<% if params[:id] && (worker = find_worker(params[:id])) && !worker.job.empty? %>

<%= worker %>'s job

<% host, pid,thread, _ = worker.to_s.split(':') %> <% data = worker.job %> <% queue = data['queue'] %>
  Where (ip):pid:thread Queue Started Class Args
working<%= link_to("#{host}:#{pid}:#{thread}", {:action => 'workers', :id => worker.to_s.gsub(/\./,'_')}) %><%= link_to(queue, {:action => 'queues', :id => queue}, :class => 'queue') %> <%= format_time(Time.zone.parse(data['run_at'].to_s)) %> <%= data['payload']['class'] %> <%=h data['payload']['args'].inspect %>
<% else %> <% workers = resque.working %>

<%= workers.size %> of <%= resque.workers.size %> Workers Working

The list below contains all workers which are currently running a job.

<% if workers.empty? %> <% end %> <% for worker in workers.sort_by { |w| w.job['run_at'].to_s } %> <% job = worker.job %> <% host, pid, thread, queues = worker.to_s.split(':') %> <% end %>
  Where (ip):pid:thread Queue Processing
Nothing is happening right now...
.png" alt="<%= state %>" title="<%= state %>"><%= link_to("#{host}:#{pid}:#{thread}", {:action => 'workers', :id => worker.to_s.gsub(/\./,'_')}) %> <%= link_to(job['queue'], {:action => 'queues', :id => job['queue']}, :class => 'queue-tag') %> <% if job['queue'] %> <%= job['payload']['class'] %> <%= link_to(format_time(Time.zone.parse(job['run_at'].to_s)), {:action => 'working', :id => worker.to_s.gsub(/\./,'_')}, :class => 'queue time') %>
<%=worker.status%> <% else %> Waiting for a job... <% end %>
<% end %>