module Twilio module REST class Supersim < SupersimBase ## # @param [String] sid The unique string that we created to identify the eSIM # Profile resource. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::EsimProfileInstance] if sid was passed. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::EsimProfileList] def esim_profiles(sid=:unset) warn "esim_profiles is deprecated. Use v1.esim_profiles instead." self.v1.esim_profiles(sid) end ## # @param [String] sid The unique string that we created to identify the Fleet # resource. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::FleetInstance] if sid was passed. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::FleetList] def fleets(sid=:unset) warn "fleets is deprecated. Use v1.fleets instead." self.v1.fleets(sid) end ## # @param [String] sid The unique string that we created to identify the IP Command # resource. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::IpCommandInstance] if sid was passed. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::IpCommandList] def ip_commands(sid=:unset) warn "ip_commands is deprecated. Use v1.ip_commands instead." self.v1.ip_commands(sid) end ## # @param [String] sid The unique string that we created to identify the Network # resource. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::NetworkInstance] if sid was passed. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::NetworkList] def networks(sid=:unset) warn "networks is deprecated. Use v1.networks instead." self.v1.networks(sid) end ## # @param [String] sid The unique string that identifies the Network Access Profile # resource. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::NetworkAccessProfileInstance] if sid was passed. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::NetworkAccessProfileList] def network_access_profiles(sid=:unset) warn "network_access_profiles is deprecated. Use v1.network_access_profiles instead." self.v1.network_access_profiles(sid) end ## # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::SettingsUpdateInstance] def settings_updates warn "settings_updates is deprecated. Use v1.settings_updates instead." self.v1.settings_updates() end ## # @param [String] sid The unique string that identifies the Sim resource. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::SimInstance] if sid was passed. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::SimList] def sims(sid=:unset) warn "sims is deprecated. Use v1.sims instead." self.v1.sims(sid) end ## # @param [String] sid The unique string that we created to identify the SMS # Command resource. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::SmsCommandInstance] if sid was passed. # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::SmsCommandList] def sms_commands(sid=:unset) warn "sms_commands is deprecated. Use v1.sms_commands instead." self.v1.sms_commands(sid) end ## # @return [Twilio::REST::Supersim::V1::UsageRecordInstance] def usage_records warn "usage_records is deprecated. Use v1.usage_records instead." self.v1.usage_records() end end end end