class ReportComptaExecutive < View include PrintButton def layout @order = 20 @update = true @functions_need = [:accounting] gui_hboxg do gui_vbox :nogroup do gui_vboxg :nogroup do show_entity_report_all :reports, :single, :name, :callback => true, :flexheight => 1 show_button :report_add, :report_delete end gui_vbox :nogroup do show_date :start show_int :months show_print :print end end gui_vboxg :nogroup do show_str :name show_entity_reportAccount :accounts, :single, :flexheight => 1, :width => 300 show_button :account_add, :account_del, :account_edit show_button :account_up, :account_down end gui_window :win_account do gui_vbox :nogroup do show_entity_account :root, :drop, :width => 400, :callback => true show_entity_account :account, :drop show_int :level show_button :account_add_win, :account_save_win, :close end end gui_window :win_report do show_str :report_name show_button :report_add_win, :close end gui_window :progress do show_html :progress_txt show_button :report_cancel end window_print_status end end def rpc_button_report_add(session, data) reply(:window_show, :print_status) end def update_account(root = AccountRoot.actual, account = nil) reply(:empty, :account) + reply(:update, :account => root.listp_path) + reply(:update, :account => [(account.class == Account) ? : 0]) end def update_root(root = AccountRoot.actual) roots = [[, 'Actual']] archive = AccountRoot.archive and roots.concat(archive.listp_path(1)[1..-1]) reply(:empty, :root) + reply(:update_silent, :root => roots.concat([(root.class == Account) ? : 0])) end def update_reports reply(:empty, :reports) + reply(:update, :reports => Reports.listp_name) end def update_report(report, account = nil) reply(:empty, :accounts) + reply(:update, :name => + reply(:update, :accounts => report.listp_accounts) + reply(:update, :accounts => (account.class == ReportAccount) ? [] : nil) end def rpc_update(session) td = # Start in beginning of semester start =, (td.month / 7.0).floor * 6 + 1) update_reports + reply(:update, :start => start.to_web) + reply(:update, :months => 6) + reply_print(session) end def button_account(session, name, data) return if data._reports == [] case name when /add_win/ data._reports.accounts = data._reports.accounts + [ReportAccounts.create(data)] update_report(data._reports) + reply(:window_hide) when /add/ reply(:window_show, :win_account) + update_account + update_root + reply(:update, :level => "1") + reply_show_hide(:account_add_win, :account_save_win) when /del/ return if data._accounts == [] data._reports.accounts = data._reports.accounts.reject { |a| a == data._accounts } update_report(data._reports) when /edit/ return if data._accounts == [] reply(:window_show, :win_account) + update_root(data._accounts.root) + update_account(data._accounts.root, data._accounts.account) + reply(:update, :level => data._accounts.level) + reply_show_hide(:account_save_win, :account_add_win) when /save_win/ data._accounts.data_set_hash(data) update_report(data._reports) + reply(:window_hide) when /up/ accs = data._reports.accounts if (index = accs.index(data._accounts)) > 0 accs[index - 1], accs[index] = accs[index], accs[index - 1] end data._reports.accounts = accs update_report(data._reports, data._accounts) when /down/ accs = data._reports.accounts if (index = accs.index(data._accounts)) < accs.length - 1 accs[index + 1], accs[index] = accs[index], accs[index + 1] end data._reports.accounts = accs update_report(data._reports, data._accounts) end end def button_report(session, name, data) case name when /add_win/ if data._report_name.to_s.length > 0 Reports.create(:name => data._report_name, :accounts => []) end reply(:window_hide) + update_reports when /add/ reply(:window_show, :win_report) + reply(:empty, :report_name) when /del/ data._reports != [] and data._reports.delete rpc_update(session) end end def rpc_button(session, name, data) case name when /^account_(.*)/ button_account(session, $~[1], data) when /^report_(.*)/ button_report(session, $~[1], data) when /print/ if data._reports.class == Report start_thread(session, data) reply(:auto_update, -1) + reply(:update, progress_txt: 'Starting checking') + reply(:window_show, :progress) + rpc_print(session, :print, data) end when /close/ reply(:window_hide) when /report_cancel/ dputs(2){ "Killing thread #{session.s_data._report_ce_thread}"} if thr = session.s_data._report_ce_thread thr.kill end reply(:window_hide) + reply(:auto_update, 0) end end def start_thread(session, data) session.s_data._report_ce = nil session.s_data._report_ce_thread = Thread.start { System.rescue_all do session.s_data._report_ce = data._reports.print_pdf_monthly( Date.from_web(data._start), data._months.to_i) end dputs(2){ 'Thread finished'} } end def rpc_update_with_values(session, data) report = data._reports if report_ce = session.s_data._report_ce return reply(:window_hide) + reply(:auto_update, 0) + send_printer_reply(session, :print, data, report_ce) else return reply(:update, :progress_txt => "Accounts done: #{(report.print_accounts * 100).floor}%
" + "Calculating: #{report.print_account}") end end def rpc_list_choice_reports(session, data) return if data._reports == [] reply(:empty, :accounts) + update_report(data._reports) end def rpc_list_choice_root(session, data) return if data._root == [] update_account(data._root) end end