require_relative "base_convert" require "isodoc" module IsoDoc module UN # A {Converter} implementation that generates HTML output, and a document # schema encapsulation of the document for validation # class HtmlConvert < IsoDoc::HtmlConvert def initialize(options) @libdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) super end def default_fonts(options) { bodyfont: ( options[:script] == "Hans" ? '"SimSun",serif' : '"Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), headerfont: ( options[:script] == "Hans" ? '"SimHei",sans-serif' : '"Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), monospacefont: '"Space Mono",monospace' } end def default_file_locations(_options) { htmlstylesheet: html_doc_path("htmlstyle.scss"), htmlcoverpage: html_doc_path("html_unece_titlepage.html"), htmlintropage: html_doc_path("html_unece_intro.html"), scripts: html_doc_path("scripts.html"), } end def googlefonts <<~HEAD.freeze <link href=",300i,400,400i,600,600i|Space+Mono:400,700" rel="stylesheet"> <link href=",400,400i,500,700,900" rel="stylesheet"> HEAD end def make_body(xml, docxml) plenary = is_plenary?(docxml) body_attr = { lang: "EN-US", link: "blue", vlink: "#954F72", "xml:lang": "EN-US", class: "container" } if plenary && @htmlcoverpage == html_doc_path("html_unece_titlepage.html") @htmlcoverpage = html_doc_path("html_unece_plenary_titlepage.html") end xml.body **body_attr do |body| make_body1(body, docxml) make_body2(body, docxml) make_body3(body, docxml) end end def make_body3(body, docxml) body.div **{ class: "main-section" } do |div3| boilerplate docxml, div3 abstract docxml, div3 foreword docxml, div3 introduction docxml, div3 preface docxml, div3 acknowledgements docxml, div3 middle docxml, div3 footnotes div3 comments div3 end end def middle(isoxml, out) clause isoxml, out annex isoxml, out bibliography isoxml, out end def clause_parse_title(node, div, c1, out) if node["inline-header"] == "true" inline_header_title(out, node, c1) else div.send "h#{anchor(node['id'], :level, false) || '1'}" do |h| lbl = anchor(node['id'], :label, false) h << "#{lbl}. " if lbl && !@suppressheadingnumbers insert_tab(h, 1) if lbl && !@suppressheadingnumbers c1&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, h) } end end end def introduction(isoxml, out) f ="//introduction")) || return page_break(out) out.div **{ class: "Section3", id: f["id"] } do |div| div.h1(**{ class: "IntroTitle" }) do |h1| h1 << @introduction_lbl end f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end end def foreword(isoxml, out) f ="//foreword")) || return page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |s| s.h1(**{ class: "ForewordTitle" }) do |h1| h1 << @foreword_lbl end f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, s) unless == "title" } end end include BaseConvert end end end