;;; ECMAScript for Guile ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2011, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Code: (define-module (language ecmascript compile-tree-il) #:use-module (language tree-il) #:use-module (ice-9 receive) #:use-module (system base pmatch) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:export (compile-tree-il)) (define-syntax-rule (-> (type arg ...)) `(type ,arg ...)) (define-syntax-rule (@implv sym) (-> (@ '(language ecmascript impl) 'sym))) (define-syntax-rule (@impl sym arg ...) (-> (call (@implv sym) arg ...))) (define (empty-lexical-environment) '()) (define (econs name gensym env) (acons name (-> (lexical name gensym)) env)) (define (lookup name env) (or (assq-ref env name) (-> (toplevel name)))) (define (compile-tree-il exp env opts) (values (parse-tree-il (-> (begin (@impl js-init) (comp exp (empty-lexical-environment))))) env env)) (define (location x) (and (pair? x) (let ((props (source-properties x))) (and (not (null? props)) props)))) ;; for emacs: ;; (put 'pmatch/source 'scheme-indent-function 1) (define-syntax-rule (pmatch/source x clause ...) (let ((x x)) (let ((res (pmatch x clause ...))) (let ((loc (location x))) (if loc (set-source-properties! res (location x)))) res))) (define current-return-tag (make-parameter #f)) (define (return expr) (-> (abort (or (current-return-tag) (error "return outside function")) (list expr) (-> (const '()))))) (define (with-return-prompt body-thunk) (let ((tag (gensym "return"))) (parameterize ((current-return-tag (-> (lexical 'return tag)))) (-> (let '(return) (list tag) (list (-> (primcall 'make-prompt-tag))) (-> (prompt #t (current-return-tag) (body-thunk) (let ((val (gensym "val"))) (-> (lambda '() (-> (lambda-case `(((k val) #f #f #f () (,(gensym) ,val)) ,(-> (lexical 'val val))))))))))))))) (define (comp x e) (let ((l (location x))) (define (let1 what proc) (let ((sym (gensym))) (-> (let (list sym) (list sym) (list what) (proc sym))))) (define (begin1 what proc) (let1 what (lambda (v) (-> (begin (proc v) (-> (lexical v v))))))) (pmatch/source x (null ;; FIXME, null doesn't have much relation to EOL... (-> (const '()))) (true (-> (const #t))) (false (-> (const #f))) ((number ,num) (-> (const num))) ((string ,str) (-> (const str))) (this (@impl get-this)) ((+ ,a) (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) (@impl ->number (comp a e)) (-> (const 0))))) ((- ,a) (-> (call (-> (primitive '-)) (-> (const 0)) (comp a e)))) ((~ ,a) (@impl bitwise-not (comp a e))) ((! ,a) (@impl logical-not (comp a e))) ((+ ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((- ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '-)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((/ ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '/)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((* ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '*)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((% ,a ,b) (@impl mod (comp a e) (comp b e))) ((<< ,a ,b) (@impl shift (comp a e) (comp b e))) ((>> ,a ,b) (@impl shift (comp a e) (comp `(- ,b) e))) ((< ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '<)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((<= ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '<=)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((> ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '>)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((>= ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive '>=)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((in ,a ,b) (@impl has-property? (comp a e) (comp b e))) ((== ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive 'equal?)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((!= ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive 'not)) (-> (call (-> (primitive 'equal?)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))))) ((=== ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive 'eqv?)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))) ((!== ,a ,b) (-> (call (-> (primitive 'not)) (-> (call (-> (primitive 'eqv?)) (comp a e) (comp b e)))))) ((& ,a ,b) (@impl band (comp a e) (comp b e))) ((^ ,a ,b) (@impl bxor (comp a e) (comp b e))) ((bor ,a ,b) (@impl bior (comp a e) (comp b e))) ((and ,a ,b) (-> (if (@impl ->boolean (comp a e)) (comp b e) (-> (const #f))))) ((or ,a ,b) (let1 (comp a e) (lambda (v) (-> (if (@impl ->boolean (-> (lexical v v))) (-> (lexical v v)) (comp b e)))))) ((if ,test ,then ,else) (-> (if (@impl ->boolean (comp test e)) (comp then e) (comp else e)))) ((if ,test ,then) (-> (if (@impl ->boolean (comp test e)) (comp then e) (@implv *undefined*)))) ((postinc (ref ,foo)) (begin1 (comp `(ref ,foo) e) (lambda (var) (-> (set! (lookup foo e) (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) (-> (lexical var var)) (-> (const 1))))))))) ((postinc (pref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (begin1 (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop)) (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)) (-> (const 1)))))))))) ((postinc (aref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (let1 (comp prop e) (lambda (propvar) (begin1 (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar)) (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)) (-> (const 1)))))))))))) ((postdec (ref ,foo)) (begin1 (comp `(ref ,foo) e) (lambda (var) (-> (set (lookup foo e) (-> (call (-> (primitive '-)) (-> (lexical var var)) (-> (const 1))))))))) ((postdec (pref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (begin1 (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop)) (-> (call (-> (primitive '-)) (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)) (-> (const 1)))))))))) ((postdec (aref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (let1 (comp prop e) (lambda (propvar) (begin1 (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar)) (-> (inline '- (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)) (-> (const 1)))))))))))) ((preinc (ref ,foo)) (let ((v (lookup foo e))) (-> (begin (-> (set! v (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) v (-> (const 1)))))) v)))) ((preinc (pref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (begin1 (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop))) (-> (const 1)))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop)) (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)))))))) ((preinc (aref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (let1 (comp prop e) (lambda (propvar) (begin1 (-> (call (-> (primitive '+)) (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar))) (-> (const 1)))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar)) (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)))))))))) ((predec (ref ,foo)) (let ((v (lookup foo e))) (-> (begin (-> (set! v (-> (call (-> (primitive '-)) v (-> (const 1)))))) v)))) ((predec (pref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (begin1 (-> (call (-> (primitive '-)) (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop))) (-> (const 1)))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (const prop)) (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)))))))) ((predec (aref ,obj ,prop)) (let1 (comp obj e) (lambda (objvar) (let1 (comp prop e) (lambda (propvar) (begin1 (-> (call (-> (primitive '-)) (@impl pget (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar))) (-> (const 1)))) (lambda (tmpvar) (@impl pput (-> (lexical objvar objvar)) (-> (lexical propvar propvar)) (-> (lexical tmpvar tmpvar)))))))))) ((ref ,id) (lookup id e)) ((var . ,forms) `(begin ,@(map (lambda (form) (pmatch form ((,x ,y) (-> (define x (comp y e)))) ((,x) (-> (define x (@implv *undefined*)))) (else (error "bad var form" form)))) forms))) ((begin) (-> (void))) ((begin ,form) (comp form e)) ((begin . ,forms) `(begin ,@(map (lambda (x) (comp x e)) forms))) ((lambda ,formals ,body) (let ((syms (map (lambda (x) (gensym (string-append (symbol->string x) " "))) formals))) `(lambda () (lambda-case ((() ,formals #f #f ,(map (lambda (x) (@implv *undefined*)) formals) ,syms) ,(with-return-prompt (lambda () (comp-body e body formals syms)))))))) ((call/this ,obj ,prop . ,args) (@impl call/this* obj (-> (lambda '() `(lambda-case ((() #f #f #f () ()) (call ,(@impl pget obj prop) ,@args))))))) ((call (pref ,obj ,prop) ,args) (comp `(call/this ,(comp obj e) ,(-> (const prop)) ,@(map (lambda (x) (comp x e)) args)) e)) ((call (aref ,obj ,prop) ,args) (comp `(call/this ,(comp obj e) ,(comp prop e) ,@(map (lambda (x) (comp x e)) args)) e)) ((call ,proc ,args) `(call ,(comp proc e) ,@(map (lambda (x) (comp x e)) args))) ((return ,expr) (return (comp expr e))) ((array . ,args) `(call ,(@implv new-array) ,@(map (lambda (x) (comp x e)) args))) ((object . ,args) `(call ,(@implv new-object) ,@(map (lambda (x) (pmatch x ((,prop ,val) (-> (call (-> (primitive 'cons)) (-> (const prop)) (comp val e)))) (else (error "bad prop-val pair" x)))) args))) ((pref ,obj ,prop) (@impl pget (comp obj e) (-> (const prop)))) ((aref ,obj ,index) (@impl pget (comp obj e) (comp index e))) ((= (ref ,name) ,val) (let ((v (lookup name e))) (-> (begin (-> (set! v (comp val e))) v)))) ((= (pref ,obj ,prop) ,val) (@impl pput (comp obj e) (-> (const prop)) (comp val e))) ((= (aref ,obj ,prop) ,val) (@impl pput (comp obj e) (comp prop e) (comp val e))) ((+= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (+ ,what ,val)) e)) ((-= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (- ,what ,val)) e)) ((/= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (/ ,what ,val)) e)) ((*= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (* ,what ,val)) e)) ((%= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (% ,what ,val)) e)) ((>>= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (>> ,what ,val)) e)) ((<<= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (<< ,what ,val)) e)) ((>>>= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (>>> ,what ,val)) e)) ((&= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (& ,what ,val)) e)) ((bor= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (bor ,what ,val)) e)) ((^= ,what ,val) (comp `(= ,what (^ ,what ,val)) e)) ((new ,what ,args) `(call ,(@implv new) ,(comp what e) ,@(map (lambda (x) (comp x e)) args))) ((delete (pref ,obj ,prop)) (@impl pdel (comp obj e) (-> (const prop)))) ((delete (aref ,obj ,prop)) (@impl pdel (comp obj e) (comp prop e))) ((void ,expr) (-> (begin (comp expr e) (@implv *undefined*)))) ((typeof ,expr) (@impl typeof (comp expr e))) ((do ,statement ,test) (let ((%loop (gensym "%loop ")) (%continue (gensym "%continue "))) (let ((e (econs '%loop %loop (econs '%continue %continue e)))) (-> (letrec '(%loop %continue) (list %loop %continue) (list (-> (lambda '() (-> (lambda-case `((() #f #f #f () ()) ,(-> (begin (comp statement e) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%continue %continue))))))))))) (-> (lambda '() (-> (lambda-case `((() #f #f #f () ()) ,(-> (if (@impl ->boolean (comp test e)) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%loop %loop)))) (@implv *undefined*))))))))) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%loop %loop))))))))) ((while ,test ,statement) (let ((%continue (gensym "%continue "))) (let ((e (econs '%continue %continue e))) (-> (letrec '(%continue) (list %continue) (list (-> (lambda '() (-> (lambda-case `((() #f #f #f () ()) ,(-> (if (@impl ->boolean (comp test e)) (-> (begin (comp statement e) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%continue %continue)))))) (@implv *undefined*))))))))) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%continue %continue))))))))) ((for ,init ,test ,inc ,statement) (let ((%continue (gensym "%continue "))) (let ((e (econs '%continue %continue e))) (-> (letrec '(%continue) (list %continue) (list (-> (lambda '() (-> (lambda-case `((() #f #f #f () ()) ,(-> (if (if test (@impl ->boolean (comp test e)) (comp 'true e)) (-> (begin (comp statement e) (comp (or inc '(begin)) e) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%continue %continue)))))) (@implv *undefined*))))))))) (-> (begin (comp (or init '(begin)) e) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%continue %continue))))))))))) ((for-in ,var ,object ,statement) (let ((%enum (gensym "%enum ")) (%continue (gensym "%continue "))) (let ((e (econs '%enum %enum (econs '%continue %continue e)))) (-> (letrec '(%enum %continue) (list %enum %continue) (list (@impl make-enumerator (comp object e)) (-> (lambda '() (-> (lambda-case `((() #f #f #f () ()) (-> (if (@impl ->boolean (@impl pget (-> (lexical '%enum %enum)) (-> (const 'length)))) (-> (begin (comp `(= ,var (call/this ,(-> (lexical '%enum %enum)) ,(-> (const 'pop)))) e) (comp statement e) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%continue %continue)))))) (@implv *undefined*))))))))) (-> (call (-> (lexical '%continue %continue))))))))) ((block ,x) (comp x e)) (else (error "compilation not yet implemented:" x))))) (define (comp-body e body formals formal-syms) (define (process) (let lp ((in body) (out '()) (rvars '())) (pmatch in (((var (,x) . ,morevars) . ,rest) (lp `((var . ,morevars) . ,rest) out (if (or (memq x rvars) (memq x formals)) rvars (cons x rvars)))) (((var (,x ,y) . ,morevars) . ,rest) (lp `((var . ,morevars) . ,rest) `((= (ref ,x) ,y) . ,out) (if (or (memq x rvars) (memq x formals)) rvars (cons x rvars)))) (((var) . ,rest) (lp rest out rvars)) ((,x . ,rest) (guard (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'lambda))) (lp rest (cons x out) rvars)) ((,x . ,rest) (guard (pair? x)) (receive (sub-out rvars) (lp x '() rvars) (lp rest (cons sub-out out) rvars))) ((,x . ,rest) (lp rest (cons x out) rvars)) (() (values (reverse! out) rvars))))) (receive (out rvars) (process) (let* ((names (reverse rvars)) (syms (map (lambda (x) (gensym (string-append (symbol->string x) " "))) names)) (e (fold econs (fold econs e formals formal-syms) names syms))) (-> (let names syms (map (lambda (x) (@implv *undefined*)) names) (comp out e))))))