require 'securerandom' module JqrHelpers module Helpers # A renderer used for tabs, accordions, etc. class PanelRenderer # @return [Array] # @private attr_accessor :panels def initialize self.panels = [] end # Render a panel in the parent container. The panel must have either # a URL or a block containing content. # @param title [String] # @param url_or_options [String|Hash] If a URL is given, it will be here # and the options will be the next parameter. If a block is given, # this will be the option hash. Options will be passed as is into the # HTML
  • tag. # @param options [Hash] the options if a URL is given. def panel(title, url_or_options={}, options={}, &block) if url_or_options.is_a?(String) url = url_or_options content = '' id = nil else options = url_or_options content = yield id = Helpers._random_string url = '#' + id end options.merge!(:id => id) panels << { :title => title, :url => url, :options => options, :content => content } nil # suppress output end end # Add a link to create a jQuery dialog. # If a block is given, dialog_options and html_options are shifted left by # 1 and the block is used as the html_content. # @param dialog_id [String] The ID of the element to put in the dialog. # @param html_content [String] Text or HTML tags to use as the link body. # @param dialog_options [Hash] Dialog options as described in the readme. # @param html_options [Hash] Attributes to put on the link tag. There is # a special :tag_name option that can be used to change the tag being # created. Default is :a, but you can pass :div, :span, etc. # @return [String] def link_to_dialog(dialog_id, html_content='', dialog_options={}, html_options={}, &block) if block_given? html_options = dialog_options dialog_options = html_content.presence || {} html_content = capture(&block) end html_options[:class] ||= '' html_options[:class] << ' ujs-dialog' html_options[:'data-dialog-id'] = dialog_id html_options[:'data-close-x'] = dialog_options[:close_x] tag_name = html_options.delete(:tag_name) || :a html_options[:href] = '#' if tag_name == :a dialog_options[:dialogClass] ||= '' if dialog_options[:title] == false # not nil or blank dialog_options[:dialogClass] << ' ujs-dialog-modal no-title' else dialog_options[:title] ||= 'Dialog' dialog_options[:dialogClass] << ' ujs-dialog-modal' end dialog_options[:modal] = true dialog_options[:width] ||= 'auto' if dialog_options.delete(:default_buttons) dialog_options[:buttons] = { :OK => 'submit', :Cancel => 'close' } end html_options[:'data-dialog-options'] = dialog_options.to_json content_tag tag_name, html_content, html_options end # Add a button to create a jQuery dialog. # @param dialog_id [String] The ID of the element to put in the dialog. # @param html_content [String] Text or HTML tags to use as the button body. # @param html_options [Hash] Attributes to put on the button tag. # @param dialog_options [Hash] Dialog options as described in the readme. # @return [String] def button_to_dialog(dialog_id, html_content, dialog_options={}, html_options={}) link_to_dialog(dialog_id, html_content, dialog_options, html_options.merge(:tag_name => 'button')) end # Create a button that prompts a jQuery confirm dialog, which is nicer-looking # than the default window.confirm() which is used by Rails. Done using # button_to, so note that a form element will be added. # @param html_content [String] the text or content to go inside the button # @param url [String] the URL which the button should go to if confirmed # @param message [String] the confirm message to prompt # @param html_options [Hash] HTML attributes. def confirm_button(html_content, url, message, html_options={}) button_to html_content, url, html_options.merge( :'data-message' => simple_format(message), # turn text into HTML :'data-ujs-confirm' => true ) end # Same as link_to_dialog, but loads content from a remote URL instead of # using content already on the page. # If a block is given, dialog_options and html_options are shifted left by # 1 and the block is used as the html_content. # @param url [String] The URL to load the content from. # @param html_content [String] Text or HTML tags to use as the link body. # @param dialog_options [Hash] Dialog options as described in the readme. # @param html_options [Hash] Attributes to put on the link tag. There is # a special :tag_name option that can be used to change the tag being # created. Default is :a, but you can pass :div, :span, etc. # @return [String] def link_to_remote_dialog(url, html_content, dialog_options={}, html_options={}, &block) if block_given? html_options = dialog_options dialog_options = html_content html_content = capture(&block) end html_options[:'data-throbber'] = dialog_options.delete(:throbber) || 'large' html_options[:'data-dialog-url'] = url link_to_dialog(Helpers._random_string, html_content, dialog_options, html_options) end # Same as button_to_dialog, but loads content from a remote URL instead of # using content already on the page. # @param url [String] The URL to load the content from. # @param html_content [String] Text or HTML tags to use as the button body. # @param dialog_options [Hash] Dialog options as described in the readme. # @param html_options [Hash] Attributes to put on the button tag. # @return [String] def button_to_remote_dialog(url, html_content, dialog_options={}, html_options={}) link_to_remote_dialog(url, html_content, dialog_options, html_options.merge(:tag_name => 'button')) end # Set the dialog title from +inside+ the dialog itself. This prints a # hidden div which is read by the UJS callback to set the title. def dialog_title(content) content_tag :div, content, :class => 'ujs-dialog-title-hidden' end # Create a link that fires off a jQuery Ajax request. This is basically # a wrapper around link_to :remote => true. # If a block is given, url and options will be shifted left by 1 position # and the block contents will be used for the body. # @param body [String] the text/content that goes inside the tag. # @param url [String] the URL to connect to. # @param options [Hash] Ajax options - see above. # @return [String] def link_to_ajax(body, url, options={}, &block) if block_given? options = url url = body body = capture(&block) end options[:remote] = true options.merge!(_process_ajax_options(options)) link_to body, url, options end # Create a button that fires off a jQuery Ajax request. This does not use # button_to, so it can be used inside forms. # @param body [String] the text/content that goes inside the tag. # @param url [String] the URL to connect to. # @param options [Hash] Ajax options - see above. # @return [String] def button_to_ajax(body, url, options={}) # Specifically do not add data-remote options[:'data-method'] = options.delete(:method) options[:'class'] ||= '' options[:'class'] << ' ujs-ajax-button' options[:'data-url'] = url if options.key?(:confirm) options[:'data-confirm'] = options.delete(:confirm) end options.merge!(_process_ajax_options(options)) content_tag :button, body, options end # Create a form tag that submits to an Ajax request. Basically a wrapper for # form_tag with :remote => true. # @param url [String] the URL to connect to. # @param options [Hash] Ajax options - see above. # @return [String] def form_tag_ajax(url, options={}, &block) options[:remote] = true # note that we only override if nil - not false options[:close_dialog] = true if options[:close_dialog].nil? options[:use_dialog_opener] = true if options[:use_dialog_opener].nil? options.merge!(_process_ajax_options(options)) form_tag url, options, &block end # Identical to form_tag_ajax except that this passes the given model into # form_for instead of form_tag. # @param record [ActiveRecord::Base] # @param options [Hash] # @return [String] def form_for_ajax(record, options={}, &block) options[:remote] = true # note that we only override if nil - not false options[:close_dialog] = true if options[:close_dialog].nil? options[:use_dialog_opener] = true if options[:use_dialog_opener].nil? options[:html] ||= {} options[:html].merge!(_process_ajax_options(options)) form_for record, options, &block end # Print a tab container. This expects a block, which will be passed a # PanelRenderer object. Panels can be local (with content) or remote # (with a URL). # @example # <%= tab_container {:collapsible => true}, {:class => 'my-tabs}' do |r| %> # <%= r.panel 'Tab 1', do %> # My tab content here # <% end %> # <%= r.panel 'Tab 2', '' %> # <% end %> # @param options [Hash] options to pass to the jQuery tabs() method. # @param html_options [Hash] options to pass to the tab container element # itself. def tab_container(options={}, html_options={}, &block) renderer = capture(renderer, &block) html_options[:class] ||= '' html_options[:class] << ' ujs-tab-container' html_options[:'data-tab-options'] = options.to_json content_tag(:div, html_options) do s = content_tag :ul do s2 = '' renderer.panels.each do |panel| s2 << content_tag(:li) do link_to panel[:title], panel[:url] end end raw s2 end s3 = renderer.panels.inject('') do |sum, panel| if panel[:options][:id] sum = sum + content_tag(:div, panel[:content], panel[:options]) end sum end s + raw(s3) end end # Create a date picker field. The attributes given are passed to # text_field_tag. There is a special option :format - this expects a # *Ruby* style date format. It will format both the initial display of the # date and the jQuery date format to be the same. # @param name [String] the name of the form element. # @param value [Date] the initial value. # @param options [Hash] options to be passed to datepicker(). # @param html_options [Hash] options to be passed to text_field_tag. # @return [String] def date_picker_tag(name,, options={}, html_options={}) format = options.delete(:format) || '%Y-%m-%d' value = value.strftime(format) options[:dateFormat] = _map_date(format) html_options[:'data-date-options'] = options.to_json html_options[:class] ||= '' html_options[:class] << ' ujs-date-picker' text_field_tag(name, value, html_options) end # Print a button set. Each button will be a radio button, and the group # will then be passed into jQuery's buttonset() method. # @param name [String] the name of the form element. # @param values [Hash] a hash of value => label. # @param selected [String] the selected value, if any. # @param html_options [Hash] a set of options that will be passed into # the parent div tag. def buttonset(name, values, selected=nil, html_options={}) html_options[:class] ||= '' html_options[:class] << ' ujs-button-set' content = values.inject('') do |sum, (value, label)| sum += radio_button_tag(name, value, selected == value) + label_tag("#{name}_#{value}", label) end content_tag(:div, raw(content), html_options) end # Prints a button set which *pretends* to be a jQuery buttonset() and is # specifically for radio buttons. The main difference is that this will # load much faster in DOM-heavy pages (e.g. in tables where you may have # hundreds of buttons) and it does not have most of the frills of jQuery # button(), such as allowing disabling. # @param name [String] the name of the form element. # @param values [Hash] a hash of value => label. # @param selected [String] the selected value, if any. # @param html_options [Hash] a set of options that will be passed into # the parent div tag. def quick_radio_set(name, values, selected=nil, html_options={}) html_options[:class] ||= '' html_options[:class] << ' ujs-quick-buttonset ui-buttonset' content = '' last_key = values.keys.length - 1 values.each_with_index do |(value, label), i| content << radio_button_tag(name, value, selected == value, :class => 'ui-helper-hidden-accessible') label_class = 'ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only' label_class << ' ui-state-active' if selected == value label_class << ' ui-corner-left' if i == 0 label_class << ' ui-corner-right' if i == last_key content << label_tag("#{name}_#{value}", :class => label_class, :role => 'button', :'aria-disabled' => 'false') do content_tag :span, label, :class => 'ui-button-text' end end content_tag(:div, raw(content), html_options) end # This is identical to the built-in Rails button_to() in every way except # that it will work inside an existing form. Instead, it appends a form # to the body, and uses a click handler to submit it. # This does not support the :remote option - instead, use {#button_to_ajax}. # @param content [String] the text of the button. # @param url [String|Hash] the URL (or URL hash) the button should go to. # @param options [Hash] HTML Options to pass to the button. def button_to_external(content, url, options={}) options[:disabled] = 'disabled' if options.delete(:disabled) method = (options.delete(:method) || 'post').to_s.downcase confirm = options.delete(:confirm) disable_with = options.delete(:disable_with) token_name = token_value = nil if %w(post put).include?(method) && protect_against_forgery? token_name = request_forgery_protection_token.to_s token_value = form_authenticity_token end url = url_for(url) if url.is_a?(Hash) options['data-confirm'] = confirm if confirm options['data-disable-with'] = disable_with if disable_with options['data-method'] = method if method options['data-url'] = url options[:class] ||= '' options[:class] << ' ujs-external-button' if token_name options['data-token-name'] = token_name options['data-token-value'] = token_value end content_tag(:button, content, options) end # Generate a random string for IDs. # @return [String] # @private def self._random_string SecureRandom.hex(16) end # Only run this code if will_paginate is installed begin require 'will_paginate/view_helpers' require 'will_paginate/view_helpers/action_view' # Define a link renderer to use with will_paginate. class AjaxLinkRenderer < WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer # Returns the subset of +options+ this instance was initialized with # that represent HTML attributes for the container element of pagination # links. def container_attributes @container_attributes ||= @options.except(*(WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options.keys + _ajax_keys + [:renderer] - [:class])) end protected def page_number(page) ajax_options = @options.slice(*_ajax_keys) if page == current_page tag(:em, page, :class => 'current') else link(page, page, ajax_options.merge(:class => 'ujs-ajax', :rel => rel_value(page))) end end def previous_or_next_page(page, text, classname) ajax_options = @options.slice(*_ajax_keys) if page link(text, page, ajax_options.merge(:class => "#{classname} ujs-ajax")) else tag(:span, text, ajax_options.merge(:class => "#{classname} disabled")) end end private # Option keys used exclusively for jqr-helpers Ajax stuff. # @return [Array] def _ajax_keys [ :'data-type', :'data-result-method', :'data-selector', :'data-remote', :'data-scroll-to', :'data-throbber' ] end end rescue # no will_paginate installed end # Create a will_paginate pagination interface which runs via Ajax. If # will_paginate is not in the Gemfile or gem environment, this will # throw an error. # @param collection [Array|ActiveRecord::Relation] the # will_paginate collection. # @param to_update [String] the selector to use to update the content - # either a ".class" or "#id" selector. # @param options [Hash] options passed through to will_paginate # @return [String] def will_paginate_ajax(collection, to_update, options={}) if defined?(AjaxLinkRenderer) options[:'data-type'] = 'html' options[:'data-result-method'] = 'update' options[:'data-selector'] = to_update options[:'data-remote'] = true options[:'data-scroll-to'] = true options[:'data-throbber'] = options[:throbber] || 'large' options[:renderer] = AjaxLinkRenderer will_paginate(collection, options) else raise 'will_paginate not installed!' end end private # @param format [String] the Rails date format to map # @return [String] the jQuery date format def _map_date(format) format.gsub!(/'/, "''") format_map = { '%Y' => 'yy', '%y' => 'y', '%-d' => 'd', '%d' => 'dd', '%j' => 'oo', '%a' => 'D', '%A' => 'DD', '%-m' => 'm', '%m' => 'mm', '%b' => 'M', '%B' => 'MM' } prev_index = 0 while true do format_expr = '' percent = format.index('%') break if !percent puts "% is #{percent} prev is #{prev_index} format is #{format}" if percent > prev_index format.insert(percent, "'") format.insert(prev_index, "'") percent += 2 end length = 2 next_char = format[percent + 1] if next_char == '-' length += 1 end format_expr = format[percent, length] new_format_expr = format_map[format_expr] format[percent, length] = new_format_expr prev_index = percent + new_format_expr.length end format end # Process options related to Ajax requests (e.g. button_to_ajax). # @param options [Hash] # @return [Hash] HTML options to inject. def _process_ajax_options(options) new_options = {} new_options[:class] = options[:class] || '' new_options[:class] << ' ujs-ajax' new_options[:'data-type'] = 'html' new_options[:'data-callback'] = options.delete(:callback) new_options[:'data-close-dialog'] = options.delete(:close_dialog) new_options[:'data-use-dialog-opener'] = options.delete(:use_dialog_opener) new_options[:'data-refresh'] = true if options.delete(:refresh) new_options[:'data-redirect'] = true if options.delete(:redirect) new_options[:'data-scroll-to'] = true if options.delete(:scroll_to) new_options[:'data-throbber'] = options.delete(:throbber) || 'small' new_options[:'data-empty'] = options.delete(:empty) new_options[:'data-container'] = options.delete(:container) [:update, :append, :delete].each do |result_method| selector = options.delete(result_method) if selector new_options[:'data-selector'] = selector new_options[:'data-result-method'] = result_method end end new_options end end end