#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin bindings.rb - Ruby/GTK sample script. Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. =end =begin Usage: bindings.rb Following key bindings are effective in the TextView area. + l : scroll down by one page + m : scroll up by one page + j : move cursor donw by one line + k : move cursor up by one line clicking buttons cause following effect "Ctrl + l" : same as pressing + l in text view area. "Ctrl + m" : same as pressing + m in text view area. "cancel Ctrl +j/k" : disable + j and + k bindings. =end require "gtk3" class Pager < Gtk::TextView def initialize(path) @path = path super() load set_editable(false) set_size_request(400, 400) end private def load open(@path).read.each_line do |line| buffer.insert_at_cursor(line) end buffer.place_cursor(buffer.start_iter) end end file_path = ARGV[0] || __FILE__ window = Gtk::Window.new window.name = "pager_window" css_provider = Gtk::CssProvider.new if Gtk::Version.or_later?(3, 20, 0) css_provider.load(:data => <j" { "move-cursor" (display-lines, 1, 0) }; bind "k" { "move-cursor" (display-lines, -1, 0) }; bind "l" { "move-cursor" (buffer-ends, 1, 0) }; bind "m" { "move-cursor" (buffer-ends, -1, 0) }; } textview { caret-color: green; -GtkWidget-aspect-ratio: 1.0; font: 20 Sans; color: #aaa; background-color: #333 ; -gtk-key-bindings: MoveCursor; } CSS else css_provider.load(:data => <j" { "move-cursor" (display-lines, 1, 0) }; bind "k" { "move-cursor" (display-lines, -1, 0) }; bind "l" { "move-cursor" (buffer-ends, 1, 0) }; bind "m" { "move-cursor" (buffer-ends, -1, 0) }; } GtkTextView { -GtkWidget-cursor-color: green; -GtkWidget-aspect-ratio: 1.0; font: 20 Sans; color: #aaa; background-color: #333 ; gtk-key-bindings: MoveCursor; } CSS end hbox = Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal) hbox.add(button1 = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Ctrl + l")) hbox.add(button2 = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Ctrl + m")) hbox.add(button3 = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Cancel Ctrl + j/k")) vbox = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical) sw = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new sw.set_size_request(500, 500) pager = Pager.new(file_path) pager.style_context.add_provider(css_provider, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) sw.add(pager) vbox.add(hbox) vbox.add(sw) window.add(vbox) window.show_all window.signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit } binding_set = Gtk::BindingSet.find("MoveCursor") button1.signal_connect "clicked" do binding_set.activate(Gdk::Keyval::KEY_l, Gdk::ModifierType::CONTROL_MASK, pager) pager.grab_focus end button2.signal_connect "clicked" do binding_set.activate(Gdk::Keyval::KEY_m, Gdk::ModifierType::CONTROL_MASK, pager) pager.grab_focus end button3.signal_connect "clicked" do binding_set.remove(Gdk::Keyval::KEY_j, Gdk::ModifierType::CONTROL_MASK) binding_set.remove(Gdk::Keyval::KEY_k, Gdk::ModifierType::CONTROL_MASK) pager.grab_focus end pager.grab_focus Gtk.main