module Scorpio module Google discovery_rest_description_doc = ::JSON.parse(Scorpio.root.join('documents/').read) discovery_rest_description =, metaschema_root_ptr: JSI::JSON::Pointer['schemas']['JsonSchema'], root_schema_ptr: JSI::JSON::Pointer['schemas']['RestDescription']) # naming these is not strictly necessary, but is nice to have. DirectoryList = JSI.class_for_schema(discovery_rest_description['schemas']['DirectoryList']) JsonSchema = JSI.class_for_schema(discovery_rest_description['schemas']['JsonSchema']) RestDescription = JSI.class_for_schema(discovery_rest_description['schemas']['RestDescription']) RestMethod = JSI.class_for_schema(discovery_rest_description['schemas']['RestMethod']) RestResource = JSI.class_for_schema(discovery_rest_description['schemas']['RestResource']) RestMethodRequest = JSI.class_for_schema(discovery_rest_description['schemas']['RestMethod']['properties']['request']) RestMethodResponse = JSI.class_for_schema(discovery_rest_description['schemas']['RestMethod']['properties']['response']) # google does a weird thing where it defines a schema with a $ref property where a json-schema is to be used in the document (method request and response fields), instead of just setting the schema to be the json-schema schema. we'll share a module across those schema classes that really represent schemas. is this confusingly meta enough? module SchemaLike def to_openapi dup_doc = JSI::Typelike.as_json(self) # openapi does not want an id field on schemas dup_doc.delete('id') if dup_doc['properties'].is_a?(Hash) required_properties = dup_doc['properties'].select do |key, value| value.is_a?(Hash) ? value.delete('required') : nil end.keys # put required before properties unless required_properties.empty? dup_doc = do |k, v| base = k == 'properties' ? {'required' => required_properties } : {} base.merge({k => v}) end.inject({}, &:update) end end dup_doc end end [JsonSchema, RestMethodRequest, RestMethodResponse].each { |klass| klass.send(:include, SchemaLike) } class RestDescription def to_openapi_document(options = {}) Scorpio::OpenAPI::Document.from_instance(to_openapi_hash(options)) end def to_openapi_hash(options = {}) # we will be modifying the api document (RestDescription). clone self and modify that one. ad = ad_methods = [] if ad['methods'] ad_methods += ad['methods'].map do |mn, m| m.tap do m.send(:define_singleton_method, :resource_name) { } m.send(:define_singleton_method, :method_name) { mn } end end end ad_methods += do |rn, r| (r['methods'] || {}).map do |mn, m| m.tap do m.send(:define_singleton_method, :resource_name) { rn } m.send(:define_singleton_method, :method_name) { mn } end end end.inject([], &:+) paths = ad_methods.group_by { |m| m['path'] }.map do |path, path_methods| unless path =~ %r(\A/) path = '/' + path end operations = path_methods.group_by { |m| m['httpMethod'] }.map do |http_method, http_method_methods| if http_method_methods.size > 1 #raise("http method #{http_method} at path #{path} not unique: #{http_method_methods.pretty_inspect}") end method = http_method_methods.first unused_path_params = {http_method.downcase => {}.tap do |operation| operation['tags'] = method.resource_name ? [method.resource_name] : [] #operation['summary'] = operation['description'] = method['description'] if method['description'] #operation['externalDocs'] = operation['operationId'] = method['id'] || (method.resource_name ? "#{method.resource_name}.#{method.method_name}" : method.method_name) #operation['produces'] = #operation['consumes'] = if method['parameters'] operation['parameters'] = method['parameters'].map do |name, parameter| {}.tap do |op_param| op_param['description'] = parameter.description if parameter.description op_param['name'] = name op_param['in'] = if parameter.location parameter.location elsif unused_path_params.include?(name) 'path' else 'query' # unused: header, formdata, body end unused_path_params.delete(name) if op_param['in'] == 'path' op_param['required'] = parameter.key?('required') ? parameter['required'] : op_param['in'] == 'path' ? true : false op_param['type'] = parameter.type || 'string' op_param['format'] = parameter['format'] if parameter['format'] end end end if unused_path_params.any? operation['parameters'] ||= [] operation['parameters'] += do |param_name| { 'name' => param_name, 'in' => 'path', 'required' => true, 'type' => 'string', } end end if method['request'] operation['parameters'] ||= [] operation['parameters'] << { 'name' => 'body', 'in' => 'body', 'required' => true, 'schema' => method['request'], } end if method['response'] operation['responses'] = { 'default' => { 'description' => 'default response', 'schema' => method['response'], }, } end end} end.inject({}, &:update) {path => operations} end.inject({}, &:update) openapi = { 'swagger' => '2.0', 'info' => { #/definitions/info 'title' => ad.title ||, 'description' => ad.description, 'version' => ad.version || '', #'termsOfService' => '', 'contact' => { 'name' => ad.ownerName, #'url' => #'email' => '', }.reject { |_, v| v.nil? }, #'license' => { #'name' => '', #'url' => '', #}, }, 'host' => ad.rootUrl ? Addressable::URI.parse(ad.rootUrl).host : ad.baseUrl ? Addressable::URI.parse(ad.rootUrl).host :, # uhh ... got nothin' better 'basePath' => begin path = ad.servicePath || ad.basePath || (ad.baseUrl ? Addressable::URI.parse(ad.baseUrl).path : '/') path =~ %r(\A/) ? path : "/" + path end, 'schemes' => ad.rootUrl ? [Addressable::URI.parse(ad.rootUrl).scheme] : ad.baseUrl ? [Addressable::URI.parse(ad.rootUrl).scheme] : [], #/definitions/schemesList 'consumes' => ['application/json'], # we'll just make this assumption 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'paths' => paths, #/definitions/paths } if ad.schemas openapi['definitions'] = ad.schemas ad.schemas.each do |name, schema| openapi = JSI::Util.ycomb do |rec| proc do |object| if object.respond_to?(:to_hash) object.merge( do |k, v| if k == '$ref' && (v == schema['id'] || v == "#/schemas/#{name}" || v == name) {k => "#/definitions/#{name}"} else JSI::Util.ycomb do |toopenapirec| proc do |toopenapiobject| toopenapiobject = toopenapiobject.to_openapi if toopenapiobject.respond_to?(:to_openapi) if toopenapiobject.respond_to?(:to_hash) { |k2, v2| { =>} }.inject({}, &:update) elsif toopenapiobject.respond_to?(:to_ary) elsif toopenapiobject.is_a?(Symbol) toopenapiobject.to_s elsif [String, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass, Numeric].any? { |c| toopenapiobject.is_a?(c) } toopenapiobject else raise(TypeError, "bad (not jsonifiable) object: #{toopenapiobject.pretty_inspect}") end end{k =>}) end end.inject({}, &:merge)) elsif object.respond_to?(:to_ary) else object end end end end JSI::Typelike.as_json(openapi) end end end end