import React from 'react'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import ModuleStreamDetailArtifacts from './ModuleStreamDetailArtifacts'; import ModuleStreamDetailProfiles from './Profiles/ModuleStreamDetailProfiles'; import ContentDetailInfo from '../../../components/Content/Details/ContentDetailInfo'; import ContentDetailRepositories from '../../../components/Content/Details/ContentDetailRepositories'; export const displayMap = new Map([ ['name', __('Name')], ['summary', __('Summary')], ['description', __('Description')], ['stream', __('Stream')], ['version', __('Version')], ['arch', __('Arch')], ['context', __('Context')], ['uuid', __('UUID')], ]); export default (detailInfo) => { const { repositories, profiles, artifacts } = detailInfo; return [ { key: 1, tabHeader: __('Details'), tabContent: ( ), }, { key: 2, tabHeader: __('Repositories'), tabContent: (repositories && repositories.length ? : __('No repositories to show') ), }, { key: 3, tabHeader: __('Profiles'), tabContent: (profiles && profiles.length ? : __('No profiles to show') ), }, { key: 4, tabHeader: __('Artifacts'), tabContent: (artifacts && artifacts.length ? : __('No artifacts to show') ), }, ]; };