module Ray module DSL # Module charged to translate an instance of Ray::Event into the arguments # you pass to raise_event. It is for instance used in Ray::Scene. # # == Raised events # 1. quit # 2. focus_gain(focus_type) # 3. mouse_motion(rect), where [rect.x, rect.y] is where the user clicked. # 4. mouse_press(button, rect) # 5. mouse_release(button, rect) # 6. key_press(key, mod_keys) # 7. key_release(key, mod_keys) # 8. window_resize(rect), where [rect.w, rect.h] is the size of the window. # 9. joy_motion(joystick_id, axis_id, axis_value) # 10. joy_press(joystick_id, button_id) # 11. joy_release(joystick_id, button_id) module EventTranslator FOCUS_TYPES = { Ray::Event::APPMOUSEFOCUS => :mouse_focus, Ray::Event::APPINPUTFOCUS => :input_focus, Ray::Event::APPACTIVE => :app_activity } MOUSE_BUTTONS = { Ray::Event::BUTTON_LEFT => :left, Ray::Event::BUTTON_MIDDLE => :middle, Ray::Event::BUTTON_RIGHT => :right, Ray::Event::BUTTON_WHEELUP => :wheel_up, Ray::Event::BUTTON_WHEELDOWN => :wheel_down } class << self # @return [Array] The arguments you should pass to raise_event. def translate_event(ev) case ev.type when Ray::Event::TYPE_NOEVENT then [] when Ray::Event::TYPE_QUIT then quit(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_ACTIVEEVENT then active_event(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_MOUSEMOTION then mouse_motion(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN then mouse_press(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_MOUSEBUTTONUP then mouse_release(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_KEYDOWN then key_press(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_KEYUP then key_release(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_VIDEORESIZE then resize(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_JOYAXISMOTION then joy_motion(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_JOYBUTTONDOWN then joy_press(ev) when Ray::Event::TYPE_JOYBUTTONUP then joy_release(ev) else [] end end def quit(ev) [[:quit]] end def active_event(ev) [[ev.is_gain? ? :focus_gain : :focus_loss, FOCUS_TYPES[ev.focus_state]]] end def mouse_motion(ev) [[:mouse_motion,, ev.mouse_y)]] end def mouse_press(ev) [[:mouse_press, MOUSE_BUTTONS[ev.mouse_button],, ev.mouse_y)]] end def mouse_release(ev) [[:mouse_release, MOUSE_BUTTONS[ev.mouse_button],, ev.mouse_y)]] end def key_press(ev) [[:key_press, ev.key, ev.mod_keys]] end def key_release(ev) [[:key_release, ev.key, ev.mod_keys]] end def resize(ev) [[:window_resize,, 0, ev.window_w, ev.window_h)]] end def joy_motion(ev) [[:joy_motion, ev.joystick_id, ev.axis_id, ev.axis_value]] end def joy_press(ev) [[:joy_press, ev.joystick_id, ev.joystick_button]] end def joy_release(ev) [[:joy_release, ev.joystick_id, ev.joystick_button]] end end end end end