class FireflyServer class FileWatcher attr_reader(*%w[ listener configuration ]) def initialize(configuration) @configuration = configuration @listener = nil end def on_change(&block) configuration.file_change_callbacks << block if block self end def watch!(&file_change_callback) # prevent multiple listeners listener.stop if listener # always mute the Listen logger due to verbosity if !Listen.logger Listen.logger = Listen.logger.level = Logger::WARN end @listener =*configuration.watch_paths) do |modified, added, removed| ignored = [] [modified, added, removed].each do |paths| # remove ignored paths paths.reject! do |path| configuration.ignore_paths.any? do |ignore_path| if ignore_path.is_a?(String) ignored << path if path.start_with?(ignore_path) true elsif ignore_path.is_a?(Regexp) ignored << path if path =~ ignore_path true else raise( ArgumentError, "unknown ignore path (expected string or regex): #{ignore_path.class} - #{ignore_path.inspect}" ) end end end end # trigger change callbacks callbacks = (configuration.file_change_callbacks + [file_change_callback]).compact if !callbacks.empty? change_event = ignored, modified: modified, added: added, removed: removed) callbacks.each do |callback| end end end listener.start self end class ChangeEvent CATEGORIES = %w[ ignored modified added removed ] attr_writer(*CATEGORIES) def initialize(params) params.each do |key, value| send("#{key}=", value) end end CATEGORIES.each do |accessor| define_method("#{accessor}?") { send(accessor).any? } define_method("#{accessor}") { Array(instance_variable_get("@#{accessor}")) } end def to_h { |category| [category.to_sym, send(category)] }.to_h end end end end