describe ConfigScripts::Scripts::Script do let(:klass) { ConfigScripts::Scripts::Script } describe "class methods" do describe "script_directory" do subject { klass.script_directory} it "is the db/config_scripts directory" do expect(subject).to eq Rails.root.join('db', 'config_scripts') end end describe "pending_scripts" do let!(:filename1) { "20140208150000_script_1" } let!(:filename2) { "20140208200000_script_2" } subject { klass.pending_scripts } before do Dir.stub glob: ["/tmp/#{filename1}.rb", "/tmp/#{filename2}.rb"] ConfigScripts::Scripts::ScriptHistory.record_timestamp('20140208150000') end it "uses Dir to get the files" do subject expect(Dir).to have_received(:glob).with(File.join(klass.script_directory, "*.rb")) end it "includes filenames that don't have entries in the script histories" do expect(subject).to include filename2 end it "does not include filenames that have entries in the script history" do expect(subject).not_to include filename1 end end describe "run_pending_scripts" do class TestConfigScriptConfig < ConfigScripts::Scripts::Script; end let!(:timestamp1) { '20140208150000' } let!(:timestamp2) { '20140208200000' } let!(:timestamp3) { '20140208250000' } let(:script_filenames) { [timestamp1, timestamp2, timestamp3].collect { |stamp| "#{stamp}_test_config_script" } } let!(:script1) { } let!(:script2) { } let!(:script3) { } before do klass.stub pending_scripts: script_filenames klass.stub :require klass.stub :puts [script1, script2, script3].each do |script| script.stub(:run) end TestConfigScriptConfig.stub(:new).with(timestamp1).and_return(script1) TestConfigScriptConfig.stub(:new).with(timestamp2).and_return(script2) TestConfigScriptConfig.stub(:new).with(timestamp3).and_return(script3) FileUtils.mkdir_p(Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache")) end let(:scripts) {[ { filename: script_filenames[0], script: script1, run: true }, { filename: script_filenames[1], script: script2, run: true }, { filename: script_filenames[2], script: script3, run: true } ]} shared_examples "ran scripts" do it "requires only the scripts it needs to run" do scripts.each do |script| path = Rails.root.join("db", "config_scripts", "#{script[:filename]}.rb") if script[:run] expect(klass).to have_received(:require).with(path) else expect(klass).not_to have_received(:require).with(path) end end end it "creates a config script for each timestamp with the appropriate class" do scripts.each do |script| timestamp = script[:filename].first(14) if script[:run] expect(TestConfigScriptConfig).to have_received(:new).with(timestamp) else expect(TestConfigScriptConfig).not_to have_received(:new).with(timestamp) end end end it "calls the up command on each script item" do scripts.each do |script| if script[:run] expect(script[:script]).to have_received(:run).with(:up) else expect(script[:script]).not_to have_received(:run) end end end it "outputs the name of the scripts that it is running" do scripts.each do |script| if script[:run] expect(klass).to have_received(:puts).with("Running #{script[:filename]}") else expect(klass).not_to have_received(:puts).with("Running #{script[:filename]}") end end end end context "with no problems running the scripts" do it_behaves_like "ran scripts" before do klass.run_pending_scripts end end context "with a problems running the scripts" do it_behaves_like "ran scripts" before do script2.stub(:run).and_raise 'Error in script' scripts[2][:run] = false begin klass.run_pending_scripts rescue end end end context "with a class name it cannot find" do let(:bad_filename) { "20140208170000_missing_class" } before do scripts[1][:run] = false scripts[2][:run] = false klass.stub pending_scripts: [script_filenames[0], bad_filename, script_filenames[1], script_filenames[2]] klass.run_pending_scripts end it_behaves_like "ran scripts" it "requires the path for the bad script" do path = Rails.root.join("db", "config_scripts", "#{bad_filename}.rb") expect(klass).to have_received(:require).with(path) end it "outputs a name error for the missing class" do expect(klass).to have_received(:puts).with("Aborting: could not find class MissingClassConfig") end end end describe "list_pending_scripts" do before do klass.stub pending_scripts: ['script1.rb', 'script2.rb'] klass.stub :puts klass.list_pending_scripts end it "prints out the name of each script" do expect(klass).to have_received(:puts).with('script1.rb') expect(klass).to have_received(:puts).with('script2.rb') end end end describe "creating" do let(:timestamp) { '20140101153500' } subject { } it "sets the timestamp" do expect(subject.timestamp).to eq timestamp end end describe "running" do let(:timestamp) {} let(:script) { } describe "up" do it "raises an exception" do expect(lambda{script.up}).to raise_exception("Not supported") end end describe "down" do it "raises an exception" do expect(lambda{script.down}).to raise_exception("Not supported") end end describe "run" do {up: true, down: false}.each do |direction, expect_timestamp| describe "direction" do before do if !expect_timestamp ConfigScripts::Scripts::ScriptHistory.record_timestamp(timestamp) end script.stub :puts Rails.cache.write("cached_item", "cached_value") end context "with a success" do before do script.stub(direction) do Person.create(name: 'John Doe') end end it "performs the changes in the #{direction} method" do expect(Person.count).to eq 1 expect( eq "John Doe" end it "cleares the cache" do expect("cached_item")).to be_nil end it "{expect_timestamp ? 'adds' : 'removes'} the timestamp" do expect(ConfigScripts::Scripts::ScriptHistory.script_was_run?(timestamp)).to eq expect_timestamp end end context "with an exception in the #{direction} method" do before do script.stub(direction) do Person.create(name: 'John Doe') raise end end it "re-raises the exception" do expect(lambda{}).to raise_exception end it "does not persist the changes in the #{direction} method" do rescue nil expect(Person.count).to eq 0 end it "does not clear the cache" do rescue nil expect('cached_item')).to eq 'cached_value' end it "does not #{expect_timestamp ? 'add' : 'remove'} the timestamp" do rescue nil expect(ConfigScripts::Scripts::ScriptHistory.script_was_run?(timestamp)).not_to eq expect_timestamp end it "puts an error out to the logs" do rescue nil expect(script).to have_received(:puts).with("Error running script for ConfigScripts::Scripts::Script: ") end end end end end end end