h1. Error handling and recovery h2. About this guide Development of a robust application, be it message publisher or message consumer, involves dealing with multiple kinds of failures: protocol exceptions, network failures, broker failures and so on. Correct error handling and recovery is not easy. This guide explains how amqp gem helps you in dealing with issues like * Broker connection failures * Network connection interruption * TLS (SSL) related issues * AMQP connection-level exceptions * AMQP channel-level exceptions * Broker failure h2. Covered versions This guide covers amqp gem v0.8.0 and later. h2. Code examples There are several {https://github.com/ruby-amqp/amqp/tree/master/examples/error_handling examples} in the git repository dedicated to the topic of error handling and recovery. Feel free to contribute new examples. h3. Broker connection failures When applications connect to the broker, they need to handle connection failures. Networks are not 100% reliable, even with modern system configuration tools like Chef or Puppet misconfigurations happen and broker might be down, too. Error detection should happen as early as possible. There are two ways of detecting TCP connection failure, the first one is to catch an exception:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8

require "rubygems"
require "amqp"

puts "=> TCP connection failure handling with a rescue statement"

connection_settings = {
  :port     => 9689,
  :vhost    => "/amq_client_testbed",
  :user     => "amq_client_gem",
  :password => "amq_client_gem_password",
  :timeout        => 0.3

  AMQP.start(connection_settings) do |connection, open_ok|
    raise "This should not be reachable"
rescue AMQP::TCPConnectionFailed => e
  puts "Caught AMQP::TCPConnectionFailed => TCP connection failed, as expected."

{AMQP.connect} (and {AMQP.start}) will raise {AMQP::TCPConnectionFailed} if connection fails. Code that catches it can write to log about the issue or use retry to execute begin block one more time. Because initial connection failures are due to misconfiguration or network outage, reconnection to the same endpoint (hostname, port, vhost combination) will result in the same issue over and over. TBD: failover, connection to the cluster. Alternative way of handling connection failure is with an errback (a callback for specific kind of error):

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8

require "rubygems"
require "amqp"

puts "=> TCP connection failure handling with a callback"

handler             = Proc.new { |settings| puts "Failed to connect, as expected"; EM.stop }
connection_settings = {
  :port     => 9689,
  :vhost    => "/amq_client_testbed",
  :user     => "amq_client_gem",
  :password => "amq_client_gem_password",
  :timeout        => 0.3,
  :on_tcp_connection_failure => handler

AMQP.start(connection_settings) do |connection, open_ok|
  raise "This should not be reachable"

:on_tcp_connection_failure option accepts any object that responds to #call. If you connect to the broker from a code in a class (as opposed to top-level scope in a script), Object#method can be used to pass object method as a handler instead of a Proc. TBD: provide an example h3. Authentication failures Another reason why connection may fail is authentication failure. Handling authentication failure is very similar to handling initial TCP connection failure:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8

require "rubygems"
require "amqp"

puts "=> Authentication failure handling with a callback"

handler             = Proc.new { |settings| puts "Failed to connect, as expected"; EM.stop }
connection_settings = {
  :port     => 5672,
  :vhost    => "/amq_client_testbed",
  :user     => "amq_client_gem",
  :password => "amq_client_gem_password_that_is_incorrect #{Time.now.to_i}",
  :timeout        => 0.3,
  :on_tcp_connection_failure => handler,
  :on_possible_authentication_failure => Proc.new { |settings|
                                            puts "Authentication failed, as expected, settings are: #{settings.inspect}"


AMQP.start(connection_settings) do |connection, open_ok|
  raise "This should not be reachable"

default handler raises {AMQP::PossibleAuthenticationFailureError}:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8

require "rubygems"
require "amqp"

puts "=> Authentication failure handling with a rescue block"

handler             = Proc.new { |settings| puts "Failed to connect, as expected"; EM.stop }
connection_settings = {
  :port     => 5672,
  :vhost    => "/amq_client_testbed",
  :user     => "amq_client_gem",
  :password => "amq_client_gem_password_that_is_incorrect #{Time.now.to_i}",
  :timeout        => 0.3,
  :on_tcp_connection_failure => handler

  AMQP.start(connection_settings) do |connection, open_ok|
    raise "This should not be reachable"
rescue AMQP::PossibleAuthenticationFailureError => afe
  puts "Authentication failed, as expected, caught #{afe.inspect}"
  EventMachine.stop if EventMachine.reactor_running?

In case you wonder why callback name has "possible" in it: {http://bit.ly/mTr1YN AMQP 0.9.1 spec} requires broker implementations to simply close TCP connection without sending any more data when an exception (such as authentication failure) occurs before AMQP connection is open. In practice, however, when broker closes TCP connection between successful TCP connection and before AMQP connection is open, it means that authentication has failed. h2. Network connection interruption TBD h2. TLS (SSL) related issues TBD h2. AMQP connection-level exceptions TBD h2. AMQP channel-level exceptions TBD h2. Broker failure TBD h2. Recovery TBD h2. Conclusion TBD h2. Tell us what you think! Please take a moment and tell us what you think about this guide on "Ruby AMQP mailing list":http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-amqp: what was unclear? what wasn't covered? maybe you don't like guide style or grammar and spelling are incorrect? Readers feedback is key to making documentation better. If mailing list communication is not an option for you for some reason, you can "contact guides author directly":mailto:michael@novemberain.com?subject=amqp%20gem%20documentation