require 'date' require 'rake/clean' require 'digest/md5' task :default => :test # ========================================================== # Ruby Extension # ========================================================== DLEXT = Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['DLEXT'] RUBYDIGEST = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(`ruby --version`) file "ext/ruby-#{RUBYDIGEST}" do |f| rm_f FileList["ext/ruby-*"] touch end CLEAN.include "ext/ruby-*" file 'ext/Makefile' => FileList['ext/*.{c,h,rb}', "ext/ruby-#{RUBYDIGEST}"] do chdir('ext') { ruby 'extconf.rb' } end CLEAN.include 'ext/Makefile', 'ext/mkmf.log' file "ext/rdiscount.#{DLEXT}" => FileList["ext/Makefile"] do |f| sh 'cd ext && make clean && make && rm -rf conftest.dSYM' end CLEAN.include 'ext/*.{o,bundle,so,dll}' file "lib/rdiscount.#{DLEXT}" => "ext/rdiscount.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end desc 'Build the rdiscount extension' task :build => "lib/rdiscount.#{DLEXT}" # ========================================================== # Manual # ========================================================== file 'man/rdiscount.1' => 'man/rdiscount.1.ronn' do sh "ronn --manual=RUBY -b man/rdiscount.1.ronn" end CLOBBER.include 'man/rdiscount.1' desc 'Build manpages' task :man => 'man/rdiscount.1' # ========================================================== # Testing # ========================================================== require 'rake/testtask''test:unit') do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb'] t.ruby_opts += ['-rubygems'] if defined? Gem end task 'test:unit' => [:build] desc 'Run conformance tests (MARKDOWN_TEST_VER=1.0)' task 'test:conformance' => [:build] do |t| script = "#{pwd}/bin/rdiscount" test_version = ENV['MARKDOWN_TEST_VER'] || '1.0.3' lib_dir = "#{pwd}/lib" chdir("test/MarkdownTest_#{test_version}") do sh "RUBYLIB=#{lib_dir} ./ --script='#{script}' --tidy" end end desc 'Run version 1.0 conformance suite' task 'test:conformance:1.0' => [:build] do |t| ENV['MARKDOWN_TEST_VER'] = '1.0' Rake::Task['test:conformance'].invoke end desc 'Run 1.0.3 conformance suite' task 'test:conformance:1.0.3' => [:build] do |t| ENV['MARKDOWN_TEST_VER'] = '1.0.3' Rake::Task['test:conformance'].invoke end desc 'Run unit and conformance tests' task :test => %w[test:unit test:conformance] desc 'Run benchmarks' task :benchmark => :build do |t| $:.unshift 'lib' load 'test/benchmark.rb' end # ========================================================== # Documentation # ========================================================== desc 'Generate API documentation' task :doc => 'doc/index.html' file 'doc/index.html' => FileList['lib/*.rb'] do |f| sh((<<-end).gsub(/\s+/, ' ')) hanna --charset utf8 --fmt html --inline-source --line-numbers \ --main RDiscount --op doc --title 'RDiscount API Documentation' \ #{f.prerequisites.join(' ')} end end CLEAN.include 'doc' # ========================================================== # Update package's Discount sources # ========================================================== desc 'Gather required discount sources into extension directory' task :gather => 'discount/markdown.h' do |t| rdiscount_ext_files = [ "config.h", "extconf.rb", "rdiscount.c", ] discount_c_files_with_main_function = [ "main.c", "makepage.c", "mkd2html.c", "theme.c", ] # Ensure was run if not File.exists? 'discount/mkdio.h' abort "discount/mkdio.h not found. Did you run ./ in the discount directory?" end # Delete all *.c and *.h files from ext that are not specific to RDiscount. Dir.chdir("ext") do c_files_to_delete = Dir["*.c"].select { |e| !rdiscount_ext_files.include? e } h_files_to_delete = Dir["*.h"].select { |e| !rdiscount_ext_files.include? e } rm (c_files_to_delete + h_files_to_delete), :verbose => true end # Copy all *.c and *.h files from discount -> ext except those that # RDiscount overrides. Also exclude Discount files with main functions. Dir.chdir("discount") do c_files_to_copy = Dir["*.c"].select { |e| (!rdiscount_ext_files.include? e) && (!discount_c_files_with_main_function.include? e) } h_files_to_copy = Dir["*.h"].select { |e| !rdiscount_ext_files.include? e } cp (c_files_to_copy + h_files_to_copy), '../ext/', :preserve => true, :verbose => true end cp 'discount/VERSION', 'ext/' # Copy man page cp 'discount/markdown.7', 'man/' end file 'discount/markdown.h' do |t| abort "The discount submodule is required. See the file BUILDING for getting set up." end # PACKAGING ================================================================= require 'rubygems' $spec = eval('rdiscount.gemspec')) def package(ext='') "pkg/rdiscount-#{$spec.version}" + ext end desc 'Build packages' task :package => %w[.gem .tar.gz].map {|e| package(e)} desc 'Build and install as local gem' task :install => package('.gem') do sh "gem install #{package('.gem')}" end directory 'pkg/' file package('.gem') => %w[pkg/ rdiscount.gemspec] + $spec.files do |f| sh "gem build rdiscount.gemspec" mv File.basename(, end file package('.tar.gz') => %w[pkg/] + $spec.files do |f| sh "git archive --format=tar HEAD | gzip > #{}" end # GEMSPEC HELPERS ========================================================== def source_version line ='lib/rdiscount.rb')[/^\s*VERSION = .*/] line.match(/.*VERSION = '(.*)'/)[1] end file 'rdiscount.gemspec' => FileList['Rakefile','lib/rdiscount.rb'] do |f| # read spec file and split out manifest section spec = head, manifest, tail = spec.split(" # = MANIFEST =\n") head.sub!(/\.version = '.*'/, ".version = '#{source_version}'") head.sub!(/\.date = '.*'/, ".date = '#{}'") # determine file list from git ls-files files = `git ls-files`. split("\n"). sort. reject{ |file| file =~ /^\./ || file =~ /^test\/MarkdownTest/ }. map{ |file| " #{file}" }. join("\n") # piece file back together and write... manifest = " s.files = %w[\n#{files}\n ]\n" spec = [head,manifest,tail].join(" # = MANIFEST =\n"), 'w') { |io| io.write(spec) } puts "updated #{}" end