require 'spec_helper' describe ::LogfmtMarshalling::Marshaller do it 'serializes an empty hash' do actual = marshal({}) expect(actual).to eq('') end it 'serializes an empty string' do actual = marshal 'key' => '' expect(actual).to eq('key=""') end it 'serializes a whitespace string' do actual = marshal 'key' => ' ' expect(actual).to eq('key=" "') end it 'drops the TrueClass instance value' do actual = marshal 'key' => true expect(actual).to eq('key') end it "serializes the FalseClass instance value" do actual = marshal 'key' => false expect(actual).to eq('key=false') end it 'serializes a quoted true as a string' do actual = marshal 'key' => 'true' expect(actual).to eq('key="true"') end it 'serializes a quoted false as a string' do actual = marshal 'key' => 'false' expect(actual).to eq('key="false"') end it 'serializes a single key-value pair' do actual = marshal 'key' => 'value' expect(actual).to eq('key=value') end it 'serializes multiple key-value pairs' do actual = marshal 'key1' => true, 'key2' => true expect(actual).to eq('key1 key2') end it 'preserves order of serialized pairs' do actual = marshal 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2' expect(actual).to eq('key1=value1 key2=value2') end it 'serializes mixed single/non-single pairs' do actual = marshal 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => true expect(actual).to eq('key1=value1 key2') end it 'preserves order of mixed single/non-single pairs' do actual = marshal 'key1' => true, 'key2' => 'value2' expect(actual).to eq('key1 key2=value2') end it 'quotes values with whitespaces' do actual = marshal 'key' => 'a value' expect(actual).to eq('key="a value"') end it 'serializes escaped quote value ' do actual = marshal 'key' => 'quoted \" value', 'r' => 'esc\\t' expect(actual).to eq('key="quoted \" value" r="esc\t"') end it 'serializes mixed pairs' do actual = marshal 'key1' => 'quoted \" value', 'key2' => true, 'key3' => 'value3' expect(actual).to eq('key1="quoted \" value" key2 key3=value3') end it 'serializes mixed characters pairs' do actual = marshal 'foo' => 'bar', 'a' => 14, 'baz' => 'hello kitty', 'ƒ' => '2h3s', 'cool%story' => 'bro', 'f' => true, '%^asdf' => true expect(actual).to eq('foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" ƒ=2h3s cool%story=bro f %^asdf') end it 'serializes Ruby Symbol objects as Strings' do actual = marshal key: :value expect(actual).to eq('key=value') end it 'serializes a positive integer' do actual = marshal 'key' => 234 expect(actual).to eq('key=234') end it 'serializes a negative integer' do actual = marshal 'key' => -3428 expect(actual).to eq('key=-3428') end it 'serializes a bignum' do bignum = 9999999999999999999 expect(bignum).to be_a(Bignum) actual = marshal 'key' => bignum expect(actual).to eq('key=9999999999999999999') end it 'serializes a positive float' do actual = marshal 'key' => 3.14 expect(actual).to eq('key=3.14') end it 'serializes a negative float' do actual = marshal 'key' => -0.9934 expect(actual).to eq('key=-0.9934') end it 'serializes an exponential float' do actual = marshal 'key' => 2.342342342342344e+18 expect(actual).to eq('key=2.342342342342344e+18') end %w( 0 1 -1 123.4 -3.14 1.0e6 1.2e-3 4E20 4e+20 ).each do |quoted_float| it %{serializes a quoted number ("#{quoted_float}") as a string} do actual = marshal 'key' => quoted_float expect(actual).to eq(%{key="#{quoted_float}"}) end end def marshal(data) data end end