# vim: set ft=ruby : # namespace :load do task :defaults do set :sidekiq_default_hooks, -> { true } set :sidekiq_path, -> { release_path } set :sidekiq_pid, -> { File.join(shared_path, 'tmp', 'pids', 'sidekiq.pid') } set :sidekiq_env, -> { fetch(:rack_env, fetch(:rails_env, fetch(:stage))) } set :sidekiq_log, -> { File.join(shared_path, 'log', 'sidekiq.log') } set :sidekiq_timeout, -> { 10 } set :sidekiq_role, -> { :app } set :sidekiq_processes, -> { 1 } # Rbenv and RVM integration set :rbenv_map_bins, fetch(:rbenv_map_bins).to_a.concat(%w(sidekiq sidekiqctl)) set :rvm_map_bins, fetch(:rvm_map_bins).to_a.concat(%w(sidekiq sidekiqctl)) end end namespace :deploy do before :starting, :check_sidekiq_hooks do invoke 'sidekiq:add_default_hooks' if fetch(:sidekiq_default_hooks) end after :publishing, :restart_sidekiq do invoke 'sidekiq:restart' if fetch(:sidekiq_default_hooks) end end namespace :sidekiq do def for_each_process(reverse = false, &block) pids = processes_pids pids.reverse! if reverse pids.each_with_index do |pid_file, idx| p fetch(:sidekiq_path) within fetch(:sidekiq_path) do yield(pid_file, idx) end end end def processes_pids pids = [] fetch(:sidekiq_processes).times do |idx| pids.push (idx.zero? && fetch(:sidekiq_processes) <= 1) ? fetch(:sidekiq_pid) : fetch(:sidekiq_pid).gsub(/\.pid$/, "-#{idx}.pid") end pids end def pid_process_exists?(pid_file) pid_file_exists?(pid_file) and test(*("kill -0 $( cat #{pid_file} )").split(' ')) end def pid_file_exists?(pid_file) test(*("[ -f #{pid_file} ]").split(' ')) end def stop_sidekiq(pid_file) if fetch(:stop_sidekiq_in_background, fetch(:sidekiq_run_in_background)) if fetch(:sidekiq_use_signals) background "kill -TERM `cat #{pid_file}`" else background :bundle, :exec, :sidekiqctl, 'stop', "#{pid_file}", fetch(:sidekiq_timeout) end else execute :bundle, :exec, :sidekiqctl, 'stop', "#{pid_file}", fetch(:sidekiq_timeout) end end def quiet_sidekiq(pid_file) if fetch(:sidekiq_use_signals) background "kill -USR1 `cat #{pid_file}`" else begin execute :bundle, :exec, :sidekiqctl, 'quiet', "#{pid_file}" rescue SSHKit::Command::Failed # If gems are not installed eq(first deploy) and sidekiq_default_hooks as active warn 'sidekiqctl not found (ignore if this is the first deploy)' end end end def start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx = 0) args = [] args.push "--index #{idx}" args.push "--pidfile #{pid_file}" args.push "--environment #{fetch(:sidekiq_env)}" args.push "--logfile #{fetch(:sidekiq_log)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_log) args.push "--require #{fetch(:sidekiq_require)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_require) args.push "--tag #{fetch(:sidekiq_tag)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_tag) Array(fetch(:sidekiq_queue)).each do |queue| args.push "--queue #{queue}" end args.push "--config #{fetch(:sidekiq_config)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_config) args.push "--concurrency #{fetch(:sidekiq_concurrency)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_concurrency) # use sidekiq_options for special options args.push fetch(:sidekiq_options) if fetch(:sidekiq_options) if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) args.push '>/dev/null 2>&1 &' warn 'Since JRuby doesn\'t support Process.daemon, Sidekiq will not be running as a daemon.' else args.push '--daemon' end if fetch(:start_sidekiq_in_background, fetch(:sidekiq_run_in_background)) background :bundle, :exec, :sidekiq, args.compact.join(' ') else execute :bundle, :exec, :sidekiq, args.compact.join(' ') end end task :add_default_hooks do after 'deploy:starting', 'sidekiq:quiet' after 'deploy:updated', 'sidekiq:stop' after 'deploy:reverted', 'sidekiq:stop' after 'deploy:published', 'sidekiq:start' end desc 'Quiet sidekiq (stop processing new tasks)' task :quiet do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_role) do if test("[ -d #{release_path} ]") # fixes #11 for_each_process(true) do |pid_file, idx| if pid_process_exists?(pid_file) quiet_sidekiq(pid_file) end end end end end desc 'Stop sidekiq' task :stop do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_role) do if test("[ -d #{release_path} ]") for_each_process(true) do |pid_file, idx| if pid_process_exists?(pid_file) stop_sidekiq(pid_file) end end end end end desc 'Start sidekiq' task :start do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_role) do for_each_process do |pid_file, idx| start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx) unless pid_process_exists?(pid_file) end end end desc 'Restart sidekiq' task :restart do invoke 'sidekiq:stop' invoke 'sidekiq:start' end desc 'Rolling-restart sidekiq' task :rolling_restart do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_role) do for_each_process(true) do |pid_file, idx| if pid_process_exists?(pid_file) stop_sidekiq(pid_file) end start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx) end end end # Delete any pid file not in use task :cleanup do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_role) do for_each_process do |pid_file, idx| if pid_file_exists?(pid_file) execute "rm #{pid_file}" unless pid_process_exists?(pid_file) end end end end # TODO : Don't start if all proccess are off, raise warning. desc 'Respawn missing sidekiq proccesses' task :respawn do invoke 'sidekiq:cleanup' on roles fetch(:sidekiq_role) do for_each_process do |pid_file, idx| unless pid_file_exists?(pid_file) start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx) end end end end def template_sidekiq(from, to, role) [ File.join('lib', 'capistrano', 'templates', "#{from}-#{role.hostname}-#{fetch(:stage)}.rb"), File.join('lib', 'capistrano', 'templates', "#{from}-#{role.hostname}.rb"), File.join('lib', 'capistrano', 'templates', "#{from}-#{fetch(:stage)}.rb"), File.join('lib', 'capistrano', 'templates', "#{from}.rb.erb"), File.join('lib', 'capistrano', 'templates', "#{from}.rb"), File.join('lib', 'capistrano', 'templates', "#{from}.erb"), File.expand_path("../../templates/#{from}.rb.erb", __FILE__), File.expand_path("../../templates/#{from}.erb", __FILE__) ].each do |path| if File.file?(path) erb = File.read(path) upload! StringIO.new(ERB.new(erb).result(binding)), to break end end end end