### # wxRuby3 wxWidgets interface director # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### require_relative './event_handler' module WXRuby3 class Director class App < EvtHandler def setup spec.items << 'wxAppConsole' << 'wxEventFilter' spec.fold_bases('wxApp' => 'wxAppConsole', 'wxAppConsole' => 'wxEventFilter') spec.override_inheritance_chain('wxApp', %w[wxEvtHandler wxObject]) spec.ignore %w{ wxApp.ProcessMessage wxAppConsole::OnInit wxAppConsole::OnExit wxAppConsole::OnRun wxAppConsole.OnFatalException wxAppConsole::OnExceptionInMainLoop wxAppConsole::OnUnhandledException wxAppConsole::StoreCurrentException wxAppConsole::RethrowStoredException wxAppConsole::OnEventLoopEnter wxAppConsole::OnEventLoopExit wxAppConsole::OnCmdLineError wxAppConsole::OnCmdLineHelp wxAppConsole::OnCmdLineParsed wxAppConsole::OnInitCmdLine wxAppConsole::MainLoop wxAppConsole::GetMainLoop wxAppConsole::HandleEvent wxAppConsole::ScheduleForDestruction wxAppConsole::IsScheduledForDestruction wxAppConsole::SetInstance wxAppConsole::GetInstance wxAppConsole::argc wxAppConsole::argv wxDECLARE_APP wxIMPLEMENT_APP wxDISABLE_DEBUG_SUPPORT wxTheApp wxGetApp wxHandleFatalExceptions wxInitialize wxUninitialize wxWakeUpIdle wxYield wxSafeYield wxExit } spec.ignore 'wxApp::GetGUIInstance' unless Config.instance.wx_abi_version >= '3.2.1' || Config.instance.wx_version < '3.2.1' spec.ignore 'wxApp::GTKAllowDiagnosticsControl' end spec.add_extend_code 'wxApp', <<~__HEREDOC int main_loop() { return dynamic_cast(self)->main_loop(); } void _wxRuby_Cleanup() { dynamic_cast(self)->_wxRuby_Cleanup(); } bool IsRunning() const { return dynamic_cast(self)->IsRunning(); } __HEREDOC spec.ignore [ 'wxEntry(int &,wxChar **)', 'wxEntry(HINSTANCE,HINSTANCE,char *,int)' ] spec.no_proxy %w{ wxApp::GetDisplayMode wxApp::GetTopWindow wxApp::OnAssertFailure } spec.include %w{ wx/init.h wx/display.h } spec.gc_never # make Ruby director and wrappers use custom implementation spec.use_class_implementation('wxApp', 'wxRubyApp') spec.add_swig_code <<~__HEREDOC // Leave GC type at GC_NEVER but add a custom marker. // Prevents the App being destroyed prematurely when Ruby exits down with // an exception. Otherwise GC destroys the C++ object, which can still // be needed for final WxWidgets events. %markfunc wxApp "wxRubyApp::mark_wxRubyApp"; __HEREDOC spec.add_header_code <<~__HEREDOC extern void GC_SetWindowDeleted(void*); extern "C" void Init_wxRubyStockObjects(); extern void wxRuby_MarkProtectedEvtHandlerProcs(); #ifdef __WXMSW__ extern "C" { WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE HINSTANCE wxGetInstance(); } #endif static wxVector WXRuby_Mark_List; WXRUBY_EXPORT void wxRuby_AppendMarker(WXRBMarkFunction marker) { WXRuby_Mark_List.push_back(marker); } class wxRubyApp : public wxApp { private: static wxRubyApp* instance_; bool is_running_ = false; public: static wxRubyApp* GetInstance () { return instance_; } virtual ~wxRubyApp() { #ifdef __WXTRACE__ std::wcout << "~wxRubyApp" << std::endl; #endif // unlink VALUE the_app = rb_const_get(#{spec.package.module_variable}, rb_intern("THE_APP")); if (the_app != Qnil) { DATA_PTR(the_app) = 0; } } // special event handler for destruction of windows which is done // automatically by wxWidgets. Tag the object as having been destroyed // by WxWidgets. void OnWindowDestroy(wxWindowDestroyEvent &event) { wxObject* wx_obj = event.GetEventObject(); #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "<= OnWindowDestroy [" << wx_obj << "]" << std::endl; #endif GC_SetWindowDeleted((void *)wx_obj); event.Skip(); #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "=> OnWindowDestroy [" << wx_obj << "]" << std::endl; #endif } bool IsRunning() const { return this->is_running_; } // When ruby's garbage collection runs, if the app is still active, it // cycles through all currently known SWIG objects and calls this // function on each to preserve still active Wx::Windows, and also // pending Wx::Events which have been queued from the Ruby side (the // only sort of events that will be in the tracking hash. static void markIterate(void* ptr, VALUE rb_obj) { // Check if it's a valid object (sometimes SWIG doesn't return what we're // expecting), a descendant of Wx::Window (but not a Dialog), and if it has not yet been // deleted by WxWidgets; if so, mark it. if ( TYPE(rb_obj) == T_DATA ) { if ( rb_obj_is_kind_of(rb_obj, wxRuby_GetWindowClass()) ) { rb_gc_mark(rb_obj); } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(rb_obj, wxRuby_GetDefaultEventClass()) ) rb_gc_mark(rb_obj); } else if (TYPE(rb_obj) == T_ARRAY ) { VALUE proc = rb_ary_entry(rb_obj, 0); if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(proc, rb_cProc) || rb_obj_is_kind_of(proc, rb_cMethod)) { // keep the async call alive rb_gc_mark(rb_obj); } } } // Implements GC protection across wxRuby. Always called because // Wx::THE_APP is a constant so always checked in GC mark phase. static void mark_wxRubyApp(void *ptr) { #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "=== Starting App GC mark phase" << std::endl; #endif // If the App has ended, the ruby object will have been unlinked from // the C++ one; this implies that all Windows have already been destroyed // so there is no point trying to mark them, and doing so may cause // errors. if ( !wxRubyApp::GetInstance() || !wxRubyApp::GetInstance()->IsRunning() ) { #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "=== App has ended, skipping mark phase" << std::endl; #endif return; } // Mark evt handler procs associated with live windows - see // classes/EvtHandler.i wxRuby_MarkProtectedEvtHandlerProcs(); // run registered markers for (wxVector::iterator it = WXRuby_Mark_List.begin(); it != WXRuby_Mark_List.end() ;++it) { (*it) (); } // To do the main marking, primarily of Windows, iterate over SWIG's // list of tracked objects wxRuby_IterateTracking(&wxRubyApp::markIterate); #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "=== App GC mark phase completed" << std::endl; #endif } // This is the method run when main_loop is called in Ruby // wxEntry calls the C++ App::OnInit method int main_loop() { VALUE rb_app = SWIG_RubyInstanceFor(this); rb_define_const(#{spec.package.module_variable}, "THE_APP", rb_app); this->Connect(wxEVT_DESTROY, wxWindowDestroyEventHandler(wxRubyApp::OnWindowDestroy)); #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "Calling wxEntry, this=" << this << std::endl; #endif #ifdef __WXMSW__ extern int wxEntry(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE WXUNUSED(hPrevInstance), wxCmdLineArgType WXUNUSED(pCmdLine), int nCmdShow); wxEntry(wxGetInstance(), (HINSTANCE)0, (wxCmdLineArgType)"", (int)true); #else int argc = 1; const char* argv[2] = { "ruby", 0 }; wxEntry(argc, const_cast(&argv[0])); #endif rb_const_remove(#{spec.package.module_variable}, rb_intern("THE_APP")); #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "returned from wxEntry..." << std::endl; #endif rb_gc_start(); #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "survived gc" << std::endl; #endif VALUE exc = rb_iv_get(rb_app, "@exception"); if (!NIL_P(exc)) { rb_exc_raise(exc); } return 0; } // This method initializes the stock objects (Pens, Brushes, Fonts) // before yielding to ruby by calling the App's on_init method. // Note that as of wxWidget 2.8, the stock fonts in particular cannot // be initialized any earlier than this without crashing bool OnInit() override { #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "OnInit..." << std::endl; #endif // set standard App name this->SetAppName(wxString("wxruby")); // Signal that we've started wxRubyApp::instance_ = this; // there should ALWAYS EVER be only 1 app instance running/created this->is_running_ = true; // Set up the GDI objects Init_wxRubyStockObjects(); // Get the ruby representation of the App object, and call the // ruby on_init method to set up the initial window state VALUE the_app = rb_const_get(#{spec.package.module_variable}, rb_intern("THE_APP")); VALUE result = wxRuby_Funcall(the_app, rb_intern("on_ruby_init"), 0, 0); // If on_init return any (ruby) true value, signal to wxWidgets to // enter the main event loop by returning true, else return false // which will make wxWidgets exit. if ( result == Qfalse || result == Qnil ) { wxRubyApp::instance_ = 0; this->is_running_ = false; return false; } else { return true; } } int OnExit() override { #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "OnExit..." << std::endl; #endif // Get the ruby representation of the App object, and call the // ruby on_exit method (if any) for application level cleanup VALUE the_app = rb_const_get(#{spec.package.module_variable}, rb_intern("THE_APP")); ID on_exit_id = rb_intern("on_exit"); if (rb_funcall(the_app, rb_intern("respond_to?"), 1, ID2SYM(on_exit_id)) == Qtrue) { wxRuby_Funcall(the_app, on_exit_id, 0, 0); } // perform wxRuby cleanup _wxRuby_Cleanup(); // execute base wxWidgets functionality return this->wxApp::OnExit(); } // actually implemented in ruby in classes/app.rb virtual void OnAssertFailure(const wxChar *file, int line, const wxChar *func, const wxChar *cond, const wxChar *msg) { VALUE rb_app = SWIG_RubyInstanceFor(this); if (rb_during_gc() || NIL_P(rb_app)) { std::wcout << file << "(" << line << "): ASSERT " << cond << (NIL_P(rb_app) ? " fired without THE_APP in " : " fired during GC phase in ") << func << "() with message [" << msg << "]" << std::endl; } else { VALUE obj0 = Qnil ; VALUE obj1 = Qnil ; VALUE obj2 = Qnil ; VALUE obj3 = Qnil ; VALUE obj4 = Qnil ; obj0 = rb_str_new2((const char *)wxString(file).utf8_str()); obj1 = INT2NUM(line); obj2 = rb_str_new2((const char *)wxString(func).utf8_str()); obj3 = rb_str_new2((const char *)wxString(cond).utf8_str()); obj4 = rb_str_new2((const char *)wxString(msg).utf8_str()); (void)wxRuby_Funcall(rb_app, rb_intern("on_assert_failure"), 5,obj0,obj1,obj2,obj3,obj4); } } void _wxRuby_Cleanup() { #ifdef __WXRB_DEBUG__ if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>0) std::wcout << "wxRuby_Cleanup..." << std::endl; #endif // Note in a global variable that the App has ended, so that we // can skip any GC marking later wxRubyApp::instance_ = 0; this->is_running_ = false; // if a Ruby implemented logger has been installed clean that up // before we exit, otherwise let wxWidgets handle things wxLog *oldlog = wxLog::GetActiveTarget(); if (wxRuby_FindTracking(oldlog) != Qnil) { oldlog = wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr); } else { oldlog = 0; } SetTopWindow(0); if ( oldlog ) { SWIG_RubyUnlinkObjects(oldlog); SWIG_RubyRemoveTracking(oldlog); delete oldlog; } } }; wxRubyApp* wxRubyApp::instance_ = 0; WXRUBY_EXPORT bool wxRuby_IsAppRunning() { return wxRubyApp::GetInstance() != 0 && wxRubyApp::GetInstance()->IsRunning(); } WXRUBY_EXPORT void wxRuby_ExitMainLoop(VALUE exception) { if (wxRubyApp::GetInstance() != 0 && wxRubyApp::GetInstance()->IsRunning()) { if (!NIL_P(exception)) { VALUE the_app = rb_const_get(#{spec.package.module_variable}, rb_intern("THE_APP")); rb_iv_set(the_app, "@exception", exception); } wxRubyApp::GetInstance()->ExitMainLoop(); } } WXRUBY_EXPORT void wxRuby_PrintException(VALUE err) { static WxRuby_ID message_id("message"); static WxRuby_ID class_id("class"); static WxRuby_ID name_id("name"); static WxRuby_ID backtrace_id("backtrace"); static WxRuby_ID join_id("join"); VALUE msg = rb_funcall(err, message_id(), 0); VALUE err_name = rb_funcall(rb_funcall(err, class_id(), 0), name_id(), 0); VALUE bt = rb_funcall(err, backtrace_id(), 0); bt = rb_funcall(bt, join_id(), 1, rb_str_new2("\\n")); std::cerr << std::endl << ' ' << StringValuePtr(err_name) << ": " << StringValuePtr(msg) << std::endl << StringValuePtr(bt) << std::endl; } __HEREDOC super end end end # class Director end # module WXRuby3