# This code was ported from the java version available here: # http://grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/com.ibm.icu/icu4j/51.2/com/ibm/icu/text/RBNFChinesePostProcessor.java # This code is incomplete, untested, and unused. It should remain here until # I can figure out why it's necessary in ICU and wether to make use of it here or not. RULE_SET_NAMES = ["traditional", "simplified", "accounting", "time"] DIAN = 40670 # decimal point MARKERS = [ [33836, 20740, 20806, 12295], # marker chars, last char is the 'zero' [19975, 20159, 20806, 12295], [33836, 20740, 20806, 38646] # need markers for time? ] def process(str, rule_set) { # markers depend on what rule set we are using buf = str.unpack("U*") name = rule_set.name format = RULE_SET_NAMES.find_index { |rule_set_name| rule_set.name == rule_set_name } long_form = format == 1 || format == 3 if long_form i = buf.index("*".ord) while i != -1 buf.delete(i...i + 1) i = buf.index("*".ord) end else # remove unwanted lings # a '0' (ling) with * might be removed # mark off 10,000 'chunks', markers are Z, Y, W (zhao, yii, and wan) # already, we avoid two lings in the same chunk -- ling without * wins # now, just need to avoid optional lings in adjacent chunks # process right to left # decision matrix: # state, situation # state none opt. req. # ----- ---- ---- ---- # none to right none opt. req. # opt. to right none clear, none clear right, req. # req. to right none clear, none req. # mark chunks with '|' for convenience m = MARKERS[format] 0.upto(m.length - 2) do |i| n = buf.index(m[i]) if n != -1 buf.insert(n + m[i].length, '|'.ord) end end x = buf.index(DIAN) x = buf.length if x == -1 s = 0 # 0 = none to right, 1 = opt. to right, 2 = req. to right n = -1 # previous optional ling ling = MARKERS[format][3] while x >= 0 m = buf.rindex("|", x) nn = buf.rindex(ling, x) ns = 0 if nn > m ns = (nn > 0 && buf[nn - 1] != '*'.ord) ? 2 : 1 end x = m - 1 # actually much simpler, but leave this verbose for now so it's easier to follow case s * 3 + ns when 0: # none, none s = ns # redundant n = -1 when 1 # none, opt. s = ns n = nn # remember optional ling to right when 2 # none, req. s = ns n = -1 when 3 # opt., none s = ns n = -1 when 4 # opt., opt. # n + ling.length buf.delete((nn - 1)...(nn + 1)) # delete current optional ling s = 0 n = -1 when 5 # opt., req. # n + ling.length buf.delete((n - 1)...(n + 1)) # delete previous optional ling s = ns n = -1 when 6 # req., none s = ns n = -1 when 7 # req., opt. # nn + ling.length buf.delete((nn - 1)...(nn + 1)) # delete current optional ling s = 0 n = -1 case 8 # req., req. s = ns n = -1 else raise "Illegal state" end end buf.length.downto(0) do |i| if buf[i] == "*".ord || buf[i] == "|".ord buf.delete(i...i + 1) end end end buf.pack("U*") end