require 'bindata' require 'pio/type/ip_address' require 'pio/type/ipv6_address' require 'pio/type/mac_address' # Base module. module Pio # OpenFlow 1.3. module OpenFlow13 # OFPMT_OXM MATCH_TYPE_OXM = 1 # OpenFlow eXtensible Match (OXM) class Match OXM_CLASS_OPENFLOW_BASIC = 0x8000 # The value of OXM_OF_IN_PORT match field. class InPort < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 0 endian :big uint32 :in_port def length 4 end end # The value of OXM_OF_METADATA match field class Metadata < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 2 endian :big uint64 :metadata def length 8 end end # Masked OXM_OF_METADATA match field class MaskedMetadata < BinData::Record endian :big uint64 :metadata uint64 :metadata_mask def length 16 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ETH_DST match field. class EtherDestinationAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 3 endian :big mac_address :ether_destination_address def length 6 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ETH_SRC match field. class EtherSourceAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 4 endian :big mac_address :ether_source_address def length 6 end end # Masked OXM_OF_ETH_DST match field. class MaskedEtherDestinationAddress < BinData::Record endian :big mac_address :ether_destination_address mac_address :ether_destination_address_mask def length 12 end end # Masked OXM_OF_ETH_SRC match field. class MaskedEtherSourceAddress < BinData::Record endian :big mac_address :ether_source_address mac_address :ether_source_address_mask def length 12 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ETH_TYPE match field. class EtherType < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 5 endian :big uint16 :ether_type def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_VLAN_VID match field class VlanVid < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 6 endian :big bit3 :padding bit13 :vlan_vid hide :padding def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_VLAN_PCP match field class VlanPcp < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 7 endian :big bit5 :padding bit3 :vlan_pcp hide :padding def length 1 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IP_DSCP match field class IpDscp < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 8 endian :big bit2 :padding bit6 :ip_dscp hide :padding def length 1 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IP_ECN match field class IpEcn < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 9 endian :big bit6 :padding bit2 :ip_ecn hide :padding def length 1 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IP_PROTO class IpProtocol < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 10 endian :big uint8 :ip_protocol def length 1 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC class Ipv4SourceAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 11 endian :big ip_address :ipv4_source_address def length 4 end end # The value of masked OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC class MaskedIpv4SourceAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 11 endian :big ip_address :ipv4_source_address ip_address :ipv4_source_address_mask def length 8 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IPV4_DST class Ipv4DestinationAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 12 endian :big ip_address :ipv4_destination_address def length 4 end end # The value of masked OXM_OF_IPV4_DST class MaskedIpv4DestinationAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 12 endian :big ip_address :ipv4_destination_address ip_address :ipv4_destination_address_mask def length 8 end end # The value of OXM_OF_TCP_SRC class TcpSourcePort < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 13 endian :big uint16 :tcp_source_port def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_TCP_DST class TcpDestinationPort < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 14 endian :big uint16 :tcp_destination_port def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_UDP_SRC class UdpSourcePort < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 15 endian :big uint16 :udp_source_port def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_UDP_SRC class UdpDestinationPort < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 16 endian :big uint16 :udp_destination_port def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_SCTP_SRC class SctpSourcePort < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 17 endian :big uint16 :sctp_source_port def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_SCTP_DST class SctpDestinationPort < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 18 endian :big uint16 :sctp_destination_port def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ICMPV4_TYPE class Icmpv4Type < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 19 endian :big uint8 :icmpv4_type def length 1 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ICMPV4_CODE class Icmpv4Code < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 20 endian :big uint8 :icmpv4_code def length 1 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ARP_OP class ArpOp < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 21 endian :big uint16 :arp_op def length 2 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ARP_SPA class ArpSenderProtocolAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 22 endian :big ip_address :arp_sender_protocol_address def length 4 end end # The value of masked OXM_OF_ARP_SPA class MaskedArpSenderProtocolAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 22 endian :big ip_address :arp_sender_protocol_address ip_address :arp_sender_protocol_address_mask def length 8 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ARP_TPA class ArpTargetProtocolAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 23 endian :big ip_address :arp_target_protocol_address def length 4 end end # The value of masked OXM_OF_ARP_TPA class MaskedArpTargetProtocolAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 23 endian :big ip_address :arp_target_protocol_address ip_address :arp_target_protocol_address_mask def length 8 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ARP_SHA match field. class ArpSenderHardwareAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 24 endian :big mac_address :arp_sender_hardware_address def length 6 end end # Masked OXM_OF_ARP_SHA match field. class MaskedArpSenderHardwareAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 24 endian :big mac_address :arp_sender_hardware_address mac_address :arp_sender_hardware_address_mask def length 12 end end # The value of OXM_OF_ARP_THA match field. class ArpTargetHardwareAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 25 endian :big mac_address :arp_target_hardware_address def length 6 end end # Masked OXM_OF_ARP_THA match field. class MaskedArpTargetHardwareAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 25 endian :big mac_address :arp_target_hardware_address mac_address :arp_target_hardware_address_mask def length 12 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IPV6_SRC class Ipv6SourceAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 26 endian :big ipv6_address :ipv6_source_address def length 16 end end # The value of masked OXM_OF_IPV6_SRC class MaskedIpv6SourceAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 26 endian :big ipv6_address :ipv6_source_address ipv6_address :ipv6_source_address_mask def length 32 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IPV6_DST class Ipv6DestinationAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 27 endian :big ipv6_address :ipv6_destination_address def length 16 end end # The value of OXM_OF_IPV6_DST class MaskedIpv6DestinationAddress < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 27 endian :big ipv6_address :ipv6_destination_address ipv6_address :ipv6_destination_address_mask def length 32 end end # The value of OXM_OF_TUNNEL_ID match field class TunnelId < BinData::Record OXM_FIELD = 38 endian :big uint64 :tunnel_id def length 8 end end # Masked OXM_OF_TUNNEL_ID match field class MaskedTunnelId < BinData::Record endian :big uint64 :tunnel_id uint64 :tunnel_id_mask def length 16 end end # OXM format class Oxm < BinData::Record # OXM match field. # rubocop:disable ClassLength class MatchField < BinData::Record endian :big uint16 :oxm_class, value: OXM_CLASS_OPENFLOW_BASIC bit7 :oxm_field bit1 :oxm_hasmask uint8 :oxm_length, value: -> { tlv_value.length } choice :tlv_value, read_length: :oxm_length, selection: :choose_tlv_value do in_port InPort metadata Metadata masked_metadata MaskedMetadata ether_destination_address EtherDestinationAddress masked_ether_destination_address MaskedEtherDestinationAddress ether_source_address EtherSourceAddress masked_ether_source_address MaskedEtherSourceAddress ether_type EtherType vlan_vid VlanVid vlan_pcp VlanPcp ip_dscp IpDscp ip_ecn IpEcn ipv4_source_address Ipv4SourceAddress masked_ipv4_source_address MaskedIpv4SourceAddress ipv4_destination_address Ipv4DestinationAddress masked_ipv4_destination_address MaskedIpv4DestinationAddress ip_protocol IpProtocol tcp_source_port TcpSourcePort tcp_destination_port TcpDestinationPort udp_source_port UdpSourcePort udp_destination_port UdpDestinationPort sctp_source_port SctpSourcePort sctp_destination_port SctpDestinationPort arp_op ArpOp arp_sender_protocol_address ArpSenderProtocolAddress masked_arp_sender_protocol_address MaskedArpSenderProtocolAddress arp_target_protocol_address ArpTargetProtocolAddress masked_arp_target_protocol_address MaskedArpTargetProtocolAddress arp_sender_hardware_address ArpSenderHardwareAddress masked_arp_sender_hardware_address MaskedArpSenderHardwareAddress arp_target_hardware_address ArpTargetHardwareAddress masked_arp_target_hardware_address MaskedArpTargetHardwareAddress icmpv4_type Icmpv4Type icmpv4_code Icmpv4Code ipv6_source_address Ipv6SourceAddress masked_ipv6_source_address MaskedIpv6SourceAddress ipv6_destination_address Ipv6DestinationAddress masked_ipv6_destination_address MaskedIpv6DestinationAddress tunnel_id TunnelId masked_tunnel_id MaskedTunnelId end def length tlv_value.length + 4 end def masked? oxm_hasmask == 1 end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) tlv_value.__send__ method, *args, &block end private # rubocop:disable MethodLength # rubocop:disable CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable AbcSize def choose_tlv_value case oxm_field when InPort::OXM_FIELD InPort when Metadata::OXM_FIELD masked? ? MaskedMetadata : Metadata when EtherDestinationAddress::OXM_FIELD masked? ? MaskedEtherDestinationAddress : EtherDestinationAddress when EtherSourceAddress::OXM_FIELD masked? ? MaskedEtherSourceAddress : EtherSourceAddress when EtherType::OXM_FIELD EtherType when VlanVid::OXM_FIELD VlanVid when VlanPcp::OXM_FIELD VlanPcp when IpDscp::OXM_FIELD IpDscp when IpEcn::OXM_FIELD IpEcn when Ipv4SourceAddress::OXM_FIELD masked? ? MaskedIpv4SourceAddress : Ipv4SourceAddress when Ipv4DestinationAddress::OXM_FIELD masked? ? MaskedIpv4DestinationAddress : Ipv4DestinationAddress when IpProtocol::OXM_FIELD IpProtocol when TcpSourcePort::OXM_FIELD TcpSourcePort when TcpDestinationPort::OXM_FIELD TcpDestinationPort when UdpSourcePort::OXM_FIELD UdpSourcePort when UdpDestinationPort::OXM_FIELD UdpDestinationPort when SctpSourcePort::OXM_FIELD SctpSourcePort when SctpDestinationPort::OXM_FIELD SctpDestinationPort when Icmpv4Type::OXM_FIELD Icmpv4Type when Icmpv4Code::OXM_FIELD Icmpv4Code when ArpOp::OXM_FIELD ArpOp when ArpSenderProtocolAddress::OXM_FIELD if masked? MaskedArpSenderProtocolAddress else ArpSenderProtocolAddress end when ArpTargetProtocolAddress::OXM_FIELD if masked? MaskedArpTargetProtocolAddress else ArpTargetProtocolAddress end when ArpSenderHardwareAddress::OXM_FIELD if masked? MaskedArpSenderHardwareAddress else ArpSenderHardwareAddress end when ArpTargetHardwareAddress::OXM_FIELD if masked? MaskedArpTargetHardwareAddress else ArpTargetHardwareAddress end when Ipv6SourceAddress::OXM_FIELD if masked? MaskedIpv6SourceAddress else Ipv6SourceAddress end when Ipv6DestinationAddress::OXM_FIELD masked? ? MaskedIpv6DestinationAddress : Ipv6DestinationAddress when TunnelId::OXM_FIELD masked? ? MaskedTunnelId : TunnelId else fail "Unknown OXM field value: #{oxm_field}" end end # rubocop:enable MethodLength # rubocop:enable CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable AbcSize end # rubocop:enable MethodLength endian :big uint16 :match_type, value: MATCH_TYPE_OXM uint16 :match_length, initial_value: -> { 4 + tlv_total_length } array(:match_fields, type: :match_field, read_until: -> { tlv_length_left <= 5 }, onlyif: -> { match_length > 4 }) string :padding, length: :padding_length hide :padding def length match_length + padding_length end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) match_fields.each do |each| next unless each.tlv_value.respond_to?(method) return each.tlv_value.__send__(method, *args, &block) end fail NoMethodError, method.to_s end private def tlv_length_left match_length - tlv_total_length end def tlv_total_length if match_fields.size > 0 else 0 end end def padding_length (match_length + 7) / 8 * 8 - match_length end end # option parser. class Options # rubocop:disable MethodLength # rubocop:disable AbcSize def initialize(user_attrs) @match_fields = [] [:in_port, :ether_type, :ip_protocol, :vlan_vid, :vlan_pcp, :ip_dscp, :ip_ecn, :tcp_source_port, :tcp_destination_port, :udp_source_port, :udp_destination_port, :sctp_source_port, :sctp_destination_port, :icmpv4_type, :icmpv4_code, :arp_op].each do |each| next unless user_attrs.key?(each) klass = Match.const_get(each.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join) @match_fields << { oxm_field: klass.const_get(:OXM_FIELD), tlv_value: { each => user_attrs.fetch(each) } } end [:metadata, :ether_destination_address, :ether_source_address, :ipv4_source_address, :ipv4_destination_address, :arp_sender_protocol_address, :arp_target_protocol_address, :arp_sender_hardware_address, :arp_target_hardware_address, :ipv6_source_address, :ipv6_destination_address, :tunnel_id].each do |each| next unless user_attrs.key?(each) klass = Match.const_get(each.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join) mask_key = "#{each}_mask".to_sym @match_fields << { oxm_field: klass.const_get(:OXM_FIELD), oxm_hasmask: user_attrs.key?(mask_key) ? 1 : 0, tlv_value: { each => user_attrs[each], mask_key => user_attrs[mask_key] } } end end # rubocop:enable MethodLength # rubocop:enable AbcSize def to_hash { match_fields: @match_fields } end end def allocate.tap do |message| message.instance_variable_set(:@format, end end def initialize(user_attrs = {}) @format = if user_attrs.empty? else end end def length @format.to_binary_s.length end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @format.__send__ method, *args, &block end end end end