=== Version 1.4.1 / 2011-06-01 * bump rspec dependency to 2.6.0 * bump watir-webdriver dependency to 0.2.3 === Version 1.4.0 / 2011-04-30 * deprecated #in(timeout) method - use #within(timeout) instead * added #seconds/#second and #minutes/#minute method to RSpec matchers for making it possible to use them together with #within(timeout) method === Version 1.3.0 / 2011-04-22 * handle RSpec's #should_not correctly when using #in(timeout) * added #soon for RSpec's matcher as an alias for #in(30) === Version 1.2.1 / 2011-04-17 * use RSpec's multiple formatters support functionality directly === Version 1.2.0 / 2011-04-16 * fixed Watir::Browser#attach for Watir::IE * added #in(timeout) method for all RSpec matchers (read more about it on the wiki https://github.com/jarmo/WatirSplash/wiki/RSpec-Features) * added #make as an alias for #change as a RSpec matcher * bump watir/firewatir dependency to 1.8.1 * bump watir-webdriver dependency to 0.2.2 * bump win32screenshot dependency to 1.0.3 === Version 1.1.2 / 2011-03-22 * bump watir/firewatir dependency to 1.8.0 * bump watir-webdriver dependency to 0.2.1 * patch temporarily MiniMagick to handle spaces in file paths when saving screenshots on Windows (https://github.com/probablycorey/mini_magick/pull/38) === Version 1.1.1 / 2011-02-17 * Minor fix for RSpec involving example groups without enough metadata === Version 1.1.0 / 2011-02-17 * browser methods will be cached by #method_missing for faster lookup * added support for different frameworks - Watir, FireWatir and Watir-WebDriver === Version 1.0.0 / 2011-01-26 * using RSpec 2 - if you have projects using WatirSplash <= 0.2.14 then execute `watirsplash migrate` under ui-test and ui-test-common directories! * removed Watir::WaitHelper - use Watir's waiting methods instead * using Watir 1.7.1 * use WATIRSPLASH_RESULTS_PATH environment variable for specifying custom spec results location === Version 0.2.14 / 2011-01-25 * use newer RAutomation * use newer Win32::Screenshot - you may now uninstall ImageMagick and RMagick === Version 0.2.12 / 2010-10-15 * really fix integration with RAutomation and AutoIt - uninstall all versions of Watir before installing this version of WatirSplash due to the conflicts of Watir's AutoIt version and RAutomation AutoIt version === Version 0.2.11 / 2010-10-15 * fix integration with RAutomation - uninstall all versions of Watir before installing this version of WatirSplash due to the conflicts of Watir's AutoIt version and RAutomation AutoIt version === Version 0.2.10 / 2010-10-14 * fixed Watir 1.6.6 dependency === Version 0.2.9 / 2010-10-14 * AutoItHelper is no more! Using RAutomation gem instead * JavaScript error messages are not screenshotted anymore due to it's complexity and vagueness of the messages themselves * deleted #wait_until? and #wait_while? methods === Version 0.2.8 / 2010-10-06 * use Watir 1.6.6 and RSpec 1.3.0 from now on === Version 0.2.7 / 2010-09-27 * added explicit dependencies for Watir 1.6.5 and RSpec 1.3.0 so upcoming versions wouldn't break things accidentally === Version 0.2.6 / 2010-09-12 * moved a lot of documentation from the README to the wiki at http://github.com/jarmo/watirsplash/wiki * Timeout::Error will be raised if browser hasn't loaded page within 5 minutes * added Watir::WaitHelper with convenience methods like #when_present, #wait_until_present, #wait_while_present, #wait_while and #wait_while? - see about usage from the wiki! Timeout Exception class is now Watir::WaitHelper::TimeoutError when using the methods above * removed #file_path and #native_file_path methods - use File.path and File.native_path methods instead * removed #download_file method - use Watir::Element#save_as method instead: # no need to perform #click_no_wait anymore link(:id => 'something').save_as(File.path('download.zip')) # => returns full path to download.zip === Version 0.2.5 / 2010-08-19 * #click_no_wait performance improved by 2-3x - see more from http://jira.openqa.org/browse/WTR-449 * spec's relative filename with line number and date is shown in example_group name in the report * only time is shown in example name in the report === Version 0.2.4 / 2010-07-30 * timestamp is now inserted into example names Bug fixes: * fixed project template generated with "watirsplash generate" command === Version 0.2.3 / 2010-07-23 Bug fixes: * it is now possible to use method 'p' to find <p> elements in specs without invoking Kernel.p * fixed project template to use require_all instead of require_rel === Version 0.2.2 / 2010-06-13 * fixed minor bugs === Version 0.2.1 / 2010-05-27 * added compatibility with Win32::Screenshot 0.0.4 * wait_until behaves exactly the same as with Watir - throws Exception upon timeout * removed wait_until! - use wait_until instead * added wait_until? which returns true if condition was true and doesn't throw Exception upon timeout === Version 0.2.0 / 2010-05-03 PS! This version has some backwards incompatible changes! * added max_depth parameter to Watir::Table#to_a and Watir::TableRow#to_a methods for avoiding too complex arrays if wanted * watirsplash is not used to launch tests anymore - use regular RSpec's 'spec' command instead * tests need to be inside of 'spec' directory, because spec.opts is responsible for loading every library * you can launch tests with IDE by using -O spec.opts as a spec runner parameter * Watir::Element#style returns current CSS style for element * ui-test and ui-test-common project templates got changed === Version 0.1.9 / 2010-05-01 * Changed name of the library to WatirSplash due to name conflict - this means that all watirspec commands are now obsolete and you have to use watirsplash commands instead - all WatiRspec constants (module names etc) are now named as WatirSplash === Version 0.1.8 / 2010-04-19 * tidied up some code, no changes in functionality === Version 0.1.7 / 2010-04-15 * minor fix === Version 0.1.6 / 2010-04-08 * browser was not closed when Watir::IE#run_error_checks throwed an exception === Version 0.1.5 / 2010-04-08 * fixed a problem where HtmlFormatter threw an ugly exception due to the problem when browser was not opened === Version 0.1.4 / 2010-04-06 * added dependency for win32screenshot === Version 0.1.3 / 2010-04-06 * fixed a bug where inner table was not shown with Watir::Table#to_a when it was not a direct child, but some other element was in between for example form, span, div etc. === Version 0.1.2 / 2010-04-05 * Added match_array matcher for RSpec for using with Array when regular expressions are needed. It is useful when verifying html tables with #to_a method. expected_array = ["1", "2", /\d+/, "3"] ["1", "2", "66", "3"].should match_array(expected_array) table(:id => "table_id").to_a.should match_array(expected_array) === Version 0.1.1 / 2010-04-04 * Watir::Table#to_a and Watir::TableRow#to_a work now well with tr, th, td elements, colspan and nested tables. This means that you can test easily tables now: expected_table = [["one", "two"], ["three", "four"]] table(:id => "table_id").to_a.should =~ expected_table * removed strict version requirements for dependencies === Version 0.1.0 / 2010-04-03 First release of WatiRspec, a small library for combining Watir and RSpec for browser-based functional testing in Ruby.