Up-Target']).toEqual(".field-group:has([name='user'])") @respondWith """
Username has already been taken
""" $group = $('.field-group') expect($group.length).toBe(1) expect($group).toHaveClass('has-error') expect($group).toHaveText('Username has already been taken') describe 'when no selector is given', -> it 'automatically finds a form group around the input field and only updates that', -> @appendFixture """
""" $('#registration input[name=password]').trigger('change') @respondWith """
""" $labels = $('#registration label') expect($labels[0]).not.toHaveText('Validation message') expect($labels[1]).toHaveText('Validation message') describe '[up-switch]', -> describe 'on a select', -> beforeEach -> @$select = affix('select[up-switch=".target"]') @$blankOption = @$select.affix('option').text('').val('') @$fooOption = @$select.affix('option[value="foo"]').text('Foo') @$barOption = @$select.affix('option[value="bar"]').text('Bar') @$bazOption = @$select.affix('option[value="baz"]').text('Baz') it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains the select value", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for="something bar other"]') up.hello(@$select) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$select.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-hide-for attribute doesn't contain the select value", -> $target = affix('.target[up-hide-for="something bar other"]') up.hello(@$select) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$select.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeHidden() it "shows the target element iff it has neither up-show-for nor up-hide-for and the select value is present", -> $target = affix('.target') up.hello(@$select) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$select.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':present' and the select value is present", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":present"]') up.hello(@$select) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$select.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':blank' and the select value is blank", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":blank"]') up.hello(@$select) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$select.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeHidden() describe 'on a checkbox', -> beforeEach -> @$checkbox = affix('input[type="checkbox"][value="1"][up-switch=".target"]') it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute is :checked and the checkbox is checked", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":checked"]') up.hello(@$checkbox) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$checkbox.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute is :unchecked and the checkbox is unchecked", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":unchecked"]') up.hello(@$checkbox) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$checkbox.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeHidden() it "shows the target element iff its up-hide-for attribute is :checked and the checkbox is unchecked", -> $target = affix('.target[up-hide-for=":checked"]') up.hello(@$checkbox) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$checkbox.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeHidden() it "shows the target element iff its up-hide-for attribute is :unchecked and the checkbox is checked", -> $target = affix('.target[up-hide-for=":unchecked"]') up.hello(@$checkbox) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$checkbox.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff it has neither up-show-for nor up-hide-for and the checkbox is checked", -> $target = affix('.target') up.hello(@$checkbox) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$checkbox.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() describe 'on a group of radio buttons', -> beforeEach -> @$buttons = affix('.radio-buttons') @$blankButton = @$buttons.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][up-switch=".target"]').val('') @$fooButton = @$buttons.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][up-switch=".target"]').val('foo') @$barButton = @$buttons.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][up-switch=".target"]').val('bar') @$bazkButton = @$buttons.affix('input[type="radio"][name="group"][up-switch=".target"]').val('baz') it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains the selected button value", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for="something bar other"]') up.hello(@$buttons) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$barButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-hide-for attribute doesn't contain the selected button value", -> $target = affix('.target[up-hide-for="something bar other"]') up.hello(@$buttons) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$barButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeHidden() it "shows the target element iff it has neither up-show-for nor up-hide-for and the selected button value is present", -> $target = affix('.target') up.hello(@$buttons) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$barButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':present' and the selected button value is present", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":present"]') up.hello(@$buttons) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$blankButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeHidden() @$barButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':blank' and the selected button value is blank", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":blank"]') up.hello(@$buttons) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$blankButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() @$barButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeHidden() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':checked' and any button is checked", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":checked"]') up.hello(@$buttons) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$blankButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':unchecked' and no button is checked", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":unchecked"]') up.hello(@$buttons) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$blankButton.prop('checked', true).change() expect($target).toBeHidden() describe 'on a text input', -> beforeEach -> @$textInput = affix('input[type="text"][up-switch=".target"]') it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains the input value", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for="something bar other"]') up.hello(@$textInput) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$textInput.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-hide-for attribute doesn't contain the input value", -> $target = affix('.target[up-hide-for="something bar other"]') up.hello(@$textInput) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$textInput.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeHidden() it "shows the target element iff it has neither up-show-for nor up-hide-for and the input value is present", -> $target = affix('.target') up.hello(@$textInput) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$textInput.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':present' and the input value is present", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":present"]') up.hello(@$textInput) expect($target).toBeHidden() @$textInput.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeVisible() it "shows the target element iff its up-show-for attribute contains a value ':blank' and the input value is blank", -> $target = affix('.target[up-show-for=":blank"]') up.hello(@$textInput) expect($target).toBeVisible() @$textInput.val('bar').change() expect($target).toBeHidden()