module ActiveFacts grammar CQL include LexicalRules include Language # One of the language modules provides this module include Expressions include Concepts include DataTypes include FactTypes rule cql_file s seq:definition* { def definitions{|e| e.value rescue $stderr.puts "Can't call value() on #{e.inspect}" } end } end # Each definition has a value() method that returns an array like # either [name, [kind, definition]] or [name, kind]: rule definition vocabulary_definition / import_definition / constraint / concept end rule vocabulary_definition s vocabulary S id s ';' s { def value [ id.text_value, [ :vocabulary ] ] end } end rule import_definition s import S id alias_list ';' s { def value puts "import #{id.text_value}: not implemented" [ id.text_value, [ :import ], alias_list.value ] end } end # REVISIT: Need a way to define equivalent readings for fact types here (and in the metamodel) rule alias_list ( s ',' s alias S aliase_from:id S as S alias_to:id s )* { def value elements.inject({}){|h, e| h[e.aliase_from.text_value] = e.alias_to; h } end } end rule constraint subset_constraint / equality_constraint / set_constraint / presence_constraint # REVISIT: / value_constraint end # presence constraint: rule presence_constraint s 'each' s ('combination' S)? role_list s 'occurs' s quantifier s 'time' s 'in' s readings_list s ';' s { def value; [ nil, [ :constraint, :presence, role_list.roles, quantifier.value, readings_list.value ] ]; end } end rule subset_constraint s readings s only s if s r2:readings s ';' s { def value; [ nil, [ :constraint, :subset, readings.value, r2.value ] ]; end } end # set (exclusion, mandatory exclusion, complex equality) constraint rule set_constraint s 'for' s 'each' s role_list s quantifier s 'of' s 'these' s 'holds' s ':' s readings_list s ';' s { def value; [ nil, [ :constraint, :set, role_list.roles, quantifier.value, *readings_list.value ] ]; end } end rule equality_constraint s readings s tail:( if s and s only s if s readings s)+ ';' s { def value; [ nil, [ :constraint, :equality, *([readings.value] +{|e| e.readings.value }) ] ]; end } end rule readings_list readings tail:( ',' s readings )* { def value; [readings.value]{|e| e.readings.value }; end } end rule readings reading s tail:( and s reading s )* { def value; [reading.value]{|e| e.reading.value }; end } end end end