module EffectiveAssetsS3Helper def s3_uploader_fields(options = {}) do |name, value| hidden_field_tag(name, value, :disabled => 'disabled') end.join.html_safe end def s3_uploader_url Effective::Asset.s3_base_path.chomp('/') + '/' end # Copied and modified from class S3Uploader def initialize(options) @options = options.reverse_merge( aws_access_key_id: EffectiveAssets.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key: EffectiveAssets.aws_secret_access_key, bucket: EffectiveAssets.aws_bucket, aws_acl: EffectiveAssets.aws_acl, expiration: 10.hours.from_now.utc.iso8601, max_file_size: 1000.megabytes, key_starts_with: "#{EffectiveAssets.aws_path.chomp('/')}/", key: '${filename}' # We use an AJAX request to update this key to a useful value ) end def fields { :key => @options[:key], :acl => @options[:aws_acl], 'AWSAccessKeyId' => @options[:aws_access_key_id], :policy => policy, :signature => signature, :success_action_status => '201', 'X-Requested-With' => 'xhr' } end def policy Base64.encode64(policy_data.to_json).gsub("\n", "") end def policy_data { expiration: @options[:expiration], conditions: [ ['starts-with', '$key', @options[:key_starts_with]], ['starts-with', '$x-requested-with', ''], ['content-length-range', 0, @options[:max_file_size]], ['starts-with','$content-type', @options[:content_type_starts_with] || ''], {:bucket => @options[:bucket]}, {:acl => @options[:aws_acl]}, {:success_action_status => '201'} ] + (@options[:conditions] || []) } end def signature Base64.encode64( OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, @options[:aws_secret_access_key], policy ) ).gsub("\n", "") end end end