require: "parse_error" class Fancy { class Parser { SelectorVarDefault ='selector, 'variable, 'default) SelectorValue = Struct new('selector, 'value) def self parse_file: filename line: line (1) { new: filename line: line . parse_file . script } def self parse_code: code file: filename line: line (1) { new: filename line: line . parse_string: code . script } read_write_slots: ['filename, 'line, 'script] def initialize: @filename line: @line { } def body: body { @script = AST Script new: @line file: @filename body: body } def ast: line exp_list: expr into: list (AST ExpressionList new: line) { { list expressions << expr } if: expr list } def ast: line identity: identity { identity } def ast: line concat: object into: ary ([]) { if: (object kind_of?(Array)) then: { ary concat(object) } else: { { ary << object } if: object } ary } def ast: line key: key value: value into: ary { ary if_nil: { ary = [] } ary << key ary << value ary } def ast: line fixnum: text base: base (10) { AST FixnumLiteral new: line value: (text to_i(base)) } def ast: line number: text base: base (10) { AST NumberLiteral new: line value: (text to_f()) } def ast: line symbol: text { str = text from: 1 to: -1 AST SymbolLiteral new: line value: (str to_sym()) } def ast: line regexp: text { regexp = text from: 1 to: -2 AST RegexpLiteral new: line value: regexp } def ast: line string: text { str = text from: 1 to: -2 match str { # OK, I know this is ugly. But it works for now, so let's just go with it. # TODO: Clean this up or make it simpler... # this case handles string interpolation case /(.*)#{(.*)}(.*)/ -> |matches| prefix = matches[1] interpol_str = matches[2] suffix = matches[3] binding = AST MessageSend new: line message: (ast: line identifier: "binding") to: (AST Self new: line) args: (AST RubyArgs new: line args: []) evalstr = AST StringLiteral new: line value: interpol_str msg = ast: line identifier: "eval:binding:" binding_send = AST MessageSend new: line message: msg to: (ast: line identifier: "Fancy") \ args: (AST MessageArgs new: line args: [evalstr, binding]) prefix_str = ast: line string: (" " + prefix + " ") # hack, pre- & append " " since it gets removed suffix_str = ast: line string: (" " + suffix + " ") # create messagesend to concatenate: concat_ident = ast: line identifier: "++" concat_prefix_send = AST MessageSend new: line message: concat_ident to: prefix_str args: (AST MessageArgs new: line args: [binding_send]) concat_suffix_send = AST MessageSend new: line message: concat_ident to: concat_prefix_send args: (AST MessageArgs new: line args: [suffix_str]) concat_suffix_send # this shall get returned, yo case _ -> AST StringLiteral new: line value: str } } def ast: line multi_line_string: string { ast: line string: (string from: 2 to: -3) } def ast: line backtick: backtick_string { str = ast: line string: backtick_string selector = (ast: line identifier: "backtick:") args = AST MessageArgs new: line args: [str] AST MessageSend new: line message: selector to: (AST Self new: line) args: args } def ast: line array: expr_ary { AST ArrayLiteral new: line array: expr_ary } def ast: line hash: key_values { AST HashLiteral new: line entries: key_values } def ast: line tuple: expr_ary { if: (expr_ary size == 1) then: { expr_ary first } else: { AST TupleLiteral new: line entries: expr_ary } } def ast: line range: from to: to { AST RangeLiteral new: line from: from to: to } def ast: line identifier: text { AST Identifier from: text line: line filename: @filename } def ast: line constant: identifier parent: parent { AST NestedConstant new: line const: identifier parent: parent } def ast: line super_exp: text { AST Super new: line } def ast: line retry_exp: text { AST Retry new: line } def ast: line return_stmt: exp { { exp = AST NilLiteral new: exp } if: (exp nil?) AST Return new: line expr: exp } def ast: line return_local_stmt: exp { { exp = AST NilLiteral new: exp } if: (exp nil?) AST ReturnLocal new: line expr: exp } def ast: line assign: rvalue to: lvalue many: many (false) { ast = many if_true: { AST MultipleAssignment } else: { AST Assignment } ast new: line var: lvalue value: rvalue } def ast: line param: selector var: variable default: default (nil) { SelectorVarDefault new(selector, variable, default) } def ast: line send: selector arg: value ary: ary ([]) { ary << $ SelectorValue new(selector, value) } def ast: line oper: oper arg: arg to: receiver (AST Self new: line) { message = ast: line send: oper arg: arg ast: line send: message to: receiver } def ast: line future_oper: oper arg: arg to: receiver { oper_send = ast: line oper: oper arg: arg to: receiver AST FutureSend new: line message_send: oper_send } def ast: line async_oper: oper arg: arg to: receiver { oper_send = ast: line oper: oper arg: arg to: receiver AST AsyncSend new: line message_send: oper_send } def ast: line send: message to: receiver (AST Self new: line) ruby: ruby (nil) { args = ruby if_true: { unless: receiver do: { receiver = AST Self new: line } ruby } else: { AST MessageArgs new: line args: [] } name = message if: (message kind_of?(String)) then: { name = AST Identifier from: message line: line } if: (message kind_of?(Array)) then: { name = message map: |m| { m selector() string } . join name = AST Identifier new: line string: name args = message map: |m| { m value() } args = AST MessageArgs new: line args: args } AST MessageSend new: line message: name to: receiver args: args } def ast: line future_send: message to: receiver ruby: ruby (nil) { message_send = ast: line send: message to: receiver ruby: ruby AST FutureSend new: line message_send: message_send } def ast: line async_send: message to: receiver ruby: ruby (nil) { message_send = ast: line send: message to: receiver ruby: ruby AST AsyncSend new: line message_send: message_send } def method_name: margs { margs map: |a| { a selector() string } . join("") } def method: margs delegators: block { idx = margs index() |m| { m default() != nil } if: idx then: { line = margs first selector() line target = method_name: margs (margs size - idx) times: |pos| { required = margs from: 0 to: (idx + pos - 1) default = margs from: (idx + pos) to: -1 only_default_args = default size == (margs size) if: only_default_args then: { required = [] } params = required map: |r| { r variable() } . + $ default map: |d| { d default() } forward = AST MessageSend new: line \ message: (AST Identifier from: target line: line) \ to: (AST Self new: line) \ args:(AST MessageArgs new: line args: params) doc = AST StringLiteral new: line value: ("Forward to message " ++ target) body = AST ExpressionList new: line list: [doc, forward] # use base method name (e.g. "foo:" -> "foo") for the method to be generated # if there are no more arguments left (only default args left) if: only_default_args then: { required = AST Identifier from: (margs first selector() string from: 0 to: -2) line: line } block call: [required, body] } } } def ast: line oper: op arg: arg body: body access: access ('public) owner: owner (nil) { margs = [ast: line param: op var: arg] ast: line method: margs body: body access: access owner: owner } def ast: line method: margs body: body access: access ('public) owner: owner (nil) { if: (margs is_a?(AST Identifier)) then: { args = AST MethodArgs new: line args: [] if: owner then: { AST SingletonMethodDef new: line name: margs args: args \ body: body access: access owner: owner } else: { AST MethodDef new: line name: margs args: args body: body access: access } } else: { name = method_name: margs name = AST Identifier new: line string: name args = margs map() |m| { m variable() string } args = AST MethodArgs new: line args: args if: owner then: { AST SingletonMethodDef new: line name: name args: args \ body: body access: access owner: owner } else: { AST MethodDef new: line name: name args: args body: body access: access } } } def ast: line method: margs expand: body access: access ('public) owner: owner (nil) { defs = [] method: margs delegators: |sel fwd| { defs << $ ast: line method: sel body: fwd access: access owner: owner } defs << $ ast: line method: margs body: body access: access owner: owner AST ExpressionList new: line list: defs } def ast: line block: body { args = AST BlockArgs new: line AST BlockLiteral new: line args: args body: body } def ast: line partial_block: body { gen_blockarg = AST Identifier generate: line args = AST BlockArgs new: line args: [gen_blockarg] AST BlockLiteral new: line args: args body: body partial: true } def ast: line block: body args: args { args = AST BlockArgs new: line args: args AST BlockLiteral new: line args: args body: body } def ast: line require_: file { AST Require new: line file: file } def ast: line class: name parent: parent body: body { AST ClassDef new: line name: name parent: parent body: body } def ast: line match_expr: expr body: match_body { AST Match new: line expr: expr body: match_body } def ast: line match_clause: expr body: body args: match_args ([]) { AST MatchClause new: line expr: expr body: body args: match_args } def ast: line ex_handler: expr_list cond: cond (AST Identifier from: "Object" line: line) var: var (nil) { AST ExceptionHandler new: line condition: cond var: var body: expr_list } def ast: line try_block: body ex_handlers: handlers finally_block: finaly (AST NilLiteral new: line) { AST TryCatch new: line body: body handlers: handlers ensure: finaly } def ast: line ruby_send: text { name = text from: 0 to: -2 # remove the open left paren ast: line identifier: name } def ast: line ruby_args: args block: block (nil) { { args = [] } unless: args AST RubyArgs new: line args: args block: block } def ast: line parse_error: text { ParseError new: line message: text filename: @filename . raise! } def ast: line file_error: text { ("File error '" ++ text ++ "' while trying to parse " ++ @filename) . raise! } } }