module Lookbook class YardTag < ::YARD::Tags::Tag def initialize(*args) if args.size < 2 tag_name ="_tag") super(tag_name, args.first, nil, @name) else super(*args) end end def text tag_parts[:text] end def options tag_parts[:options] end def to_s value.to_s end # The `value` attribute should be overriden in child classes # to return the resolved value of the tag, where appropriate. # i.e. for the @hidden tag this would return boolean true/false. alias_method :value, :text def self.supports_options(value = true) @supports_options = !!value end def self.supports_options? @supports_options.nil? ? false : @supports_options end supports_options protected def tag_parts if @tag_parts.nil? options, text = parse_options(@text) end @tag_parts ||= {options: options, text: text} end def resolve_path(path) return unless host_file dir = path.start_with?(".") ? host_file.dirname : host_file_base_directory Pathname(File.expand_path(path, dir)) end def host_file location = object&.files&.first # [file, line_number] Pathname(location.first) if location end def host_file_base_directory return unless host_file directories = directories.first { |dir| host_file.to_s.start_with?(dir) } end def host_class_instance host_class = lookup_host_class host_class&.new end def lookup_host_class host_code_object = if object.is_a?(YARD::CodeObjects::MethodObject) object.parent elsif object.is_a?(YARD::CodeObjects::ClassObject) object end host_code_object&.path&.constantize end def parse_options(input, resolve: true) if self.class.supports_options?, { file: host_file, base_dir: host_file&.dirname, eval_context: host_class_instance, resolve: resolve }) else [{}, @text] end end end end