# wallee Ruby Library The wallee Ruby library wraps around the wallee API. This library facilitates your interaction with various services such as transactions, accounts, and subscriptions. ## Documentation [wallee Web Service API](https://app-wallee.com/doc/api/web-service) ## Requirements - Ruby 2.2+ ## Installation # RubyGem install (recommended) ```sh $ gem install wallee-ruby-sdk ``` ## Usage The library needs to be configured with your account's space id, user id, and secret key which are available in your [wallee account dashboard](https://app-wallee.com/account/select). Set `space_id`, `user_id`, and `api_secret` to their values: ### Configuring a Service ```ruby require 'wallee-ruby-sdk' space_id = 405 app_user_id = 512 app_user_key = "FKrO76r5VwJtBrqZawBspljbBNOxp5veKQQkOnZxucQ=" Wallee.configure do |config| config.user_id = app_user_id config.authentication_key = app_user_key end # TransactionService transaction_service = Wallee::TransactionService.new # TransactionPaymentPageService transaction_payment_page_service = Wallee::TransactionPaymentPageService.new ``` To get stated with sending transactions you can review the example below: ```ruby require 'wallee-ruby-sdk' space_id = 405 app_user_id = 512 app_user_key = "FKrO76r5VwJtBrqZawBspljbBNOxp5veKQQkOnZxucQ=" Wallee.configure do |config| config.user_id = app_user_id config.authentication_key = app_user_key end # TransactionService transaction_service = Wallee::TransactionService.new # TransactionPaymentPageService transaction_payment_page_service = Wallee::TransactionPaymentPageService.new transaction = Wallee::TransactionCreate.new({ billingAddress: Wallee::AddressCreate.new({ city: "City", country: "US", emailAddress: "billing@address.com", familyName: "Family", givenName: "Given", postCode: "98100", postalState: "WA", street: "Street" }), currency: 'EUR', customerEmailAddress: "test@example.com", customerPresence: Wallee::CustomersPresence::VIRTUAL_PRESENT, failedUrl: "http://localhost/failure", invoiceMerchantReference: "order-1", language: "en_US", lineItems: [ Wallee::LineItemCreate.new({ amountIncludingTax: 29.60, name: "Item 1", quantity: 1, shippingRequired: true, sku: "sku-1", taxes: [ Wallee::TaxCreate.new({ rate: 8, title: "VAT" }) ], type: Wallee::LineItemType::PRODUCT, uniqueId: "unique-id-item-1", }), Wallee::LineItemCreate.new({ amountIncludingTax: 5.60, name: "Test Shipping", quantity: 1, shippingRequired: false, sku: "test-shipping", taxes: [ Wallee::TaxCreate.new({ rate: 8, title: "VAT" }) ], type: Wallee::LineItemType::SHIPPING, uniqueId: "unique-id-shipping-1", }), ], merchantReference: "order-1", shippingAddress: Wallee::AddressCreate.new({ city: "City", country: "US", emailAddress: "shipping@address.com", familyName: "Family", givenName: "Given", postCode: "98100", postalState: "WA", street: "Street" }), shippingMethod: "Test Shipping", successUrl: "http://localhost/success" }) transaction = transaction_service.create(space_id, transaction) payment_page_url = transaction_payment_page_service.payment_page_url(space_id, transaction.id) # redirect to payment_page_url ``` ## License Please see the [license file](https://github.com/wallee-payment/ruby-sdk/blob/master/LICENSE) for more information.