require './spec/spec_helper' describe RestPack::Serializer::Options do let(:subject) {, params, scope) } let(:params) { {} } let(:scope) { nil } describe 'default values' do it { subject.model_class.should == Song } it { subject.includes.should == [] } it { == 1 } it { subject.page_size.should == 10 } it { subject.filters.should == {} } it { subject.scope.should == Song.all } it { subject.default_page_size?.should == true } it { subject.filters_as_url_params.should == '' } end describe 'with paging params' do let(:params) { { 'page' => '2', 'page_size' => '8' } } it { == 2 } it { subject.page_size.should == 8 } end describe 'with includes' do let(:params) { { 'includes' => 'model1,model2' } } it { subject.includes.should == [:model1, :model2] } end context 'with filters' do describe 'with no filter params' do let(:params) { { } } it { subject.filters.should == {} } end describe 'with a primary key with a single value' do let(:params) { { 'id' => '142857' } } it { subject.filters.should == { id: ['142857'] } } it { subject.filters_as_url_params.should == 'id=142857' } end describe 'with a primary key with multiple values' do let(:params) { { 'ids' => '42,142857' } } it { subject.filters.should == { id: ['42', '142857'] } } it { subject.filters_as_url_params.should == 'id=42,142857' } end describe 'with a foreign key with a single value' do let(:params) { { 'album_id' => '789' } } it { subject.filters.should == { album_id: ['789'] } } it { subject.filters_as_url_params.should == 'album_id=789' } end describe 'with a foreign key with multiple values' do let(:params) { { 'album_id' => '789,678,567' } } it { subject.filters.should == { album_id: ['789', '678', '567'] } } it { subject.filters_as_url_params.should == 'album_id=789,678,567' } end describe 'with multiple foreign keys' do let(:params) { { 'album_id' => '111,222', 'artist_id' => '888,999' } } it { subject.filters.should == { album_id: ['111', '222'], artist_id: ['888', '999'] } } it { subject.filters_as_url_params.should == 'album_id=111,222&artist_id=888,999' } end end context 'scopes' do describe 'with default scope' do it { subject.scope.should == Song.all } end describe 'with custom scope' do let(:scope) { Song.where("id >= 100") } it { subject.scope.should == scope } end end end