#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } begin require 'spec' require 'spec/lib/constants' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'yaml' require 'ldap' require 'ldap/schema' require 'treequel/schema/attributetype' rescue LoadError unless Object.const_defined?( :Gem ) require 'rubygems' retry end raise end include Treequel::TestConstants include Treequel::Constants ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Treequel::Schema::AttributeType do include Treequel::SpecHelpers before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) @datadir = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent + 'data' end before( :each ) do @schema = mock( "treequel schema object" ) end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end describe "parsed from the 'objectClass' attributeType" do OBJECTCLASS_ATTRTYPE = %{( NAME 'objectClass' } + %{DESC 'RFC2256: object classes of the entity' } + %{EQUALITY objectIdentifierMatch SYNTAX )} before( :each ) do @attrtype = Treequel::Schema::AttributeType.parse( @schema, OBJECTCLASS_ATTRTYPE ) end it "knows what OID corresponds to the type" do @attrtype.oid.should == '' end it "knows what its NAME attribute is" do @attrtype.name.should == :objectClass end it "knows what its DESC attribute is" do @attrtype.desc.should == 'RFC2256: object classes of the entity' end it "knows it doesn't have a superior type" do @attrtype.sup.should be_nil() end it "knows what the name of its equality matching rule is" do @attrtype.eqmatch_oid.should == :objectIdentifierMatch end it "returns a matchingRule object from its schema for its equality matching rule" do @schema.should_receive( :matching_rules ). and_return({ :objectIdentifierMatch => :a_matching_rule }) @attrtype.equality_matching_rule.should == :a_matching_rule end it "doesn't have an order matchingRule" do @attrtype.ordering_matching_rule.should be_nil() end it "returns a matchingRule object from its schema for its substring matching rule" do @attrtype.substr_matching_rule.should be_nil() end it "knows that it is not obsolete" do @attrtype.should_not be_obsolete() end it "knows what its syntax OID is" do @attrtype.syntax_oid.should == '' end it "knows that its syntax length is not set" do @attrtype.syntax_len.should be_nil() end it "returns an ldapSyntax object from its schema for its syntax" do @schema.should_receive( :ldap_syntaxes ). and_return({ '' => :the_syntax }) @attrtype.syntax.should == :the_syntax end end describe "parsed from an attributeType that has a SUP attribute" do DERIVED_ATTRTYPE = %{( SUP aSuperType } + %{SYNTAX )} before( :each ) do @attrtype = Treequel::Schema::AttributeType.parse( @schema, DERIVED_ATTRTYPE ) end it "can fetch its superior type from its schema" do @schema.should_receive( :attribute_types ). and_return({ :aSuperType => :the_superior_type }) @attrtype.sup.should == :the_superior_type end it "returns a matchingRule object from its supertype's equality matching rule if it " + "doesn't have one" do supertype = mock( "superior attribute type object" ) @schema.should_receive( :attribute_types ).twice. and_return({ :aSuperType => supertype }) supertype.should_receive( :equality_matching_rule ).and_return( :a_matching_rule ) @attrtype.equality_matching_rule.should == :a_matching_rule end it "returns a matchingRule object from its supertype's ordering matching rule if it " + "doesn't have one" do supertype = mock( "superior attribute type object" ) @schema.should_receive( :attribute_types ).twice. and_return({ :aSuperType => supertype }) supertype.should_receive( :ordering_matching_rule ).and_return( :a_matching_rule ) @attrtype.ordering_matching_rule.should == :a_matching_rule end it "returns a matchingRule object from its supertype's substr matching rule if it " + "doesn't have one" do supertype = mock( "superior attribute type object" ) @schema.should_receive( :attribute_types ).twice. and_return({ :aSuperType => supertype }) supertype.should_receive( :substr_matching_rule ).and_return( :a_matching_rule ) @attrtype.substr_matching_rule.should == :a_matching_rule end end describe "parsed from an attributeType that has a SUP attribute but no SYNTAX" do DERIVED_NOSYN_ATTRTYPE = %{( SUP aSuperType )} before( :each ) do @attrtype = Treequel::Schema::AttributeType.parse( @schema, DERIVED_NOSYN_ATTRTYPE ) end it "fetches its SYNTAX from its supertype" do supertype = mock( "supertype object" ) @schema.should_receive( :attribute_types ).at_least( :once ). and_return({ :aSuperType => supertype }) supertype.should_receive( :syntax ).and_return( :the_syntax ) @attrtype.syntax.should == :the_syntax end end describe "parsed from an attributeType that has a list as the value of its NAME attribute" do MULTINAME_ATTRIBUTETYPE = %{( NAME ('firstname' 'secondname') )} before( :each ) do @attrtype = Treequel::Schema::AttributeType.parse( @schema, MULTINAME_ATTRIBUTETYPE ) end it "knows what both names are" do @attrtype.names.should have(2).members @attrtype.names.should include( :firstname, :secondname ) end it "returns the first of its names for the #name method" do @attrtype.name.should == :firstname end end describe "parsed from an attributeType that has escaped characters in its DESC attribute" do ESCAPED_DESC_ATTRIBUTETYPE = %{( DESC } + %{'This spec\\27s example, which includes a \\5c character.' )} before( :each ) do @attrtype = Treequel::Schema::AttributeType.parse( @schema, ESCAPED_DESC_ATTRIBUTETYPE ) end it "unscapes the escaped characters" do @attrtype.desc.should == %{This spec's example, which includes a \\ character.} end end describe "parsed from an attributeType that has the OBSOLETE attribute" do OBSOLETE_ATTRIBUTETYPE = %{( OBSOLETE )} before( :each ) do @attrtype = Treequel::Schema::AttributeType.parse( @schema, OBSOLETE_ATTRIBUTETYPE ) end it "knows that it's obsolete" do @attrtype.should be_obsolete() end end end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: