module ApiResource module Associations class AssociationProxy class_attribute :remote_path_element self.remote_path_element = :service_uri attr_accessor :remote_path attr_reader :owner, :klass, :finder_opts # TODO: add the other load forcing methods here for collections delegate :[], :[]=, :<<, :first, :second, :last, :blank?, :nil?, :include?, :push, :pop, :+, :concat, :flatten, :flatten!, :compact, :compact!, :empty?, :fetch, :map, :reject, :reject!, :reverse, :select, :select!, :size, :sort, :sort!, :uniq, :uniq!, :to_a, :sample, :slice, :slice!, :count, :present?, :to => :internal_object # define association methods on the class def self.define_association_as_attribute(klass, assoc_name, opts = {}) id_method_name = self.foreign_key_name(assoc_name) associated_class = opts[:class_name] || assoc_name.to_s.classify klass.api_resource_generated_methods.module_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{assoc_name} @attributes_cache[:#{assoc_name}] ||= begin instance = #{self}.new( #{associated_class}, self, #{opts} ) if @attributes[:#{assoc_name}].present? instance.internal_object = @attributes[:#{assoc_name}] end instance end end def #{assoc_name}=(val, force = true) if !force #{assoc_name}_will_change! elsif self.#{assoc_name}.internal_object != val #{assoc_name}_will_change! end # This should not force a load self.#{assoc_name}.internal_object = val end def #{assoc_name}? self.#{assoc_name}.internal_object.present? end # writer is the same for everyone def #{id_method_name}=(val, force = false) unless @attributes_cache[:#{id_method_name}] == val #{id_method_name}_will_change! end @attributes_cache[:#{id_method_name}] = val write_attribute(:#{id_method_name}, val) end EOE end protected # return a foreign key name from an association def self.foreign_key_name(assoc_name) assoc_name.to_s.singularize.foreign_key end public def initialize(klass, owner, options = {}) # the base class for our scope, e.g. ApiResource::SomeClass @klass = klass.is_a?(String) ? klass.constantize : klass # load the resource definition @klass.load_resource_definition @owner = owner # store our options @options = options end def ttl @ttl || 0 end # Use this method to access the internal data, this guarantees that loading only occurs once per object def internal_object if instance_variable_defined?(:@internal_object) return instance_variable_get(:@internal_object) end instance_variable_set(:@internal_object, self.load) end # has the scope been loaded? def loaded? @loaded == true end def load_resource_definition self.klass.load_resource_definition end # unset all of our scope values and our internal object def reload @loaded = false if instance_variable_defined?(:@internal_object) remove_instance_variable(:@internal_object) end self end def expires_in(ttl), ttl) end def includes(*args) self.to_condition.merge!(self.klass.includes(*args)) end def ==(other) raise "Not Implemented: This method must be implemented in a subclass" end protected def method_missing(method, *args, &block) # If we are calling a scoped method that should be allowed if self.klass.scope?(method) cond = self.klass.send(method, *args, &block) self.to_condition.merge!(cond) else self.internal_object.send(method, *args, &block) end end # require our subclasses to implement a way to find records def load raise"#{self.class} must implement #load") end end end end