// To be included in the compiled aloha-full.js (which includes // requirejs and jQuery) immediately after jQuery. This will prevent // Aloha's jQuery from polluting the global namespace. // TODO: requirejs shouldn't leak either // NB: this is only for aloha-full.js to preserve behaviour with the way // older builds of aloha were done. It is now always preferred to use // aloha-bare.js (which doesn't include either requirejs or jQuery) and // let the implementer worry exactly how to set up jQuery and requirejs // to suit his needs. Aloha = window.Aloha || {}; Aloha.settings = Aloha.settings || {}; Aloha.settings = { sidebar: { disabled: true } }; // Restore the global $ and jQuery variables of your project's jQuery Aloha.settings.jQuery = window.jQuery.noConflict(true);