# ActsAsTaggableOn [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on.png)](http://travis-ci.org/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on) This plugin was originally based on Acts as Taggable on Steroids by Jonathan Viney. It has evolved substantially since that point, but all credit goes to him for the initial tagging functionality that so many people have used. For instance, in a social network, a user might have tags that are called skills, interests, sports, and more. There is no real way to differentiate between tags and so an implementation of this type is not possible with acts as taggable on steroids. Enter Acts as Taggable On. Rather than tying functionality to a specific keyword (namely `tags`), acts as taggable on allows you to specify an arbitrary number of tag "contexts" that can be used locally or in combination in the same way steroids was used. ## Compatibility Versions 2.x are compatible with Ruby 1.8.7+ and Rails 3. Versions 2.4.1 and up are compatible with Rails 4 too (thanks to arabonradar and cwoodcox). Versions 3.x (currently unreleased) are compatible with Ruby 1.9.3+ and Rails 3 and 4. For an up-to-date roadmap, see https://github.com/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on/issues/milestones ## Installation To use it, add it to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'acts_as_taggable_on' ``` and bundle: ```ruby bundle ``` #### Post Installation ```shell rails generate acts_as_taggable_on:migration rake db:migrate ``` #### Upgrading see [UPGRADING](UPGRADING) ## Testing Acts As Taggable On uses RSpec for its test coverage. Inside the gem directory, you can run the specs with: ```shell bundle cp spec/database.yml{.sample,} rake spec ``` If you want, add a `.ruby-version` file in the project root (and use rbenv or RVM) to work on a specific version of Ruby. ## Usage ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base # Alias for acts_as_taggable_on :tags acts_as_taggable acts_as_taggable_on :skills, :interests end @user = User.new(:name => "Bobby") @user.tag_list = "awesome, slick, hefty" # this should be familiar @user.skill_list = "joking, clowning, boxing" # but you can do it for any context! @user.tags # => [,,] @user.skills # => [,,] @user.skill_list # => ["joking","clowning","boxing"] as TagList @user.tag_list.remove("awesome") # remove a single tag @user.tag_list.remove("awesome, slick") # works with arrays too @user.tag_list.add("awesomer") # add a single tag. alias for << @user.tag_list.add("awesomer, slicker") # also works with arrays User.skill_counts # => [,...] ``` To preserve the order in which tags are created use `acts_as_ordered_taggable`: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base # Alias for acts_as_ordered_taggable_on :tags acts_as_ordered_taggable acts_as_ordered_taggable_on :skills, :interests end @user = User.new(:name => "Bobby") @user.tag_list = "east, south" @user.save @user.tag_list = "north, east, south, west" @user.save @user.reload @user.tag_list # => ["north", "east", "south", "west"] ``` ### Finding Tagged Objects Acts As Taggable On uses scopes to create an association for tags. This way you can mix and match to filter down your results. ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :tags, :skills scope :by_join_date, order("created_at DESC") end User.tagged_with("awesome").by_join_date User.tagged_with("awesome").by_join_date.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 20) # Find a user with matching all tags, not just one User.tagged_with(["awesome", "cool"], :match_all => true) # Find a user with any of the tags: User.tagged_with(["awesome", "cool"], :any => true) # Find a user that not tags with awesome or cool: User.tagged_with(["awesome", "cool"], :exclude => true) # Find a user with any of tags based on context: User.tagged_with(['awesome, cool'], :on => :tags, :any => true).tagged_with(['smart', 'shy'], :on => :skills, :any => true) ``` You can also use `:wild => true` option along with `:any` or `:exclude` option. It will looking for `%awesome%` and `%cool%` in sql. __Tip:__ `User.tagged_with([])` or '' will return `[]`, but not all records. ### Relationships You can find objects of the same type based on similar tags on certain contexts. Also, objects will be returned in descending order based on the total number of matched tags. ```ruby @bobby = User.find_by_name("Bobby") @bobby.skill_list # => ["jogging", "diving"] @frankie = User.find_by_name("Frankie") @frankie.skill_list # => ["hacking"] @tom = User.find_by_name("Tom") @tom.skill_list # => ["hacking", "jogging", "diving"] @tom.find_related_skills # => [,] @bobby.find_related_skills # => [] @frankie.find_related_skills # => [] ``` ### Dynamic Tag Contexts In addition to the generated tag contexts in the definition, it is also possible to allow for dynamic tag contexts (this could be user generated tag contexts!) ```ruby @user = User.new(:name => "Bobby") @user.set_tag_list_on(:customs, "same, as, tag, list") @user.tag_list_on(:customs) # => ["same","as","tag","list"] @user.save @user.tags_on(:customs) # => [,...] @user.tag_counts_on(:customs) User.tagged_with("same", :on => :customs) # => [@user] ``` ### Tag Ownership Tags can have owners: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tagger end class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :locations end @some_user.tag(@some_photo, :with => "paris, normandy", :on => :locations) @some_user.owned_taggings @some_user.owned_tags Photo.tagged_with("paris", :on => :locations, :owned_by => @some_user) @some_photo.locations_from(@some_user) # => ["paris", "normandy"] @some_photo.owner_tags_on(@some_user, :locations) # => [#...] @some_photo.owner_tags_on(nil, :locations) # => Ownerships equivalent to saying @some_photo.locations @some_user.tag(@some_photo, :with => "paris, normandy", :on => :locations, :skip_save => true) #won't save @some_photo object ``` ### Dirty objects ```ruby @bobby = User.find_by_name("Bobby") @bobby.skill_list # => ["jogging", "diving"] @bobby.skill_list_changed? #=> false @bobby.changes #=> {} @bobby.skill_list = "swimming" @bobby.changes.should == {"skill_list"=>["jogging, diving", ["swimming"]]} @bobby.skill_list_changed? #=> true @bobby.skill_list_change.should == ["jogging, diving", ["swimming"]] ``` ### Tag cloud calculations To construct tag clouds, the frequency of each tag needs to be calculated. Because we specified `acts_as_taggable_on` on the `User` class, we can get a calculation of all the tag counts by using `User.tag_counts_on(:customs)`. But what if we wanted a tag count for an single user's posts? To achieve this we call tag_counts on the association: ```ruby User.find(:first).posts.tag_counts_on(:tags) ``` A helper is included to assist with generating tag clouds. Here is an example that generates a tag cloud. Helper: ```ruby module PostsHelper include ActsAsTaggableOn::TagsHelper end ``` Controller: ```ruby class PostController < ApplicationController def tag_cloud @tags = Post.tag_counts_on(:tags) end end ``` View: ```erb <% tag_cloud(@tags, %w(css1 css2 css3 css4)) do |tag, css_class| %> <%= link_to tag.name, { :action => :tag, :id => tag.name }, :class => css_class %> <% end %> ``` CSS: ```css .css1 { font-size: 1.0em; } .css2 { font-size: 1.2em; } .css3 { font-size: 1.4em; } .css4 { font-size: 1.6em; } ``` ## Configuration If you would like to remove unused tag objects after removing taggings, add: ```ruby ActsAsTaggableOn.remove_unused_tags = true ``` If you want force tags to be saved downcased: ```ruby ActsAsTaggableOn.force_lowercase = true ``` If you want tags to be saved parametrized (you can redefine to_param as well): ```ruby ActsAsTaggableOn.force_parameterize = true ``` If you would like tags to be case-sensitive and not use LIKE queries for creation: ```ruby ActsAsTaggableOn.strict_case_match = true ``` If you want to change the default delimiter (it defaults to ','). You can also pass in an array of delimiters such as ([',', '|']): ```ruby ActsAsTaggableOn.delimiter = ',' ``` ## Contributors We have a long list of valued contributors. [Check them all](https://github.com/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on/contributors) ## Maintainer * [Joost Baaij](https://github.com/tilsammans) ## License See [LICENSE](https://github.com/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on/blob/master/LICENSE.md)