=begin #Treezor #Treezor API. more info [here](https://www.treezor.com). OpenAPI spec version: 0.1.1 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git Swagger Codegen version: 2.4.1 =end require 'date' module TreezorClient class InlineResponse2005Businessinformations # Business commercial name. attr_accessor :legal_name # Business registration number. attr_accessor :legal_registration_number # Business registration date. attr_accessor :legal_registration_date # | Code | Category | Details (in french) | | ---- | ----- | ---- | | 1000 | Individual company | Entrepreneur Individuel a Responsabilité Limitée (EIRL) | | 1100 | Individual company | Artisan-Commerçant | | 1200 | Individual company | Commerçant | | 1300 | Individual company | Artisan | | 1400 | Liberal profession | Officier public ou ministériel | | 1500 | Liberal profession | Profession libérale | | 1600 | Farm operator | Exploitant agricole | | 1700 | Liberal profession | Agent commercial | | 1800 | Partner Director | Associé-gérant | | 1900 | Individual company | Personne physique | | 2110 | Indivision and others | Indivision entre personnes physiques | | 2120 | Indivision and others | Indivision avec personne morale | | 2210 | Indivision and others | Société créée de fait entre personnes physiques | | 2220 | Indivision and others | Société créée de fait avec personne morale | | 2310 | Indivision and others | Société en participation entre personnes physiques | | 2320 | Indivision and others | Société en participation avec personne morale | | 2385 | Indivision and others | Société en participation de professions libérales | | 2400 | Indivision and others | Fiducie | | 2700 | Diverse | Paroisse hors zone concordataire | | 2900 | Economic Interest Grouping | Autre groupement de droit privé non doté de la personnalité morale | | 3110 | Foreign company | Représentation ou agence commerciale d'état ou organisme public étranger immatriculé au RCS | | 3120 | Foreign company | Société étrangère immatriculée au RCS | | 3205 | Foreign company | Organisation internationale | | 3210 | Foreign company | Etat collectivité ou établissement public étranger | | 3220 | Foreign company | Société étrangère non immatriculée au RCS | | 3290 | Foreign company | (Autre) personne morale de droit étranger | | 4110 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public national à caractère industriel ou commercial doté d'un comptable public | | 4120 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public national à caractère industriel ou commercial non doté d'un comptable public | | 4130 | Administrations, Instituions | Exploitant public | | 4140 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public local à caractère industriel ou commercial | | 4150 | Administrations, Instituions | Régie d'une collectivité locale à caractère industriel ou commercial | | 4160 | Administrations, Instituions | Institution Banque de France | | 5191 | De facto undivided ownership company | Société de caution mutuelle | | 5192 | Diverse | Société coopérative de banque populaire | | 5193 | De facto undivided ownership company | Caisse de crédit maritime mutuel | | 5194 | De facto undivided ownership company | Caisse (fédérale) de crédit mutuel | | 5195 | Association fondation | Association coopérative inscrite (droit local Alsace Moselle) | | 5196 | De facto undivided ownership company | Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance à forme coopérative | | 5202 | General partnership | Société en nom collectif | | 5203 | General partnership | Société en nom collectif coopérative | | 5306 | Limited company | Société en commandite simple | | 5307 | Limited company | Société en commandite simple coopérative | | 5308 | Limited company | Société en commandite par actions | | 5309 | Limited company | Société en commandite par actions coopérative | | 5385 | Limited company | Société d'exercice libéral en commandite par action | | 5410 | Limited Liability Company | SARL nationale | | 5415 | Limited Liability Company | SARL d'économie mixte | | 5422 | Limited Liability Company | SARL immobilière pour le commerce et l'industrie (SICOMI) | | 5426 | Limited Liability Company | Société immobilière de gestion | | 5430 | Limited Liability Company | Safer en SARL | | 5431 | Limited Liability Company | SARL mixte d'intérêt agricole (SIMA) | | 5432 | Limited Liability Company | SARL d'intérêt collectif agricole (SICA) | | 5442 | Limited Liability Company | SARL d'attribution | | 5443 | Limited Liability Company | SARL coopérative de construction | | 5451 | Limited Liability Company | SARL coopérative de consommation | | 5453 | Limited Liability Company | SARL coopérative artisanale | | 5454 | Limited Liability Company | SARL coopérative d'intérêt maritime | | 5455 | Limited Liability Company | SARL coopérative de transports | | 5458 | Limited Liability Company | SARL coopérative ouvrière de production et de crédit (SCOP) | | 5459 | Limited Liability Company | SARL union de sociétés coopératives | | 5460 | Limited Liability Company | SARL coopérative | | 5485 | Limited Liability Company | Société d'exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée | | 5498 | Limited Liability Company | SARL unipersonnelle | | 5499 | Limited Liability Company | SARL | | 5505 | Limited company | SA à participation ouvrière à conseil d'administration | | 5510 | Limited company | SA nationale à conseil d'administration | | 5515 | Limited company | SA d'économie mixte à conseil d'administration | | 5520 | Limited company | Société d'investissement à capital variable (SICAV) à conseil d'administration | | 5522 | Limited company | Société anonyme immobilière pour le commerce et l'industrie (SICOMI) à conseil d'administration | | 5525 | Limited company | Société anonyme immobilière d'investissement à conseil d'administration | | 5530 | Limited company | Safer anonyme à conseil d'administration | | 5531 | Limited company | Société anonyme mixte d'intérêt agricole (SMIA) à conseil d'administration | | 5532 | Limited company | Société anonyme mixte d'intérêt collectif agricole (SICA) à conseil d'administration | | 5542 | Limited company | Société anonyme d'attribution à conseil d'administration | | 5543 | Limited company | Société anonyme coopérative de construction à conseil d'administration | | 5546 | Limited company | SA de HLM à conseil d'administration | | 5547 | Limited company | SA coopérative de production de HLM à conseil d'administration | | 5548 | Limited company | SA de crédit immobilier à conseil d'administration | | 5551 | Limited company | SA coopérative de consommation à conseil d'administration | | 5552 | Limited company | SA coopérative de commerçants détaillants à conseil d'administration | | 5553 | Limited company | SA coopérative artisanale à conseil d'administration | | 5554 | Limited company | SA coopérative (d'intérêt) maritime à conseil d'administration | | 5555 | Limited company | SA coopérative de transports à conseil d'administration | | 5558 | Limited company | SCOP à conseil d'administration | | 5559 | Limited company | SA union de sociétés coopératives à conseil d'administration | | 5560 | Limited company | SA coopérative à conseil d'administration | | 5585 | Limited company | Société d'exercice libéral à forme anonyme à conseil d'administration | | 5599 | Limited company | SA à conseil d'administration | | 5605 | Limited company | SA à participation ouvrière à directoire | | 5610 | Limited company | SA nationale à directoire | | 5615 | Limited company | SA d'économie mixte à directoire | | 5620 | Limited company | SICAV | | 5622 | Limited company | SICOMI | | 5625 | Limited company | Société immobilière d'investissement anonyme à directoire | | 5630 | Limited company | Safer anonyme à directoire | | 5631 | Limited company | Société anonyme mixte d'intérêt agricole (SMIA) | | 5632 | Limited company | SICA | | 5642 | Limited company | Société anonyme d'attribution à directoire | | 5643 | Limited company | Société anonyme coopérative de construction à directoire | | 5646 | Limited company | S.A. HLM à directoire | | 5647 | Limited company | Société coopérative de production de HLM anonyme à directoire | | 5648 | Limited company | SA de crédit immobilier à directoire | | 5651 | Limited company | SA coopérative de consommation à directoire | | 5652 | Limited company | SA coopérative de commerçants détaillants à directoire | | 5653 | Limited company | SA coopérative artisanale à directoire | | 5654 | Limited company | SA coopérative (d'intérêt) maritime à directoire | | 5655 | Limited company | SA coopérative de transport à directoire | | 5658 | Limited company | SCOP | | 5659 | Limited company | SA union de sociétés coopératives à directoire | | 5660 | Limited company | SA coopérative à directoire | | 5685 | Limited company | Société d'exercice libéral à forme anonyme à directoire | | 5699 | Limited company | (Autre) SA à directoire | | 5710 | Limited company | SAS | | 5720 | Limited company | SASU | | 5785 | Limited company | Société d'exercice libéral par action simplifiée | | 5800 | Diverse | Société européenne | | 6100 | De facto undivided ownership company | Caisse d'épargne et de prévoyance | | 6210 | Economic Interest Grouping | GEIE | | 6220 | Economic Interest Grouping | GIE | | 6316 | Diverse | CUMA | | 6317 | Diverse | Société coopérative agricole | | 6318 | Diverse | Union de sociétés coopératives agricoles | | 6411 | De facto undivided ownership company | Société d'assurance mutuelle | | 6521 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCPI | | 6532 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SICA | | 6533 | Civils companies (without SCI) | GAEC | | 6534 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Groupement foncier agricole | | 6535 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Groupement agricole foncier | | 6536 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Groupement forestier | | 6537 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Groupement pastoral | | 6538 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Groupement foncier rural | | 6539 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile foncière | | 6540 | Civils companies | SCI | | 6541 | Civils companies | SCI de construction vente | | 6542 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile d'attribution | | 6543 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile coopérative de construction | | 6544 | Civils companies | Société civile d'accession progressive à la propriété | | 6551 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile coopérative de consommation | | 6554 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile coopérative (d'intérêt) maritime | | 6558 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile coopérative entre médecins | | 6560 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP | | 6561 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP d'avocats | | 6562 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP d'avocats aux conseil | | 6563 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP d'avoués d'appel | | 6564 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP d'huissiers | | 6565 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de notaires | | 6566 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de commissaires-priseurs | | 6567 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de greffiers de tribunal de commerce | | 6568 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de conseils juridiques | | 6569 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de commissaires aux comptes | | 6571 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de médecins | | 6572 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de dentistes | | 6573 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP d'infirmiers | | 6574 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de masseurs kinésithérapeutes | | 6575 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de directeurs de laboratoire d'analyse médicale | | 6576 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de vétérinaires | | 6577 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP de géomètres-experts | | 6578 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP d'architectes | | 6585 | Civils companies (without SCI) | SCP | | 6588 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile laitière | | 6589 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile de moyens | | 6595 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Caisse (locale) de crédit mutuel | | 6596 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Caisse de crédit agricole mutuel | | 6597 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Société civile d'exploitation agricole | | 6598 | Farm operator | Exploitation agricole à responsabilité limitée | | 6599 | Civils companies (without SCI) | Autre société civile | | 6901 | Diverse | Autres personnes de droit privé inscrites au registre du commerce et des sociétés | | 7111 | Administrations, Instituions | Autorité constitutionnelle | | 7112 | Administrations, Instituions | Autorité administrative indépendante | | 7113 | Administrations, Instituions | Ministère | | 7120 | Administrations, Instituions | Service central d'un ministère | | 7150 | Administrations, Instituions | Service du ministère de la Défense | | 7160 | Administrations, Instituions | Service déconcentré à compétence nation . D'un ministère (hors Défense) | | 7171 | Administrations, Instituions | Service déconcentré de l'Etat à compétence (inter) régionale | | 7172 | Administrations, Instituions | Service déconcentré de l'Etat à compétence (inter) départementale | | 7179 | Administrations, Instituions | (Autre) Service déconcentré de l'Etat à compétence territoriale | | 7190 | Administrations, Instituions | Ecole nationale non dotée de la personnalité morale | | 7210 | Administrations, Instituions | Commune | | 7220 | Administrations, Instituions | Département | | 7225 | Administrations, Instituions | Territoire d'Outre-Mer | | 7229 | Administrations, Instituions | (Autre) Collectivité territoriale | | 7230 | Administrations, Instituions | Région | | 7312 | Administrations, Instituions | Commune associée | | 7313 | Administrations, Instituions | Section de commune | | 7314 | Administrations, Instituions | Ensemble urbain | | 7321 | Administrations, Instituions | Association syndicale autorisée | | 7322 | Administrations, Instituions | Association foncière urbaine | | 7323 | Administrations, Instituions | Association foncière de remembrement | | 7331 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public local d'enseignement | | 7340 | Administrations, Instituions | Pôle métropolitain | | 7341 | Administrations, Instituions | Secteur de commune | | 7342 | Administrations, Instituions | District urbain | | 7343 | Administrations, Instituions | Communauté urbaine | | 7344 | Administrations, Instituions | Métropole | | 7345 | Administrations, Instituions | Syndicat intercommunal à vocation multiple (SIVOM) | | 7346 | Administrations, Instituions | Communauté de commune | | 7347 | Administrations, Instituions | Communauté de villes | | 7348 | Administrations, Instituions | Communauté d'agglomération | | 7349 | Administrations, Instituions | Autre établissement public local de coopération non spécialisé ou entente | | 7351 | Administrations, Instituions | Institution interdépartementale ou entente | | 7352 | Administrations, Instituions | Institution interrégionale ou entente | | 7353 | Administrations, Instituions | Syndicat intercommunal à vocation unique (SIVU) | | 7354 | Administrations, Instituions | Syndicat mixte communal | | 7355 | Administrations, Instituions | Autre syndicat mixte | | 7356 | Administrations, Instituions | Commission syndicale pour la gestion des biens indivis des communes | | 7361 | Administrations, Instituions | Centre communal d'action sociale | | 7362 | Administrations, Instituions | Caisse des écoles | | 7363 | Administrations, Instituions | Caisse de crédit municipal | | 7364 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement d'hospitalisation | | 7365 | Administrations, Instituions | Syndicat inter hospitalier | | 7366 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public local social et médico-social | | 7371 | Administrations, Instituions | Office public d'habitation à loyer modéré (OPHLM) | | 7372 | Administrations, Instituions | Service départemental d'incendie | | 7373 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public local culturel | | 7378 | Administrations, Instituions | Régie d'une collectivité locale à caractère administratif | | 7379 | Administrations, Instituions | (Autre) Etablissement public administratif local | | 7381 | Administrations, Instituions | Organisme consulaire | | 7382 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public national ayant fonction d'administration centrale | | 7383 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public national à caractère scientifique culturel et professionnel | | 7384 | Administrations, Instituions | Autre établissement public national d'enseignement | | 7385 | Administrations, Instituions | Autre établissement public national administratif à compétence territoriale limitée | | 7389 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public national à caractère administratif | | 7410 | Administrations, Instituions | Groupement d'intérêt public (GIP) | | 7430 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public des cultes d'Alsace-Lorraine | | 7450 | Administrations, Instituions | Etablissement public, cercle et foyer dans les armées | | 7470 | Administrations, Instituions | Groupement de coopération sanitaire à gestion publique | | 7490 | Administrations, Instituions | Autre personne morale de droit administratif | | 8110 | Administrations, Instituions | Régime général de la sécurité sociale | | 8120 | Administrations, Instituions | Régime spécial de sécurité sociale | | 8130 | Administrations, Instituions | Institution de retraite complémentaire | | 8140 | Administrations, Instituions | Mutualité sociale agricole | | 8150 | Administrations, Instituions | Régime maladie des non-salariés non agricoles | | 8160 | Administrations, Instituions | Régime vieillesse ne dépendant pas du régime général de la sécurité sociale | | 8170 | Administrations, Instituions | Régime d'assurance chômage | | 8190 | Administrations, Instituions | Autre régime de prévoyance sociale | | 8210 | De facto undivided ownership company | Mutuelle | | 8250 | De facto undivided ownership company | Assurance mutuelle agricole | | 8290 | De facto undivided ownership company | Autre organisme mutualiste | | 8310 | Association fondation | Comité central d'entreprise | | 8311 | Association fondation | Comité d'établissement | | 8410 | Association fondation | Syndicat de salariés | | 8420 | Association fondation | Syndicat patronal | | 8450 | Association fondation | Ordre professionnel ou assimilé | | 8470 | Association fondation | Centre technique industriel ou comité professionnel du développement économique | | 8490 | Association fondation | Autre organisme professionnel | | 8510 | Administrations, Instituions | Institution de prévoyance | | 8520 | Administrations, Instituions | Institution de retraite supplémentaire | | 9110 | Condominium syndicate | Syndicat de copropriété | | 9150 | Association fondation | Association syndicale libre | | 9210 | Association fondation | Association non déclarée | | 9220 | Association fondation | Association déclarée | | 9221 | Association fondation | Association déclarée \"entreprises d'insertion par l'économique\" | | 9222 | Association fondation | Association intermédiaire | | 9223 | Association fondation | Groupement d'employeurs | | 9224 | Association fondation | Association d'avocats à responsabilité professionnelle individuelle | | 9230 | Association fondation | Association déclarée reconnue d'utilité publique | | 9240 | Association fondation | Congrégation | | 9260 | Association fondation | Association de droit local | | 9300 | Association fondation | Fondation | | 9900 | Diverse | Autre personne morale de droit privé | | 9970 | Diverse | Groupement de coopération sanitaire à gestion privée | attr_accessor :legal_form # Business share capital. attr_accessor :legal_share_capital # Business sector code. NAF code in France attr_accessor :legal_sector # Business annual turnover range in k€. attr_accessor :legal_annual_turn_over # Business annual netincome in k€. attr_accessor :legal_net_income_range # Business workforce. attr_accessor :legal_number_of_employee_range # Business phone number. attr_accessor :phone # Business generic email. attr_accessor :email # Business' street attr_accessor :address1 # Business' postal code attr_accessor :postcode # Business' city attr_accessor :city # Business' province attr_accessor :state # Business' country attr_accessor :country # | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | D | Deleted | | N | Company non diffusible (Insee) | | I | Inactive (Insee) | | A | Economically active | | C | Closed | | T | Transfered | | S | Economically stopped (Insee) | | L | Liquidation | | O | Dormant company | attr_accessor :status # Business trade name attr_accessor :tradename attr_accessor :users class EnumAttributeValidator attr_reader :datatype attr_reader :allowable_values def initialize(datatype, allowable_values) @allowable_values = allowable_values.map do |value| case datatype.to_s when /Integer/i value.to_i when /Float/i value.to_f else value end end end def valid?(value) !value || allowable_values.include?(value) end end # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'legal_name' => :'legalName', :'legal_registration_number' => :'legalRegistrationNumber', :'legal_registration_date' => :'legalRegistrationDate', :'legal_form' => :'legalForm', :'legal_share_capital' => :'legalShareCapital', :'legal_sector' => :'legalSector', :'legal_annual_turn_over' => :'legalAnnualTurnOver', :'legal_net_income_range' => :'legalNetIncomeRange', :'legal_number_of_employee_range' => :'legalNumberOfEmployeeRange', :'phone' => :'phone', :'email' => :'email', :'address1' => :'address1', :'postcode' => :'postcode', :'city' => :'city', :'state' => :'state', :'country' => :'country', :'status' => :'status', :'tradename' => :'tradename', :'users' => :'users' } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.swagger_types { :'legal_name' => :'String', :'legal_registration_number' => :'String', :'legal_registration_date' => :'String', :'legal_form' => :'String', :'legal_share_capital' => :'Float', :'legal_sector' => :'String', :'legal_annual_turn_over' => :'String', :'legal_net_income_range' => :'String', :'legal_number_of_employee_range' => :'String', :'phone' => :'String', :'email' => :'String', :'address1' => :'String', :'postcode' => :'String', :'city' => :'String', :'state' => :'String', :'country' => :'String', :'status' => :'String', :'tradename' => :'String', :'users' => :'Array' } end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.has_key?(:'legalName') self.legal_name = attributes[:'legalName'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalRegistrationNumber') self.legal_registration_number = attributes[:'legalRegistrationNumber'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalRegistrationDate') self.legal_registration_date = attributes[:'legalRegistrationDate'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalForm') self.legal_form = attributes[:'legalForm'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalShareCapital') self.legal_share_capital = attributes[:'legalShareCapital'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalSector') self.legal_sector = attributes[:'legalSector'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalAnnualTurnOver') self.legal_annual_turn_over = attributes[:'legalAnnualTurnOver'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalNetIncomeRange') self.legal_net_income_range = attributes[:'legalNetIncomeRange'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'legalNumberOfEmployeeRange') self.legal_number_of_employee_range = attributes[:'legalNumberOfEmployeeRange'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'phone') self.phone = attributes[:'phone'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'email') self.email = attributes[:'email'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'address1') self.address1 = attributes[:'address1'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'postcode') self.postcode = attributes[:'postcode'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'city') self.city = attributes[:'city'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'state') self.state = attributes[:'state'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'country') self.country = attributes[:'country'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'status') self.status = attributes[:'status'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'tradename') self.tradename = attributes[:'tradename'] end if attributes.has_key?(:'users') if (value = attributes[:'users']).is_a?(Array) self.users = value end end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = Array.new invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? legal_form_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['1000', '1100', '1200', '1300', '1400', '1500', '1600', '1700', '1800', '1900', '2110', '2120', '2210', '2220', '2310', '2320', '2385', '2400', '2700', '2900', '3110', '3120', '3205', '3210', '3220', '3290', '4110', '4120', '4130', '4140', '4150', '4160', '5191', '5192', '5193', '5194', '5195', '5196', '5202', '5203', '5306', '5307', '5308', '5309', '5385', '5410', '5415', '5422', '5426', '5430', '5431', '5432', '5442', '5443', '5451', '5453', '5454', '5455', '5458', '5459', '5460', '5485', '5498', '5499', '5505', '5510', '5515', '5520', '5522', '5525', '5530', '5531', '5532', '5542', '5543', '5546', '5547', '5548', '5551', '5552', '5553', '5554', '5555', '5558', '5559', '5560', '5585', '5599', '5605', '5610', '5615', '5620', '5622', '5625', '5630', '5631', '5632', '5642', '5643', '5646', '5647', '5648', '5651', '5652', '5653', '5654', '5655', '5658', '5659', '5660', '5685', '5699', '5710', '5720', '5785', '5800', '6100', '6210', '6220', '6316', '6317', '6318', '6411', '6521', '6532', '6533', '6534', '6535', '6536', '6537', '6538', '6539', '6540', '6541', '6542', '6543', '6544', '6551', '6554', '6558', '6560', '6561', '6562', '6563', '6564', '6565', '6566', '6567', '6568', '6569', '6571', '6572', '6573', '6574', '6575', '6576', '6577', '6578', '6585', '6588', '6589', '6595', '6596', '6597', '6598', '6599', '6901', '7111', '7112', '7113', '7120', '7150', '7160', '7171', '7172', '7179', '7190', '7210', '7220', '7225', '7229', '7230', '7312', '7313', '7314', '7321', '7322', '7323', '7331', '7340', '7341', '7342', '7343', '7344', '7345', '7346', '7347', '7348', '7349', '7351', '7352', '7353', '7354', '7355', '7356', '7361', '7362', '7363', '7364', '7365', '7366', '7371', '7372', '7373', '7378', '7379', '7381', '7382', '7383', '7384', '7385', '7389', '7410', '7430', '7450', '7470', '7490', '8110', '8120', '8130', '8140', '8150', '8160', '8170', '8190', '8210', '8250', '8290', '8310', '8311', '8410', '8420', '8450', '8470', '8490', '8510', '8520', '9110', '9150', '9210', '9220', '9221', '9222', '9223', '9224', '9230', '9240', '9260', '9300', '9900', '9970']) return false unless legal_form_validator.valid?(@legal_form) legal_annual_turn_over_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['', '0-39', '40-99', '100-249', '250-999', '1000-2999', '3000-9999', '10000-99999', '100000-*']) return false unless legal_annual_turn_over_validator.valid?(@legal_annual_turn_over) legal_net_income_range_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['', '0-4', '5-9', '10-49', '50-149', '150-499', '500-*']) return false unless legal_net_income_range_validator.valid?(@legal_net_income_range) legal_number_of_employee_range_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['', '0', '1-9', '10-99', '100-249', '250-*']) return false unless legal_number_of_employee_range_validator.valid?(@legal_number_of_employee_range) status_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['D', 'N', 'I', 'A', 'C', 'T', 'S', 'L', 'O']) return false unless status_validator.valid?(@status) true end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] legal_form Object to be assigned def legal_form=(legal_form) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['1000', '1100', '1200', '1300', '1400', '1500', '1600', '1700', '1800', '1900', '2110', '2120', '2210', '2220', '2310', '2320', '2385', '2400', '2700', '2900', '3110', '3120', '3205', '3210', '3220', '3290', '4110', '4120', '4130', '4140', '4150', '4160', '5191', '5192', '5193', '5194', '5195', '5196', '5202', '5203', '5306', '5307', '5308', '5309', '5385', '5410', '5415', '5422', '5426', '5430', '5431', '5432', '5442', '5443', '5451', '5453', '5454', '5455', '5458', '5459', '5460', '5485', '5498', '5499', '5505', '5510', '5515', '5520', '5522', '5525', '5530', '5531', '5532', '5542', '5543', '5546', '5547', '5548', '5551', '5552', '5553', '5554', '5555', '5558', '5559', '5560', '5585', '5599', '5605', '5610', '5615', '5620', '5622', '5625', '5630', '5631', '5632', '5642', '5643', '5646', '5647', '5648', '5651', '5652', '5653', '5654', '5655', '5658', '5659', '5660', '5685', '5699', '5710', '5720', '5785', '5800', '6100', '6210', '6220', '6316', '6317', '6318', '6411', '6521', '6532', '6533', '6534', '6535', '6536', '6537', '6538', '6539', '6540', '6541', '6542', '6543', '6544', '6551', '6554', '6558', '6560', '6561', '6562', '6563', '6564', '6565', '6566', '6567', '6568', '6569', '6571', '6572', '6573', '6574', '6575', '6576', '6577', '6578', '6585', '6588', '6589', '6595', '6596', '6597', '6598', '6599', '6901', '7111', '7112', '7113', '7120', '7150', '7160', '7171', '7172', '7179', '7190', '7210', '7220', '7225', '7229', '7230', '7312', '7313', '7314', '7321', '7322', '7323', '7331', '7340', '7341', '7342', '7343', '7344', '7345', '7346', '7347', '7348', '7349', '7351', '7352', '7353', '7354', '7355', '7356', '7361', '7362', '7363', '7364', '7365', '7366', '7371', '7372', '7373', '7378', '7379', '7381', '7382', '7383', '7384', '7385', '7389', '7410', '7430', '7450', '7470', '7490', '8110', '8120', '8130', '8140', '8150', '8160', '8170', '8190', '8210', '8250', '8290', '8310', '8311', '8410', '8420', '8450', '8470', '8490', '8510', '8520', '9110', '9150', '9210', '9220', '9221', '9222', '9223', '9224', '9230', '9240', '9260', '9300', '9900', '9970']) unless validator.valid?(legal_form) fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "legal_form", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}.' end @legal_form = legal_form end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] legal_annual_turn_over Object to be assigned def legal_annual_turn_over=(legal_annual_turn_over) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['', '0-39', '40-99', '100-249', '250-999', '1000-2999', '3000-9999', '10000-99999', '100000-*']) unless validator.valid?(legal_annual_turn_over) fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "legal_annual_turn_over", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}.' end @legal_annual_turn_over = legal_annual_turn_over end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] legal_net_income_range Object to be assigned def legal_net_income_range=(legal_net_income_range) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['', '0-4', '5-9', '10-49', '50-149', '150-499', '500-*']) unless validator.valid?(legal_net_income_range) fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "legal_net_income_range", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}.' end @legal_net_income_range = legal_net_income_range end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] legal_number_of_employee_range Object to be assigned def legal_number_of_employee_range=(legal_number_of_employee_range) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['', '0', '1-9', '10-99', '100-249', '250-*']) unless validator.valid?(legal_number_of_employee_range) fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "legal_number_of_employee_range", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}.' end @legal_number_of_employee_range = legal_number_of_employee_range end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] status Object to be assigned def status=(status) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ['D', 'N', 'I', 'A', 'C', 'T', 'S', 'L', 'O']) unless validator.valid?(status) fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "status", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}.' end @status = status end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && legal_name == o.legal_name && legal_registration_number == o.legal_registration_number && legal_registration_date == o.legal_registration_date && legal_form == o.legal_form && legal_share_capital == o.legal_share_capital && legal_sector == o.legal_sector && legal_annual_turn_over == o.legal_annual_turn_over && legal_net_income_range == o.legal_net_income_range && legal_number_of_employee_range == o.legal_number_of_employee_range && phone == o.phone && email == o.email && address1 == o.address1 && postcode == o.postcode && city == o.city && state == o.state && country == o.country && status == o.status && tradename == o.tradename && users == o.users end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Fixnum] Hash code def hash [legal_name, legal_registration_number, legal_registration_date, legal_form, legal_share_capital, legal_sector, legal_annual_turn_over, legal_net_income_range, legal_number_of_employee_range, phone, email, address1, postcode, city, state, country, status, tradename, users].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) end # or else data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :BOOLEAN if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?.+?), (?.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model temp_model = TreezorClient.const_get(type).new temp_model.build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) next if value.nil? hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end