#!/usr/bin/env ruby # require 'byebug' app_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) lib_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(app_path), 'lib')) load_path << lib_path require 'lorj.rb' # Load global Config oconfig = ForjConfig.new processes = [] # Defines how to manage Maestro and forges # create a maestro box. Identify a forge instance, delete it,... processes << File.join(lib_path, 'forj', 'ForjCore.rb') # Defines how cli will control FORJ features # boot/down/ssh/... processes << File.join(lib_path, 'forj', 'ForjCli.rb') ocloud = ForjCloud.new(oconfig, 'hpcloud', processes) oconfig.set(:box_name, '183') oconfig.set(:box, 'maestro') ocloud.Create(:ssh)