dojo.provide("dojox.grid.compat._grid.layout"); dojo.require("dojox.grid.compat._grid.cell"); dojo.declare("dojox.grid.layout", null, { // summary: // Controls grid cell layout. Owned by grid and used internally. constructor: function(inGrid){ this.grid = inGrid; }, // flat array of grid cells cells: [], // structured array of grid cells structure: null, // default cell width defaultWidth: '6em', // methods setStructure: function(inStructure){ this.fieldIndex = 0; this.cells = []; var s = this.structure = []; for(var i=0, viewDef, rows; (viewDef=inStructure[i]); i++){ s.push(this.addViewDef(viewDef)); } this.cellCount = this.cells.length; }, addViewDef: function(inDef){ this._defaultCellProps = inDef.defaultCell || {}; return dojo.mixin({}, inDef, {rows: this.addRowsDef(inDef.rows || inDef.cells)}); }, addRowsDef: function(inDef){ var result = []; for(var i=0, row; inDef && (row=inDef[i]); i++){ result.push(this.addRowDef(i, row)); } return result; }, addRowDef: function(inRowIndex, inDef){ var result = []; for(var i=0, def, cell; (def=inDef[i]); i++){ cell = this.addCellDef(inRowIndex, i, def); result.push(cell); this.cells.push(cell); } return result; }, addCellDef: function(inRowIndex, inCellIndex, inDef){ var w = 0; if(inDef.colSpan > 1){ w = 0; }else if(!isNaN(inDef.width)){ w = inDef.width + "em"; }else{ w = inDef.width || this.defaultWidth; } // fieldIndex progresses linearly from the last indexed field // FIXME: support generating fieldIndex based a text field name (probably in Grid) var fieldIndex = inDef.field != undefined ? inDef.field : (inDef.get ? -1 : this.fieldIndex); if((inDef.field != undefined) || !inDef.get){ this.fieldIndex = (inDef.field > -1 ? inDef.field : this.fieldIndex) + 1; } return new dojox.grid.cell( dojo.mixin({}, this._defaultCellProps, inDef, { grid: this.grid, subrow: inRowIndex, layoutIndex: inCellIndex, index: this.cells.length, fieldIndex: fieldIndex, unitWidth: w })); } });