# Bootstrap for Rails `bootstrap-sass` is an SASS-powered version of [Twitter's Bootstrap](http://github.com/twitter/bootstrap), ready to drop right into your asset-pipeline powered Rails applications. Enjoy. ## Usage In your gemfile: gem 'bootstrap-sass', '1.4.0' ### CSS In your SCSS file of choice: @import "bootstrap"; /* Use this to get all of Bootstrap's @mixins and $variables */ ### Javascript In your Javascript manifest: // Loads all Bootstrap javascripts //= require bootstrap // Alternatively, you can load individual modules //= require bootstrap-scrollspy //= require bootstrap-modal //= require bootstrap-dropdown Simples. ## Versioning We try to stick to Bootstrap versioning wherever possible. The major and minor version numbers will always represent the Twitter Bootstrap version, but no guarantees are made for the tiny version number, since waiting for Bootstrap to update so I can push out a fix sucks. ## Branches Master will usually represent the latest release of `bootstrap-sass`. Other branches contain experimental code, or are a relatively close mirror of other Bootstrap branches.