module Ultracache class BelongsAsCachedQueue < Relationship def initialize(name, block, options={}) super(name, options) @serializer_block = block @alias = options[:as] @need_update = options[:need_update] @unless = options[:unless] end # Saves serialized form of object into cache queue which the object # has a relationship to. # # The first parameter, `obj`, is the object which will be stored into # cache queue. `storage` parameter is # # @return Serialized form of the object def save_cache(obj) return if @unless && obj.send(@unless) value = if @serializer_block obj else serializer.serialize(obj.as_json) end storage.put_queue(key(obj), score_of(obj), value) end # Destroys serialized cache from associated cache queue. In some cases # like caching serialized documents of MongoDB, two or more cached objects # may have the same score with other documents. To remove cache we want to # delete only, we should deal with this problem. # # If two or more documents are fetched with the computed score, # `destroy_cache` deserializes the cached documents in order to find one # cache having the same identifier. def destroy_cache(obj) score = score_of(obj) key = key(obj) docs = storage.get_queue(key, :from => score, :to => score) if docs.count == 1 # Only one document is fetched from queue, and it is okay to remove storage.remove_from_queue_by_range(key, :from => score, :to => score) elsif docs.count > 1 # We should deserialize fetched documents to find the document having # the same id with `obj` docs.each do |doc| deserialized = serializer.deserialize(doc) _id = deserialized["id"] _id = deserialized["_id"] unless _id if _id == storage.remove_from_queue(key, doc) end end end end # Updates object cache in queue. To update cache, we should destroy the # document and regenerate it with updated information. def update_cache(obj) return unless @need_update delete_cache(obj) save_cache(obj) end # Returns key of cache queue which cache of the object will be stored into def key(obj) associated = @associated_class.to_s.underscore namespace = @name parent_id = obj.send("#{associated}_id") "#{@associated_class.to_s.underscore}:#{parent_id}:#{namespace}" end protected def score_of(obj) obj.respond_to?(:cached_queue_score) ? obj.cached_queue_score : end end end