require_relative "card.rb" class Hand # Creates an object that holds and can play cards. Interacts with Deck objects. @@deck =! attr_accessor :cards # @return [Array] def initialize @cards = {@@deck.shift} end =begin @param card [CardDeck::Card] the card played @return [void] @note Gameplay method =end def play(card) if card.num == "King" $value = 99 elsif card.num == "Joker" $value = 0 else $value += card.value end i, done = 0, false for index in @cards if index.num == card.num and not done discard = @cards[i] @cards.delete_at i @cards.push @@deck.shift @@deck.push discard done = true end i += 1 end end =begin @return [void] Displays cards =end def view print "\tThese are your cards: " @cards.each {|card| print "\t#{card.num}"} end alias inspect cards end