require File.expand_path("../../../../base", __FILE__) require Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins/kernel_v2/config/vm") describe Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleForwardedPortCollisions do include_context "unit" let(:app) { lambda { |env| } } let(:env) { { machine: machine, ui: ui, port_collision_extra_in_use: extra_in_use, port_collision_remap: collision_remap, port_collision_repair: collision_repair, port_collision_port_check: collision_port_check } } let(:extra_in_use){ nil } let(:collision_remap){ nil } let(:collision_repair){ nil } let(:collision_port_check){ nil } let(:port_check_method){ nil } let(:machine) do double("machine").tap do |machine| allow(machine).to receive(:config).and_return(machine_config) allow(machine).to receive(:env).and_return(machine_env) end end let(:machine_config) do double("machine_config").tap do |config| config.stub(vm: vm_config) end end let(:data_dir){ temporary_dir } let(:machine_env) do isolated_environment.tap do |i_env| allow(i_env).to receive(:data_dir).and_return(data_dir) allow(i_env).to receive(:lock).and_yield end end let(:vm_config) do double("machine_vm_config").tap do |config| allow(config).to receive(:usable_port_range).and_return(1000..2000) allow(config).to receive(:networks).and_return([]) end end let(:ui) do double("ui").tap do |result| allow(result).to receive(:info) end end let(:instance){, env) } describe "#call" do it "should create a lock while action runs" do expect(machine_env).to receive(:lock).with("fpcollision").and_yield end context "with extra ports in use provided as Array type" do let(:extra_in_use){ [80] } it "should not generate an error" do expect{ }.not_to raise_error end end context "with forwarded port defined" do let(:port_options){ {guest: 80, host: 8080} } before do expect(vm_config).to receive(:networks).and_return([[:forwarded_port, port_options]]).twice end it "should check if host port is in use" do expect(instance).to receive(:is_forwarded_already).and_return false end context "with forwarded port already in use" do let(:extra_in_use){ [8080] } it "should raise a port collision error" do expect{ }.to raise_error(Vagrant::Errors::ForwardPortCollision) end context "with auto_correct enabled" do before{ port_options[:auto_correct] = true } it "should raise a port collision error" do expect{ }.to raise_error(Vagrant::Errors::ForwardPortCollision) end context "with collision repair enabled" do let(:collision_repair){ true } it "should automatically correct collision" do expect{ }.not_to raise_error end end end end context "with custom port_check method" do let(:check_result){ [] } let(:port_options){ {guest: 80, host: 8080, host_ip: ""} } context "that accepts two parameters" do let(:collision_port_check) do lambda do |host_ip, host_port| check_result.push(host_ip) check_result.push(host_port) false end end it "should receive both host_ip and host_port" do expect(check_result).to include(port_options[:host]) expect(check_result).to include(port_options[:host_ip]) end end context "that accepts one parameter" do let(:collision_port_check) do lambda do |host_port| check_result.push(host_port) false end end it "should receive the host_port only" do expect(check_result).to eq([port_options[:host]]) end end end end end describe "#recover" do end describe "#port_check" do let(:host_ip){ "" } let(:host_port){ 8080 } it "should check if the port is open" do expect(instance).to receive(:is_port_open?).with(host_ip, host_port).and_return true instance.send(:port_check, host_ip, host_port) end context "when host_ip is not set" do let(:host_ip){ nil } it "should set host_ip to when unset" do expect(instance).to receive(:is_port_open?).with("", host_port).and_return true instance.send(:port_check, host_ip, host_port) end it "should set host_ip to when is not available" do expect(instance).to receive(:is_port_open?).with("", host_port).and_raise Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL expect(instance).to receive(:is_port_open?).with("", host_port).and_return true instance.send(:port_check, host_ip, host_port) end end end end