# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # The data store for a Initiative in the Decidim::Initiatives component. class Initiative < ApplicationRecord include ActiveModel::Dirty include Decidim::Authorable include Decidim::Participable include Decidim::Publicable include Decidim::Scopable include Decidim::Comments::Commentable include Decidim::Followable include Decidim::HasAttachments include Decidim::HasAttachmentCollections include Decidim::Traceable include Decidim::Loggable include Decidim::Initiatives::InitiativeSlug include Decidim::Resourceable include Decidim::HasReference include Decidim::Randomable include Decidim::Searchable belongs_to :organization, foreign_key: "decidim_organization_id", class_name: "Decidim::Organization" belongs_to :scoped_type, foreign_key: "scoped_type_id", class_name: "Decidim::InitiativesTypeScope", inverse_of: :initiatives delegate :type, :scope, :scope_name, to: :scoped_type, allow_nil: true delegate :promoting_committee_enabled?, to: :type has_many :votes, foreign_key: "decidim_initiative_id", class_name: "Decidim::InitiativesVote", dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :initiative has_many :committee_members, foreign_key: "decidim_initiatives_id", class_name: "Decidim::InitiativesCommitteeMember", dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :initiative has_many :components, as: :participatory_space, dependent: :destroy # This relationship exists only by compatibility reasons. # Initiatives are not intended to have categories. has_many :categories, foreign_key: "decidim_participatory_space_id", foreign_type: "decidim_participatory_space_type", dependent: :destroy, as: :participatory_space enum signature_type: [:online, :offline, :any], _suffix: true enum state: [:created, :validating, :discarded, :published, :rejected, :accepted] validates :title, :description, :state, presence: true validates :signature_type, presence: true validate :signature_type_allowed validates :hashtag, uniqueness: true, allow_blank: true, case_sensitive: false scope :open, lambda { published .where.not(state: [:discarded, :rejected, :accepted, :created]) .where("signature_start_date <= ?", Date.current) .where("signature_end_date >= ?", Date.current) } scope :closed, lambda { published .where(state: [:discarded, :rejected, :accepted]) .or(where("signature_start_date > ?", Date.current)) .or(where("signature_end_date < ?", Date.current)) } scope :published, -> { where.not(published_at: nil) } scope :with_state, ->(state) { where(state: state) if state.present? } scope :public_spaces, -> { published } scope :signature_type_updatable, -> { created } scope :order_by_most_recent, -> { order(created_at: :desc) } scope :order_by_supports, -> { order(Arel.sql("initiative_votes_count + coalesce(offline_votes, 0) desc")) } scope :order_by_most_commented, lambda { select("decidim_initiatives.*") .left_joins(:comments) .group("decidim_initiatives.id") .order(Arel.sql("count(decidim_comments_comments.id) desc")) } after_save :notify_state_change after_create :notify_creation searchable_fields({ participatory_space: :itself, A: :title, D: :description, datetime: :published_at }, index_on_create: ->(_initiative) { false }, # is Resourceable instead of ParticipatorySpaceResourceable so we can't use `visible?` index_on_update: ->(initiative) { initiative.published? }) def self.future_spaces none end def self.past_spaces closed end def self.log_presenter_class_for(_log) Decidim::Initiatives::AdminLog::InitiativePresenter end # PUBLIC # # Returns true when an initiative has been created by an individual person. # False in case it has been created by an authorized organization. # # RETURN boolean def created_by_individual? decidim_user_group_id.nil? end # PUBLIC # # RETURN boolean TRUE when the initiative is open, false in case its # not closed. def open? !closed? end # PUBLIC # # Returns when an initiative is closed. An initiative is closed when # at least one of the following conditions is true: # # * It has been discarded. # * It has been rejected. # * It has been accepted. # * Signature collection period has finished. # # RETURNS BOOLEAN def closed? discarded? || rejected? || accepted? || !votes_enabled? end # PUBLIC # # Returns the author name. If it has been created by an organization it will # return the organization's name. Otherwise it will return author's name. # # RETURN string def author_name user_group&.name || author.name end # PUBLIC author_avatar_url # # Returns the author's avatar URL. In case it is not defined the method # falls back to decidim/default-avatar.svg # # RETURNS STRING def author_avatar_url author.avatar&.url || ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("decidim/default-avatar.svg") end # PUBLIC banner image # # Overrides participatory space's banner image with the banner image defined # for the initiative type. # # RETURNS string delegate :banner_image, to: :type delegate :document_number_authorization_handler, to: :type delegate :supports_required, to: :scoped_type def votes_enabled? published? && signature_start_date <= Date.current && signature_end_date >= Date.current end # Public: Check if the user has voted the question. # # Returns Boolean. def voted_by?(user) votes.where(author: user).any? end # Public: Checks if the organization has given an answer for the initiative. # # Returns Boolean. def answered? answered_at.present? end # Public: Overrides scopes enabled flag available in other models like # participatory space or assemblies. For initiatives it won't be directly # managed by the user and it will be enabled by default. def scopes_enabled? true end # Public: Overrides scopes enabled attribute value. # For initiatives it won't be directly # managed by the user and it will be enabled by default. def scopes_enabled true end # Public: Publishes this initiative # # Returns true if the record was properly saved, false otherwise. def publish! return false if published? update( published_at: Time.current, state: "published", signature_start_date: Date.current, signature_end_date: Date.current + Decidim::Initiatives.default_signature_time_period_length ) end # # Public: Unpublishes this initiative # # Returns true if the record was properly saved, false otherwise. def unpublish! return false unless published? update(published_at: nil, state: "discarded") end # Public: Returns wether the signature interval is already defined or not. def has_signature_interval_defined? signature_end_date.present? && signature_start_date.present? end # Public: Returns the hashtag for the initiative. def hashtag attributes["hashtag"].to_s.delete("#") end def supports_count face_to_face_votes = offline_votes.nil? || online_signature_type? ? 0 : offline_votes digital_votes = offline_signature_type? ? 0 : (initiative_votes_count + initiative_supports_count) digital_votes + face_to_face_votes end # Public: Returns the percentage of required supports reached def percentage return 100 if supports_goal_reached? supports_count * 100 / supports_required end # Public: Whether the supports required objective has been reached def supports_goal_reached? supports_count >= supports_required end # Public: Overrides slug attribute from participatory processes. def slug slug_from_id(id) end def to_param slug end # Public: Overrides the `comments_have_alignment?` # Commentable concern method. def comments_have_alignment? true end # Public: Overrides the `comments_have_votes?` Commentable concern method. def comments_have_votes? true end # PUBLIC # # Checks if user is the author or is part of the promotal committee # of the initiative. # # RETURNS boolean def has_authorship?(user) return true if author.id == user.id committee_members.approved.where(decidim_users_id: user.id).any? end def accepts_offline_votes? published? && (offline_signature_type? || any_signature_type?) end def accepts_online_votes? votes_enabled? && (online_signature_type? || any_signature_type?) end def accepts_online_unvotes? accepts_online_votes? && type.undo_online_signatures_enabled? end def minimum_committee_members type.minimum_committee_members || Decidim::Initiatives.minimum_committee_members end def enough_committee_members? committee_members.approved.count >= minimum_committee_members end # PUBLIC # # Checks if the type the initiative belongs to enables SMS code # verification step. Tis configuration is ignored if the organization # doesn't have the sms authorization available # # RETURNS boolean def validate_sms_code_on_votes? organization.available_authorizations.include?("sms") && type.validate_sms_code_on_votes? end # Public: Returns an empty object. This method should be implemented by # `ParticipatorySpaceResourceable`, but for some reason this model does not # implement this interface. def user_role_config_for(_user, _role_name) Decidim::ParticipatorySpaceRoleConfig::Base.new(:empty_role_name) end private def signature_type_allowed return if published? errors.add(:signature_type, :invalid) if type.allowed_signature_types_for_initiatives.exclude?(signature_type) end def notify_state_change return unless saved_change_to_state? notifier = Decidim::Initiatives::StatusChangeNotifier.new(initiative: self) notifier.notify end def notify_creation notifier = Decidim::Initiatives::StatusChangeNotifier.new(initiative: self) notifier.notify end # Allow ransacker to search for a key in a hstore column (`title`.`en`) [:title, :description].each do |column| ransacker column do |parent| Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation.new("->>", parent.table[column], Arel::Nodes.build_quoted(I18n.locale.to_s)) end end # Allow ransacker to search on an Enum Field ransacker :state, formatter: proc { |int| states[int] } end end