require 'calabash-cucumber' module Briar module Email def warn_about_ios6_email_view warn 'WARN: iOS6 detected - cannot test for email views on iOS simulator or devices' end def email_body query("view:'MFComposeTextContentView'", :text) end def email_body_contains? (text) if gestalt.is_ios6? warn 'WARN: iOS6 detected - cannot test for email body text' else !query("view:'MFComposeTextContentView' {text LIKE '*#{text}*'}").empty? end end def email_subject query("view:'MFComposeSubjectView'", :text).first end def email_subject_is? (text) if gestalt.is_ios6? warn 'WARN: iOS6 detected - cannot test for email subject text' else email_subject.eql? text end end def email_subject_has_text_like? (text) if gestalt.is_ios6? warn 'WARN: iOS6 detected - cannot test for email subject text' else !query("view:'MFComposeSubjectView' {text LIKE '*#{text}*'}").empty? end end def email_to query("view:'_MFMailRecipientTextField'", :text).first end def email_to_field_is? (text) if gestalt.is_ios6? warn 'WARN: iOS6 detected - cannot test for email to field' else email_to.eql? text end end def email_to_contains? (address) addrs = email_to.split(/, ?/) addrs.include? address end def should_see_recipients (addresses) should_see_mail_view wait_for_animation addrs = addresses.split(/, ?/) addrs.each do |expected| unless email_to_contains? expected.strip screenshot_and_raise "expected to see '#{expected}' in the email 'to' field but found '#{email_to}'" end end end def is_ios5_mail_view query("layoutContainerView descendant view:'MFMailComposeView'").count == 1 end def is_ios6_mail_view gestalt.is_ios6? end def should_see_mail_view (opts={:wait => true}) wait = opts[:wait] wait_for_animation if wait || wait == nil unless is_ios5_mail_view || is_ios6_mail_view screenshot_and_raise 'expected to see email view' end end def device_can_send_email return true if gestalt.is_simulator? backdoor('calabash_backdoor_configured_for_mail:', 'ignorable').eql? 'YES' end def delete_draft_and_wait_for (view_id) if gestalt.is_ios6? warn_about_ios6_email_view else should_see_mail_view({:wait => false}) touch_navbar_item 'Cancel' wait_for_animation touch_transition("button marked:'Delete Draft'", "view marked:'#{view_id}'", {:timeout=>TOUCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT, :retry_frequency=>TOUCH_TRANSITION_RETRY_FREQ}) end end end end