Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
	// Add a new option to a SELECT object (combo or list).
	function addOption( combo, optionText, optionValue, documentObject, index )
		combo = getSelect( combo );
		var oOption;
		if ( documentObject )
			oOption = documentObject.createElement( "OPTION" );
			oOption = document.createElement( "OPTION" );

		if ( combo && oOption && oOption.getName() == 'option' )
			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
				if ( !isNaN( parseInt( index, 10) ) )
					combo.$.options.add( oOption.$, index );
					combo.$.options.add( oOption.$ );

				oOption.$.innerHTML = optionText.length > 0 ? optionText : '';
				oOption.$.value     = optionValue;
				if ( index !== null && index < combo.getChildCount() )
					combo.getChild( index < 0 ? 0 : index ).insertBeforeMe( oOption );
					combo.append( oOption );

				oOption.setText( optionText.length > 0 ? optionText : '' );
				oOption.setValue( optionValue );
			return false;

		return oOption;
	// Remove all selected options from a SELECT object.
	function removeSelectedOptions( combo )
		combo = getSelect( combo );

		// Save the selected index
		var iSelectedIndex = getSelectedIndex( combo );

		// Remove all selected options.
		for ( var i = combo.getChildren().count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
			if ( combo.getChild( i ).$.selected )
				combo.getChild( i ).remove();

		// Reset the selection based on the original selected index.
		setSelectedIndex( combo, iSelectedIndex );
	//Modify option  from a SELECT object.
	function modifyOption( combo, index, title, value )
		combo = getSelect( combo );
		if ( index < 0 )
			return false;
		var child = combo.getChild( index );
		child.setText( title );
		child.setValue( value );
		return child;
	function removeAllOptions( combo )
		combo = getSelect( combo );
		while ( combo.getChild( 0 ) && combo.getChild( 0 ).remove() )
		{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
	// Moves the selected option by a number of steps (also negative).
	function changeOptionPosition( combo, steps, documentObject )
		combo = getSelect( combo );
		var iActualIndex = getSelectedIndex( combo );
		if ( iActualIndex < 0 )
			return false;

		var iFinalIndex = iActualIndex + steps;
		iFinalIndex = ( iFinalIndex < 0 ) ? 0 : iFinalIndex;
		iFinalIndex = ( iFinalIndex >= combo.getChildCount() ) ? combo.getChildCount() - 1 : iFinalIndex;

		if ( iActualIndex == iFinalIndex )
			return false;

		var oOption = combo.getChild( iActualIndex ),
			sText	= oOption.getText(),
			sValue	= oOption.getValue();


		oOption = addOption( combo, sText, sValue, ( !documentObject ) ? null : documentObject, iFinalIndex );
		setSelectedIndex( combo, iFinalIndex );
		return oOption;
	function getSelectedIndex( combo )
		combo = getSelect( combo );
		return combo ? combo.$.selectedIndex : -1;
	function setSelectedIndex( combo, index )
		combo = getSelect( combo );
		if ( index < 0 )
			return null;
		var count = combo.getChildren().count();
		combo.$.selectedIndex = ( index >= count ) ? ( count - 1 ) : index;
		return combo;
	function getOptions( combo )
		combo = getSelect( combo );
		return combo ? combo.getChildren() : false;
	function getSelect( obj )
		if ( obj && obj.domId && obj.getInputElement().$ )				// Dialog element.
			return  obj.getInputElement();
		else if ( obj && obj.$ )
			return obj;
		return false;

	return {
		title : editor.lang.select.title,
		minWidth : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 460 : 395,
		minHeight : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 320 : 300,
		onShow : function()
			delete this.selectBox;
			this.setupContent( 'clear' );
			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
			if ( element && element.getName() == "select" )
				this.selectBox = element;
				this.setupContent( element.getName(), element );

				// Load Options into dialog.
				var objOptions = getOptions( element );
				for ( var i = 0 ; i < objOptions.count() ; i++ )
					this.setupContent( 'option', objOptions.getItem( i ) );
		onOk : function()
			var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
				element = this.selectBox,
				isInsertMode = !element;

			if ( isInsertMode )
				element = editor.document.createElement( 'select' );
			this.commitContent( element );

			if ( isInsertMode )
				editor.insertElement( element );
				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
					var sel = editor.getSelection(),
						bms = sel.createBookmarks();
						sel.selectBookmarks( bms );
					}, 0 );
		contents : [
				id : 'info',
				label : editor.lang.select.selectInfo,
				title : editor.lang.select.selectInfo,
				accessKey : '',
				elements : [
						id : 'txtName',
						type : 'text',
						widths : [ '25%','75%' ],
						labelLayout : 'horizontal',
						label : editor.lang.common.name,
						'default' : '',
						accessKey : 'N',
						align : 'center',
						style : 'width:350px',
						setup : function( name, element )
							if ( name == 'clear' )
								this.setValue( this['default'] || '' );
							else if ( name == 'select' )
										element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
										element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
										'' );
						commit : function( element )
							if ( this.getValue() )
								element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
								element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ;
								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
						id : 'txtValue',
						type : 'text',
						widths : [ '25%','75%' ],
						labelLayout : 'horizontal',
						label : editor.lang.select.value,
						style : 'width:350px',
						'default' : '',
						className : 'cke_disabled',
						onLoad : function()
							this.getInputElement().setAttribute( 'readOnly', true );
						setup : function( name, element )
							if ( name == 'clear' )
								this.setValue( '' );
							else if ( name == 'option' && element.getAttribute( 'selected' ) )
								this.setValue( element.$.value );
						type : 'hbox',
						widths : [ '175px', '170px' ],
						align : 'center',
						children :
								id : 'txtSize',
								type : 'text',
								align : 'center',
								labelLayout : 'horizontal',
								label : editor.lang.select.size,
								'default' : '',
								accessKey : 'S',
								style : 'width:175px',
								validate: function()
									var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed );
									return ( ( this.getValue() === '' ) || func.apply( this ) );
								setup : function( name, element )
									if ( name == 'select' )
										this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'size' ) || '' );
									if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
										this.getInputElement().setStyle( 'width', '86px' );
								commit : function( element )
									if ( this.getValue() )
										element.setAttribute( 'size', this.getValue() );
										element.removeAttribute( 'size' );
								type : 'html',
								html : '<span>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.select.lines ) + '</span>'
						type : 'html',
						html : '<span>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.select.opAvail ) + '</span>'
						type : 'hbox',
						widths : [ '115px', '115px' ,'100px' ],
						align : 'top',
						children :
								type : 'vbox',
								children :
										id : 'txtOptName',
										type : 'text',
										label : editor.lang.select.opText,
										style : 'width:115px',
										setup : function( name, element )
											if ( name == 'clear' )
												this.setValue( "" );
										type : 'select',
										id : 'cmbName',
										label : '',
										title : '',
										size : 5,
										style : 'width:115px;height:75px',
										items : [],
										onChange : function()
											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
												iIndex = getSelectedIndex( this );

											setSelectedIndex( values, iIndex );
											optName.setValue( this.getValue() );
											optValue.setValue( values.getValue() );
										setup : function( name, element )
											if ( name == 'clear' )
												removeAllOptions( this );
											else if ( name == 'option' )
												addOption( this, element.getText(), element.getText(),
													this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document );
										commit : function( element )
											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
												optionsNames = getOptions( this ),
												optionsValues = getOptions( dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ) ),
												selectValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' ).getValue();

											removeAllOptions( element );

											for ( var i = 0 ; i < optionsNames.count() ; i++ )
												var oOption = addOption( element, optionsNames.getItem( i ).getValue(),
													optionsValues.getItem( i ).getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
												if ( optionsValues.getItem( i ).getValue() == selectValue )
													oOption.setAttribute( 'selected', 'selected' );
													oOption.selected = true;
								type : 'vbox',
								children :
										id : 'txtOptValue',
										type : 'text',
										label : editor.lang.select.opValue,
										style : 'width:115px',
										setup : function( name, element )
											if ( name == 'clear' )
												this.setValue( "" );
										type : 'select',
										id : 'cmbValue',
										label : '',
										size : 5,
										style : 'width:115px;height:75px',
										items : [],
										onChange : function()
											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
												iIndex = getSelectedIndex( this );

											setSelectedIndex( names, iIndex );
											optName.setValue( names.getValue() );
											optValue.setValue( this.getValue() );
										setup : function( name, element )
											if ( name == 'clear' )
												removeAllOptions( this );
											else if ( name == 'option' )
												var oValue	= element.getValue();
												addOption( this, oValue, oValue,
													this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document );
												if ( element.getAttribute( 'selected' ) == 'selected' )
													this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' ).setValue( oValue );
								type : 'vbox',
								padding : 5,
								children :
										type : 'button',
										style : '',
										label : editor.lang.select.btnAdd,
										title : editor.lang.select.btnAdd,
										style : 'width:100%;',
										onClick : function()
											//Add new option.
											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
												parentEditor = dialog.getParentEditor(),
												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );

											addOption(names, optName.getValue(), optName.getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
											addOption(values, optValue.getValue(), optValue.getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );

											optName.setValue( "" );
											optValue.setValue( "" );
										type : 'button',
										label : editor.lang.select.btnModify,
										title : editor.lang.select.btnModify,
										style : 'width:100%;',
										onClick : function()
											//Modify selected option.
											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
												iIndex = getSelectedIndex( names );

											if ( iIndex >= 0 )
												modifyOption( names, iIndex, optName.getValue(), optName.getValue() );
												modifyOption( values, iIndex, optValue.getValue(), optValue.getValue() );
										type : 'button',
										style : 'width:100%;',
										label : editor.lang.select.btnUp,
										title : editor.lang.select.btnUp,
										onClick : function()
											//Move up.
											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );

											changeOptionPosition( names, -1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
											changeOptionPosition( values, -1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
										type : 'button',
										style : 'width:100%;',
										label : editor.lang.select.btnDown,
										title : editor.lang.select.btnDown,
										onClick : function()
											//Move down.
											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );

											changeOptionPosition( names, 1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
											changeOptionPosition( values, 1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
						type : 'hbox',
						widths : [ '40%', '20%', '40%' ],
						children :
								type : 'button',
								label : editor.lang.select.btnSetValue,
								title : editor.lang.select.btnSetValue,
								onClick : function()
									//Set as default value.
									var dialog = this.getDialog(),
										values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
										txtValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' );
									txtValue.setValue( values.getValue() );
								type : 'button',
								label : editor.lang.select.btnDelete,
								title : editor.lang.select.btnDelete,
								onClick : function()
									// Delete option.
									var dialog = this.getDialog(),
										names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
										values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
										optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
										optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' );

									removeSelectedOptions( names );
									removeSelectedOptions( values );

									optName.setValue( "" );
									optValue.setValue( "" );
								id : 'chkMulti',
								type : 'checkbox',
								label : editor.lang.select.chkMulti,
								'default' : '',
								accessKey : 'M',
								value : "checked",
								setup : function( name, element )
									if ( name == 'select' )
										this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'multiple' ) );
									if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
										this.getElement().getParent().setStyle( 'vertical-align', 'middle' );
								commit : function( element )
									if ( this.getValue() )
										element.setAttribute( 'multiple', this.getValue() );
										element.removeAttribute( 'multiple' );