Arranges a set of views to a constant 'x' or 'y' value.

constantlayout extends <LzLayout>, and therefore it is responsible for arranging all of the subviews for the view that it is attached to. The attributes of a view that constantlayout effects are the x and y values, and as its name implies constantlayout sets all of the subviews to the same value.

<canvas height="100"> <view bgcolor="red" > <view width="80" height="80" bgcolor="teal"/> <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="silver"/> <view width="40" height="40" bgcolor="green"/> <constantlayout axis="x" value="10"/> </view > </canvas>

In this example the teal, silver and green views are aligned on the horizontal (x) axis; the layout element's value attribute (10) causes the subviews to be shifted ten pixels to the right.

<canvas height="100" > <view bgcolor="red" > <view width="80" height="80" bgcolor="teal"/> <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="silver"/> <view width="40" height="40" bgcolor="green"/> <constantlayout axis="y" value="10"/> </view > </canvas>