module Snapsync class Btrfs class << self # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :_mountpointCache end self._mountpointCache = {} class Error < RuntimeError attr_reader :error_lines def initialize(error_lines = @error_lines = error_lines super error_lines end def pretty_print(pp) pp.text message pp.nest(2) do error_lines.each do |l| pp.breakable pp.text l.chomp end end end end class UnexpectedBtrfsOutput < Error end include Comparable def <=>(other) mountpoint.to_s <=> other.mountpoint.to_s end # @return [AgnosticPath] attr_reader :mountpoint # @return [Array] attr_reader :subvolume_table # @param [AgnosticPath] mountpoint def initialize(mountpoint) raise "Trying to create Btrfs wrapper on non-mountpoint #{mountpoint}" unless mountpoint.mountpoint? Snapsync.debug "Creating Btrfs wrapper at #{mountpoint}" @mountpoint = mountpoint @subvolume_table = read_subvolume_table end # @param [AgnosticPath] mountpoint # @return [Btrfs] def self.get(mountpoint) mountpoint = mountpoint.findmnt self._mountpointCache.fetch(mountpoint.to_s) do btrfs = mountpoint self._mountpointCache[mountpoint.to_s] = btrfs btrfs end end def btrfs_prog ENV['BTRFS_PROG'] || 'btrfs' end # @api private # # A IO.popen-like API to btrfs subcommands # @yieldparam [IO] io def popen(*args, mode: 'r', raise_on_error: true, **options) Snapsync.debug "Btrfs(\"#{mountpoint}\").popen: #{args}" if @mountpoint.is_a? RemotePathname proc =, [btrfs_prog, *args], **options) return yield(proc) else # @type [IO,IO] err_r, err_w = IO.pipe begin IO.popen([btrfs_prog, *args], err: err_w, mode: mode) do |io| err_w.close return yield(io) end if not $?.success? raise, end ensure err_r.close end end end # @return [String] def run(*args, **options) popen(*args, **options) do |io|'utf-8', undef: :replace, invalid: :replace) end end # Facade for finding the generation of a subvolume using 'btrfs show' # # @param [Pathname] path the subvolume path # @return [Integer] the subvolume's generation def generation_of(path) info = run('subvolume', 'show', path.to_s) if info =~ /Generation[^:]*:\s+(\d+)/ Integer($1) else raise UnexpectedBtrfsOutput, "unexpected output for 'btrfs subvolume show'," \ +" expected '#{info}' to contain a 'Generation:' line" end end # Facade for 'btrfs subvolume find-new' # # It computes what changed between a reference generation of a # subvolume, and that subvolume's current state # # @param [String] subvolume_dir the subvolume target of find-new # @param [Integer] last_gen the reference generation # # @overload find_new(subvolume_dir, last_gen) # @yieldparam [String] a line of the find-new output # # @overload find_new(subvolume_dir, last_gen) # @return [#each] an enumeration of the lines of the find-new output def find_new(subvolume_dir, last_gen, &block) run('subvolume', 'find-new', subvolume_dir.to_s, last_gen.to_s). each_line(&block) end # @return [Array] def read_subvolume_table table = [] text = run('subvolume', 'list','-pcgquR', mountpoint.path_part) text.each_line do |l| item = l.gsub!('top level', 'top_level') l = l.split l.each_slice(2) do |kv| k,v = kv if v == '-' v = nil else begin v = Integer(v) rescue # ignore end end item.instance_variable_set '@'+k, v end table.push item end table end # @param [AgnosticPath] subvolume_dir # @return [Hash] def subvolume_show(subvolume_dir) # @type [String] info = run('subvolume', 'show', subvolume_dir.path_part) data = {} data['absolute_dir'] = info.lines[0].strip lines = info.lines[1..-1] lines.each_index do |i| l = lines[i] k, _, v = l.partition ':' k = k.strip.downcase.gsub ' ', '_' if k == 'snapshot(s)' data['snapshots'] = lines[i+1..-1].map do |s| s.strip end break else data[k] = v.strip end end data end end end