require 'authlogic' require 'digest/sha1' require 'snail' require 'vcard' require "fastercsv" class Reader < ActiveRecord::Base @@user_columns = %w{name email created_at password password_confirmation notes} cattr_accessor :user_columns cattr_accessor :current attr_accessor :email_field, :newly_activated, :skip_user_update acts_as_authentic do |config| config.validations_scope = :site_id if defined? Site config.transition_from_restful_authentication = true config.validate_email_field = false config.validate_password_field = false end belongs_to :user before_update :update_user belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => 'User' belongs_to :updated_by, :class_name => 'User' has_many :message_readers has_many :messages, :through => :message_readers has_many :memberships has_many :groups, :through => :memberships, :uniq => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :memberships before_validation :combine_names validates_presence_of :name, :forename, :surname, :email validates_uniqueness_of :nickname, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :name, :forename, :surname, :maximum => 100, :allow_nil => false validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 5, :allow_nil => false, :unless => :existing_reader_keeping_password? # validates_format_of :password, :with => /[^A-Za-z]/, :unless => :existing_reader_keeping_password? # we have to match radiant so that users can log in both ways validates_confirmation_of :password, :unless => :existing_reader_keeping_password? validate :email_must_not_be_in_use include RFC822 validates_format_of :email, :with => RFC822_valid default_scope :order => 'name ASC' named_scope :any named_scope :none, { :conditions => "1 = 0" } # nasty! but doesn't break chains named_scope :active, :conditions => "activated_at IS NOT NULL" named_scope :inactive, :conditions => "activated_at IS NULL" named_scope :imported, :conditions => "old_id IS NOT NULL" named_scope :except, lambda { |readers| readers = [readers].flatten.compact if readers.any? { :conditions => ["NOT IN (#{{"?"}.join(',')})", *] } else { } end } named_scope :in_groups, lambda { |groups| { :select => "readers.*", :joins => "INNER JOIN memberships as mm on mm.reader_id =", :conditions => ["mm.group_id IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *{|g| g.is_a?(Group) ? : g}], :group => "mm.reader_id" } } def self.find_by_nickname_or_email(nickname_or_email) reader = find(:first, :conditions => ["nickname = ? OR email = ?", nickname_or_email, nickname_or_email]) end def self.for_user(user) if user.respond_to?(:site) && site = Page.current_site reader = self.find_or_create_by_site_id_and_user_id(, else reader = self.find_or_create_by_user_id( end if reader.new_record? user_columns.each { |att| reader.send("#{att.to_s}=", user.send(att)) } reader.crypted_password = user.password reader.password_salt = user.salt reader.activated_at = reader.created_at end reader end def self.visible_to(reader=nil) case Radiant.config['reader.directory_visibility'] when 'public' self.all when 'private' reader ? self.all : self.none when 'grouped' reader ? self.in_groups(reader.all_visible_group_ids) : self.none else self.none end end def visible_to?(reader=nil) (reader && (reader == self)) || self.class.visible_to(reader).map(&:id).include?( end # returns a useful list of the groups that this person is in and all their ancestor groups. # for most authorisation purposes, that's the set of groups of which this reader is considered a member. # # Returns a scope. # def all_groups Group.find_these(all_group_ids) end def all_group_ids end # Returns a list of the groups that this person is in along with their whole tree of super and subgroups. # That's the list of groups that this person can see. It is larger than the list of groups that confer permission: # this reader can see subgroups of his own groups in the directory, but he can't see their pages. # def all_visible_groups Group.find_these(all_visible_group_ids) end def all_visible_group_ids end def can_see? (this) permitted_groups = this.permitted_groups permitted_groups.empty? or in_any_of_these_groups?(permitted_groups) end def in_any_of_these_groups? (grouplist) (grouplist & all_groups).any? end def membership_of(group) memberships.of(group).first end def has_group? (group) !!membership_of(group) end alias :is_in? :has_group? def is_grouped? groups.any? end def preferred_name nickname? ? nickname : name end def preferred_informal_name nickname? ? nickname : forename end def postal_address? !post_line1.blank? && !post_city.blank? end def postal_address :line_1 => post_line1, :line_2 => post_line2, :city => post_city, :region => post_province, :postal_code => postcode, :country => post_country ) end def vcard @vcard ||= Vpim::Vcard::Maker.make2 do |maker| maker.add_name do |n| n.prefix = honorific || "" n.given = forename || "" = surname || "" end maker.add_addr {|a| a.location = 'home' # until we do this properly with multiple contact sets = post_country || "" a.region = post_province || "" a.locality = post_city || "" a.street = [post_line1, post_line2].compact.join("\n") a.postalcode = postcode || "" } maker.add_tel phone { |t| t.location = 'home' } unless phone.blank? maker.add_tel mobile { |t| t.location = 'cell' } unless mobile.blank? maker.add_email email { |e| t.location = 'home' } end end def filename name.downcase.gsub(/\W/, '_') end def activate! self.activated_at = self.newly_activated = true! send_welcome_message send_group_welcomes end def activated? !inactive? end def newly_activated? !!newly_activated end def inactive? self.activated_at.nil? end def disable_perishable_token_maintenance? inactive? && !new_record? end [:activation, :invitation, :welcome, :password_reset].each do |function| define_method("send_#{function}_message".intern) { send_functional_message(function) } end def send_functional_message(function, group=nil) reset_perishable_token! message = Message.functional(function, group) # returns the standard functional message if no group is supplied, or no group message exists raise StandardError, "No #{function} message could be found" unless message message.deliver_to(self) end def generate_email_field_name self.email_field = Authlogic::Random.friendly_token end def is_user? !!self.user end def is_admin? is_user? && self.user.admin? end def create_password! self.clear_password = self.password_confirmation = self.randomize_password # randomize_password is provided by authlogic! unless self.new_record? self.clear_password end def find_homepage if homegroup = groups.with_home_page.first homegroup.homepage end end def home_url if homepage = self.find_homepage homepage.url else nil end end # Generates a csv file listing the supplied group of readers. # No access checks are performed here. # def self.csv_for(readers=[]) columns = %w{forename surname email phone mobile postal_address} FasterCSV.generate do |csv| csv << { |f| I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.reader.#{f}") } readers.each { |r| csv <<{ |f| r.send(f.to_sym) } } end end # Generates a vcard file containing the supplied group of readers. # No access checks are performed here. # def self.vcards_for(readers=[])"\n") end def send_group_invitation_message(group=nil) send_functional_message('group_invitation', group) end private def combine_names if self.forename ||=\s+/).first self.surname ||=\s+/).last else = "#{self.forename} #{self.surname}" end end def email_must_not_be_in_use reader = Reader.find_by_email( user = User.find_by_email( if user && user != self.user errors.add :email, :taken_by_author elsif reader && reader != self errors.add :email, :taken else return true end return false end def existing_reader_keeping_password? !new_record? && !password_changed? end def update_user if self.user && !self.skip_user_update changed_columns = Reader.user_columns & self.changed att = self.attributes.slice(*changed_columns) att['password'] = self.password if self.crypted_password_changed? self.user.send :update_with, att if att.any? end true end def update_with(att) self.skip_user_update = true if att['password'] att["clear_password"] = att["password_confirmation"] = att["password"] end self.update_attributes(att) self.skip_user_update = false end def send_group_welcomes groups.each { |g| g.send_welcome_to(self) } end end