module Rubydora # This class represents a Fedora datastream object # and provides helper methods for creating and manipulating # them. class Datastream extend ActiveModel::Callbacks define_model_callbacks :save, :create, :destroy define_model_callbacks :initialize, :only => :after include ActiveModel::Dirty include Rubydora::ExtensionParameters attr_reader :digital_object, :dsid # mapping datastream attributes (and api parameters) to datastream profile names DS_ATTRIBUTES = {:controlGroup => :dsControlGroup, :dsLocation => :dsLocation, :altIDs => nil, :dsLabel => :dsLabel, :versionable => :dsVersionable, :dsState => :dsState, :formatURI => :dsFormatURI, :checksumType => :dsChecksumType, :checksum => :dsChecksum, :mimeType => :dsMIME, :logMessage => nil, :ignoreContent => nil, :lastModifiedDate => nil, :content => nil, :asOfDateTime => nil} DS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = { :controlGroup => 'M', :dsState => 'A', :checksumType => 'DISABLED', :versionable => true } define_attribute_methods DS_ATTRIBUTES.keys # accessors for datastream attributes DS_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute, profile_name| class_eval %Q{ def #{attribute.to_s} @#{attribute} || profile['#{profile_name.to_s}'] || DS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES[:#{attribute}] end def #{attribute.to_s}= val #{attribute.to_s}_will_change! unless val == #{attribute.to_s} @#{attribute.to_s} = val end } end DS_READONLY_ATTRIBUTES = [ :dsCreateDate , :dsSize, :dsVersionID ] DS_READONLY_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute| class_eval %Q{ def #{attribute.to_s} @#{attribute} || profile['#{attribute.to_s}'] || DS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES[:#{attribute}] end } end # Create humanized accessors for the DS attribute (dsState -> state, dsCreateDate -> createDate) (DS_ATTRIBUTES.keys + DS_READONLY_ATTRIBUTES).select { |k| k.to_s =~ /^ds/ }.each do |attribute| simple_attribute = attribute.to_s.sub(/^ds/, '') simple_attribute = simple_attribute[0].chr.downcase + simple_attribute[1..-1] alias_method simple_attribute, attribute if self.respond_to? "#{attribute}=" alias_method "#{simple_attribute}=", "#{attribute}=" end end def asOfDateTime asOfDateTime = nil if asOfDateTime == nil return @asOfDateTime end return, @dsid, @options.merge(:asOfDateTime => asOfDateTime)) end ## # Initialize a Rubydora::Datastream object, which may or # may not already exist in the datastore. # # Provides `after_initialize` callback for extensions # # @param [Rubydora::DigitalObject] # @param [String] Datastream ID # @param [Hash] default attribute values (used esp. for creating new datastreams) def initialize digital_object, dsid, options = {} _run_initialize_callbacks do @digital_object = digital_object @dsid = dsid @options = options options.each do |key, value| self.send(:"#{key}=", value) end end end # Helper method to get digital object pid def pid end # Does this datastream already exist? # @return [Boolean] def new? profile.empty? end # Retrieve the content of the datastream (and cache it) # @return [String] def content begin options = { :pid => pid, :dsid => dsid } options[:asOfDateTime] = asOfDateTime if asOfDateTime @content ||= repository.datastream_dissemination options rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound end content = and @content.rewind if @content.kind_of? IO content ||= @content end alias_method :read, :content # Get the URL for the datastream content # @return [String] def url options = { } options[:asOfDateTime] = asOfDateTime if asOfDateTime repository.datastream_url(pid, dsid, options) + "/content" end # Set the content of the datastream # @param [String or IO] # @return [String or IO] def content= new_content content_will_change! @content = new_content end # Content_will_change! would be dynamically created by ActiveModel::Dirty, but it would eagerly load the content. # We don't want to do that. def content_will_change! raise "Can't change values on older versions" if @asOfDateTime changed_attributes[:content] = nil end # Retrieve the datastream profile as a hash (and cache it) # @return [Hash] see Fedora #getDatastream documentation for keys def profile profile_xml = nil @profile ||= begin options = { :pid => pid, :dsid => dsid } options[:asOfDateTime] = asOfDateTime if asOfDateTime profile_xml ||= repository.datastream(options) self.profile_xml_to_hash(profile_xml) rescue {} end end alias_method :profile=, :profile def profile_xml_to_hash profile_xml profile_xml.gsub! ' ""} ).inject({}) do |sum, node| sum[] ||= [] sum[] << node.text sum end { |key, value| value.length == 1 }.each do |key, value| h[key] = value.first end h['dsSize'] &&= h['dsSize'].to_i rescue h['dsSize'] h['dsCreateDate'] &&= Time.parse(h['dsCreateDate']) rescue h['dsCreateDate'] h end def versions versions_xml = repository.datastream_versions(:pid => pid, :dsid => dsid) versions_xml.gsub! ' ""} ).map do |ds| @digital_object, @dsid, :profile => ds.to_s, :asOfDateTime => ds.xpath('management:dsCreateDate', 'management' => "").text end end # Add datastream to Fedora # @return [Rubydora::Datastream] def create check_if_read_only run_callbacks :create do repository.add_datastream to_api_params.merge({ :pid => pid, :dsid => dsid }) reset_profile_attributes, dsid) end end # Modify or save the datastream # @return [Rubydora::Datastream] def save check_if_read_only run_callbacks :save do return create if new? repository.modify_datastream to_api_params.merge({ :pid => pid, :dsid => dsid }) reset_profile_attributes, dsid) end end # Purge the datastream from Fedora # @return [Rubydora::Datastream] `self` def delete check_if_read_only run_callbacks :destroy do repository.purge_datastream(:pid => pid, :dsid => dsid) unless digital_object.datastreams.delete(dsid) reset_profile_attributes self end end protected # datastream parameters # @return [Hash] def to_api_params h = default_api_params valid_changed_attributes = { |x| x.to_sym }.select { |x| DS_ATTRIBUTES.key? x } ## if we don't provide a mimeType, application/octet-stream will be used instead (valid_changed_attributes | [:mimeType]).each do |attribute| h[attribute] = send(attribute) if send(attribute) end h end # default datastream parameters # @return [Hash] def default_api_params return DS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.dup if new? {} end # reset all profile attributes # @return [Hash] def reset_profile_attributes @profile = nil @changed_attributes = {} end # repository reference from the digital object # @return [Rubydora::Repository] def repository digital_object.repository end def asOfDateTime= val @asOfDateTime = val end def check_if_read_only raise "Can't change values on older versions" if @asOfDateTime end private def attribute_will_change! *args check_if_read_only super end end end