// HTML5 Boilerplate // // What follows is the result of much research on cross-browser styling. // Credit left inline and big thanks to Nicolas Gallagher, Jonathan Neal, // Kroc Camen, and the h5bp dev community and team. @import 'h5bp/normalize'; @import 'h5bp/main'; @import 'h5bp/browserupgrade'; @import 'h5bp/errorpage'; @import 'h5bp/helpers'; @import 'h5bp/media'; @mixin h5bp-custom { // Redefine this mixin to add custom modifications to H5BP styles. } @mixin h5bp { @include h5bp-normalize; @include h5bp-main; @include h5bp-browserupgrade; @include h5bp-errorpage; @include h5bp-custom; @include h5bp-helpers; @include h5bp-media; }