Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
* @fileOverview The "wysiwygarea" plugin. It registers the "wysiwyg" editing
* mode, which handles the main editing area space.
// List of elements in which has no way to move editing focus outside.
var nonExitableElementNames = { table:1,pre:1 };
// Matching an empty paragraph at the end of document.
var emptyParagraphRegexp = /\s*<(p|div|address|h\d|center|li)[^>]*>\s*(?:
]*>| |\u00A0| )?\s*(:?<\/\1>)?\s*(?=$|<\/body>)/gi;
var notWhitespaceEval = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true );
function onInsertHtml( evt )
if ( this.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
var selection = this.getSelection(),
data = evt.data;
if ( this.dataProcessor )
data = this.dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
var selIsLocked = selection.isLocked;
if ( selIsLocked )
var $sel = selection.getNative();
if ( $sel.type == 'Control' )
$sel.createRange().pasteHTML( data );
if ( selIsLocked )
this.document.$.execCommand( 'inserthtml', false, data );
// Webkit does not scroll to the cursor position after pasting (#5558)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
this.document.$.execCommand( 'inserthtml', false, '' );
var marker = this.document.getById( 'cke_paste_marker' );
CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
}, 0, this );
function onInsertElement( evt )
if ( this.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
var element = evt.data,
elementName = element.getName(),
isBlock = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ elementName ];
var selection = this.getSelection(),
ranges = selection.getRanges();
var selIsLocked = selection.isLocked;
if ( selIsLocked )
var range, clone, lastElement, bookmark;
for ( var i = ranges.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
range = ranges[ i ];
// Remove the original contents.
clone = !i && element || element.clone( true );
// If we're inserting a block at dtd-violated position, split
// the parent blocks until we reach blockLimit.
var current, dtd;
if ( isBlock )
while ( ( current = range.getCommonAncestor( false, true ) )
&& ( dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ current.getName() ] )
&& !( dtd && dtd [ elementName ] ) )
// Split up inline elements.
if ( current.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.span )
range.splitElement( current );
// If we're in an empty block which indicate a new paragraph,
// simply replace it with the inserting block.(#3664)
else if ( range.checkStartOfBlock()
&& range.checkEndOfBlock() )
range.setStartBefore( current );
range.collapse( true );
// Insert the new node.
range.insertNode( clone );
// Save the last element reference so we can make the
// selection later.
if ( !lastElement )
lastElement = clone;
range.moveToPosition( lastElement, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
// If we're inserting a block element immediatelly followed by
// another block element, the selection must move there. (#3100,#5436)
if ( isBlock )
var next = lastElement.getNext( notWhitespaceEval ),
nextName = next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.getName();
// Check if it's a block element that accepts text.
if ( nextName && CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ nextName ] && CKEDITOR.dtd[ nextName ]['#'] )
range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
selection.selectRanges( [ range ] );
if ( selIsLocked )
// Save snaps after the whole execution completed.
// This's a workaround for make DOM modification's happened after
// 'insertElement' to be included either, e.g. Form-based dialogs' 'commitContents'
// call.
CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function(){
this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
}, 0, this );
// DOM modification here should not bother dirty flag.(#4385)
function restoreDirty( editor )
if ( !editor.checkDirty() )
setTimeout( function(){ editor.resetDirty(); } );
var isNotWhitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true );
function isNotEmpty( node )
return isNotWhitespace( node ) && isNotBookmark( node );
function isNbsp( node )
return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
&& CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ).match( /^(?: |\xa0)$/ );
function restoreSelection( selection )
if ( selection.isLocked )
setTimeout( function() { selection.lock(); }, 0 );
function isBlankParagraph( block )
return block.getOuterHtml().match( emptyParagraphRegexp );
isNotWhitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true );
// Gecko need a key event to 'wake up' the editing
// ability when document is empty.(#3864, #5781)
function activateEditing( editor )
var win = editor.window,
doc = editor.document,
body = editor.document.getBody(),
bodyChildsNum = body.getChildren().count();
if ( !bodyChildsNum || ( bodyChildsNum == 1&& body.getFirst().hasAttribute( '_moz_editor_bogus_node' ) ) )
restoreDirty( editor );
// Simulating keyboard character input by dispatching a keydown of white-space text.
var keyEventSimulate = doc.$.createEvent( "KeyEvents" );
keyEventSimulate.initKeyEvent( 'keypress', true, true, win.$, false,
false, false, false, 0, 32 );
doc.$.dispatchEvent( keyEventSimulate );
// Restore the original document status by placing the cursor before a bogus br created (#5021).
bodyChildsNum && body.getFirst().remove();
var nativeRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( doc );
nativeRange.setStartAt( body , CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
* Auto-fixing block-less content by wrapping paragraph (#3190), prevent
* non-exitable-block by padding extra br.(#3189)
function onSelectionChangeFixBody( evt )
var editor = evt.editor,
path = evt.data.path,
blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
selection = evt.data.selection,
range = selection.getRanges()[0],
body = editor.document.getBody(),
enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
CKEDITOR.env.gecko && activateEditing( editor );
// When enterMode set to block, we'll establing new paragraph only if we're
// selecting inline contents right under body. (#3657)
if ( enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
&& range.collapsed
&& blockLimit.getName() == 'body'
&& !path.block )
editor.fire( 'updateSnapshot' );
restoreDirty( editor );
CKEDITOR.env.ie && restoreSelection( selection );
var fixedBlock = range.fixBlock( true,
editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' );
// For IE, we should remove any filler node which was introduced before.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
var first = fixedBlock.getFirst( isNotEmpty );
first && isNbsp( first ) && first.remove();
// If the fixed block is actually blank and is already followed by an exitable blank
// block, we should revert the fix and move into the existed one. (#3684)
if ( isBlankParagraph( fixedBlock ) )
var element = fixedBlock.getNext( isNotWhitespace );
if ( element &&
element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
!nonExitableElementNames[ element.getName() ] )
range.moveToElementEditStart( element );
element = fixedBlock.getPrevious( isNotWhitespace );
if ( element &&
element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
!nonExitableElementNames[ element.getName() ] )
range.moveToElementEditEnd( element );
// Notify non-IE that selection has changed.
if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
// All browsers are incapable to moving cursor out of certain non-exitable
// blocks (e.g. table, list, pre) at the end of document, make this happen by
// place a bogus node there, which would be later removed by dataprocessor.
var walkerRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document ),
walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
walkerRange.selectNodeContents( body );
walker.evaluator = function( node )
return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( node.getName() in nonExitableElementNames );
walker.guard = function( node, isMoveout )
return !( ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && isNotWhitespace( node ) ) || isMoveout );
if ( walker.previous() )
editor.fire( 'updateSnapshot' );
restoreDirty( editor );
CKEDITOR.env.ie && restoreSelection( selection );
var paddingBlock;
if ( enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
paddingBlock = body.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) );
paddingBlock = body;
if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'wysiwygarea',
requires : [ 'editingblock' ],
init : function( editor )
var fixForBody = ( editor.config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
? editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' : false;
var frameLabel = editor.lang.editorTitle.replace( '%1', editor.name );
var contentDomReadyHandler;
editor.on( 'editingBlockReady', function()
var mainElement,
// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
// Creates the iframe that holds the editable document.
var createIFrame = function( data )
if ( iframe )
var srcScript =
'document.open();' +
// The document domain must be set any time we
// call document.open().
( isCustomDomain ? ( 'document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' ) : '' ) +
iframe = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '' );
// With FF, it's better to load the data on iframe.load. (#3894,#4058)
iframe.on( 'load', function( ev )
frameLoaded = 1;
var doc = iframe.getFrameDocument().$;
// Don't leave any history log in IE. (#5657)
doc.open( "text/html","replace" );
doc.write( data );
mainElement.append( iframe );
// The script that launches the bootstrap logic on 'domReady', so the document
// is fully editable even before the editing iframe is fully loaded (#4455).
contentDomReadyHandler = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( contentDomReady );
var activationScript =
// Editing area bootstrap code.
function contentDomReady( domWindow )
if ( !frameLoaded )
frameLoaded = 0;
editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', iframe );
var domDocument = domWindow.document,
body = domDocument.body;
// Remove this script from the DOM.
var script = domDocument.getElementById( "cke_actscrpt" );
script.parentNode.removeChild( script );
body.spellcheck = !editor.config.disableNativeSpellChecker;
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
// Don't display the focus border.
body.hideFocus = true;
// Disable and re-enable the body to avoid IE from
// taking the editing focus at startup. (#141 / #523)
body.disabled = true;
body.contentEditable = true;
body.removeAttribute( 'disabled' );
// Avoid opening design mode in a frame window thread,
// which will cause host page scrolling.(#4397)
setTimeout( function()
// Prefer 'contentEditable' instead of 'designMode'. (#3593)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900
|| CKEDITOR.env.opera )
domDocument.$.body.contentEditable = true;
else if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
domDocument.$.body.parentNode.contentEditable = true;
domDocument.$.designMode = 'on';
}, 0 );
CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( activateEditing, 0, null, editor );
domWindow = editor.window = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( domWindow );
domDocument = editor.document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( domDocument );
domDocument.on( 'dblclick', function( evt )
var element = evt.data.getTarget(),
data = { element : element, dialog : '' };
editor.fire( 'doubleclick', data );
data.dialog && editor.openDialog( data.dialog );
// Gecko/Webkit need some help when selecting control type elements. (#3448)
if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera) )
domDocument.on( 'mousedown', function( ev )
var control = ev.data.getTarget();
if ( control.is( 'img', 'hr', 'input', 'textarea', 'select' ) )
editor.getSelection().selectElement( control );
} );
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
domDocument.on( 'mouseup', function( ev )
if ( ev.data.$.button == 2 )
var target = ev.data.getTarget();
// Prevent right click from selecting an empty block even
// when selection is anchored inside it. (#5845)
if ( !target.getOuterHtml().replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' ) )
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( domDocument );
range.moveToElementEditStart( target );
range.select( true );
} );
// Webkit: avoid from editing form control elements content.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
// Prevent from tick checkbox/radiobox/select
domDocument.on( 'click', function( ev )
if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'select' ) )
} );
// Prevent from editig textfield/textarea value.
domDocument.on( 'mouseup', function( ev )
if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'textarea' ) )
} );
// IE standard compliant in editing frame doesn't focus the editor when
// clicking outside actual content, manually apply the focus. (#1659)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie
&& domDocument.$.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat'
|| CKEDITOR.env.gecko
|| CKEDITOR.env.opera )
var htmlElement = domDocument.getDocumentElement();
htmlElement.on( 'mousedown', function( evt )
// Setting focus directly on editor doesn't work, we
// have to use here a temporary element to 'redirect'
// the focus.
if ( evt.data.getTarget().equals( htmlElement ) )
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900 )
} );
domWindow.on( 'blur', function()
domWindow.on( 'focus', function()
var doc = editor.document;
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900 )
else if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
var keystrokeHandler = editor.keystrokeHandler;
if ( keystrokeHandler )
keystrokeHandler.attach( domDocument );
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
domDocument.getDocumentElement().addClass( domDocument.$.compatMode );
// Override keystrokes which should have deletion behavior
// on control types in IE . (#4047)
domDocument.on( 'keydown', function( evt )
var keyCode = evt.data.getKeystroke();
// Backspace OR Delete.
if ( keyCode in { 8 : 1, 46 : 1 } )
var sel = editor.getSelection(),
control = sel.getSelectedElement();
if ( control )
// Make undo snapshot.
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Delete any element that 'hasLayout' (e.g. hr,table) in IE8 will
// break up the selection, safely manage it here. (#4795)
var bookmark = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ].createBookmark();
// Remove the control manually.
sel.selectBookmarks( [ bookmark ] );
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
} );
// PageUp/PageDown scrolling is broken in document
// with standard doctype, manually fix it. (#4736)
if ( domDocument.$.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' )
var pageUpDownKeys = { 33 : 1, 34 : 1 };
domDocument.on( 'keydown', function( evt )
if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() in pageUpDownKeys )
setTimeout( function ()
}, 0 );
} );
// Adds the document body as a context menu target.
if ( editor.contextMenu )
editor.contextMenu.addTarget( domDocument, editor.config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl !== false );
setTimeout( function()
editor.fire( 'contentDom' );
if ( fireMode )
editor.mode = 'wysiwyg';
editor.fire( 'mode' );
fireMode = false;
isLoadingData = false;
if ( isPendingFocus )
isPendingFocus = false;
setTimeout( function()
editor.fire( 'dataReady' );
}, 0 );
// IE, Opera and Safari may not support it and throw errors.
try { editor.document.$.execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, !editor.config.disableObjectResizing ) ; } catch(e) {}
try { editor.document.$.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, !editor.config.disableNativeTableHandles ) ; } catch(e) {}
* IE BUG: IE might have rendered the iframe with invisible contents.
* (#3623). Push some inconsequential CSS style changes to force IE to
* refresh it.
* Also, for some unknown reasons, short timeouts (e.g. 100ms) do not
* fix the problem. :(
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
setTimeout( function()
if ( editor.document )
var $body = editor.document.$.body;
$body.runtimeStyle.marginBottom = '0px';
$body.runtimeStyle.marginBottom = '';
}, 1000 );
0 );
editor.addMode( 'wysiwyg',
load : function( holderElement, data, isSnapshot )
mainElement = holderElement;
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks )
holderElement.setStyle( 'position', 'relative' );
// The editor data "may be dirty" after this
// point.
editor.mayBeDirty = true;
fireMode = true;
if ( isSnapshot )
this.loadSnapshotData( data );
this.loadData( data );
loadData : function( data )
isLoadingData = true;
var config = editor.config,
fullPage = config.fullPage,
docType = config.docType;
// Build the additional stuff to be included into