module ActsAsTenant @@tenant_klass = nil def self.set_tenant_klass(klass) @@tenant_klass = klass end def self.tenant_klass @@tenant_klass end def self.fkey "#{@@tenant_klass.to_s}_id" end def self.current_tenant=(tenant)[:current_tenant] = tenant end def self.current_tenant[:current_tenant] end def self.with_tenant(tenant, &block) if block.nil? raise ArgumentError, "block required" end old_tenant = self.current_tenant self.current_tenant = tenant value = return value ensure self.current_tenant = old_tenant end module ModelExtensions def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_tenant(tenant = :account, options = {}) ActsAsTenant.set_tenant_klass(tenant) # Create the association valid_options = options.slice(:foreign_key, :class_name) fkey = valid_options[:foreign_key] || ActsAsTenant.fkey belongs_to tenant, valid_options default_scope lambda { if ActsAsTenant.configuration.require_tenant && ActsAsTenant.current_tenant.nil? raise ActsAsTenant::Errors::NoTenantSet end if ActsAsTenant.current_tenant where(fkey.to_sym => else all end } # Add the following validations to the receiving model: # - new instances should have the tenant set # - validate that associations belong to the tenant, currently only for belongs_to # before_validation {|m| if ActsAsTenant.current_tenant m.send "#{fkey}=".to_sym, end }, :on => :create polymorphic_foreign_keys = reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).select do |a| a.options[:polymorphic] { |a| a.foreign_key } reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).each do |a| unless a == reflect_on_association(tenant) || polymorphic_foreign_keys.include?(a.foreign_key) association_class = a.options[:class_name].nil? ? : a.options[:class_name].constantize validates_each a.foreign_key.to_sym do |record, attr, value| primary_key = if association_class.respond_to?(:primary_key) association_class.primary_key else a.primary_key end.to_sym record.errors.add attr, "association is invalid [ActsAsTenant]" unless value.nil? || association_class.where(primary_key => value).exists? end end end # Dynamically generate the following methods: # - Rewrite the accessors to make tenant immutable # - Add an override to prevent unnecessary db hits # - Add a helper method to verify if a model has been scoped by AaT to_include = do define_method "#{fkey}=" do |integer| raise ActsAsTenant::Errors::TenantIsImmutable unless new_record? || send(fkey).nil? || send(fkey) == integer write_attribute("#{fkey}", integer) end define_method "#{ActsAsTenant.tenant_klass.to_s}=" do |model| raise ActsAsTenant::Errors::TenantIsImmutable unless new_record? || send(fkey).nil? || send(fkey) == integer super(model) end define_method "#{ActsAsTenant.tenant_klass.to_s}" do if !ActsAsTenant.current_tenant.nil? && send(fkey) == return ActsAsTenant.current_tenant else super() end end end include to_include class << self def scoped_by_tenant? true end end end def validates_uniqueness_to_tenant(fields, args ={}) raise ActsAsTenant::Errors::ModelNotScopedByTenant unless respond_to?(:scoped_by_tenant?) fkey = reflect_on_association(ActsAsTenant.tenant_klass).foreign_key #tenant_id = lambda { "#{ActsAsTenant.fkey}"}.call if args[:scope] args[:scope] = Array(args[:scope]) << fkey else args[:scope] = fkey end validates_uniqueness_of(fields, args) end end end end